
Naruto: I Can Only Draw S-rank Rewards

Traveling through the world of Naruto, he is just a four-year-old boy who has no talent, no family, no blood, and no tailed beast. Unexpectedly, after completing the Jain test, the system suddenly awakened. Since then, he has drawn the glittering fruit, the shaking fruit, the dragon-killing magic crystal of fire, the magic eye of death, Geass, the blood of the ancestor giant, the eye of reincarnation, the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye… Also, Demon Sword Muramasa, Death Note, Longinus Spear, Godzilla, Zanpakutō*Kyoka Suizuki, Zanpakutō*River Blade, Natural Teeth…

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 7

Anbu: "I haven't received any news yet."

Sarutobi Hiizhan put down the bong in his hand and exhaled: "Notify the elders and Orochimaru to gather for a meeting!"


Hokage Building Conference Room.

Sarutobi Hizan picked up the bong and took a breath, then said, "According to our information, both Sandy and Iwayakura have begun to gather troops at the border. What do you think?"

Turning to bed, Xiaochun snorted coldly: "Sandyin Village and Yanyin Village gather troops, there is no doubt that the purpose is to start a war."

"Hmph, isn't it war? We Konoha are not afraid of any village," Danzo said firmly.

After listening to Danzo's words, Sarutobi Hizan didn't say much, but asked sideways, "Orochimaru, what do you think?"

Orochimaru replied: "Teacher, I think what Elder Danzang said makes sense, but it's still too simple to read."

"Although only Shayin Village and Yanyin Village are active now, once a war begins, Yunyin and Wuyin will definitely take advantage of the situation. We Konoha have no problem with one-on-two, but one-on-four is impossible."

Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded, "Then what do you think our Konoha should do?"

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth, "First, send troops to the border to show our Konoha attitude. Second, contact Yunyin and Wuyin to see if an alliance can be formed. If the alliance is successful, Sandyin and Iwayin will be like The turtle in the urn is nothing to worry about."

Sarutobi Hizuchi: "Very good, just do as you said."

"Orochimaru, you lead the team to the country of grass, and Yanyin will leave it to you."

"Let Sakumo lead Sandyin's side."

"As for Kirigakushi and Yunyin's side? Hmm..." Sarutobi Hiizan was a little unsure for a while.

Danzo: "Misty and Yunyin will leave it to Uchiha. Since they are in Konoha, they should dedicate their strength to the village."

Sarutobi Hizuchi: "But most of the Uchiha family are good at fire escape, and they will be restrained by the fog."

Danzo: "Hey, Rizao, don't forget the teacher's teachings."

Sarutobi Hizan thought for a while: "Yes, then Uchiha."

"However, let the Hyuga clan go after the Hidden Mist. Their white eyes can see through the Hidden Mist technique, which is just right."

Then he continued: "Xiaochun, Men Yan, the logistics can be left to the two of you."

"No problem, we won't hold back Konoha!" Xiaochun and Mitomen Yan responded in response.


After the meeting was over, the three generations of Sarutobi Hiizan immediately summoned the head of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku.

After a long discussion, the third generation finally persuaded the Uchiha family to go to the Kirigakura border to station.

Uchiha Fuyue left the Hokage Building, returned to the Uchiha clan, and immediately called a family meeting.


Uchiha Clan, Nanga Shrine.

"The third generation hopes that our Uchiha clan can go to the border of the country of water to garrison. If Kirigakushi starts a war, our Uchiha will be the vanguard, and then the third generation will send troops to support. What do you think about this matter?"

Uchiha Fuyue got straight to the point and directly stated the requirements of the third generation.

"Hmph, since the death of the mirror, the three generations have long stopped treating us Uchiha as a part of the village, I disagree!"

The old man who spoke was full of anger. It was one of the elders of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Beacon.

The Uchiha mirror mentioned in his words is the elite Junin of the Uchiha clan. When he was young, he served as a member of the second-generation Hokage elite guards. Sleeping Xiaochun and Qiu Dao Qufeng are teammates.

Mirror has a strong will to fire, dedicated his life to Konoha, and is one of the few Uchiha clansmen who can gain the trust of the second-generation Hokage.

However, in the eyes of the Uchiha clan, if Mirror does not die, it is very likely that he will become a member of Konoha's elders.

At that time, their Uchiha's prestige in Konoha will be even higher.

It's a pity that Jing, who was highly hoped by the clan, died in an ordinary intelligence mission!

When the mirror was killed, the Uchiha family was shaken for several days.

reason? It's simple!

The recovered corpse of Uchiha mirror is missing a pair of eyes!

Three hook jade writing wheel eye!

Even Shimura Danzo, who participated in the mission with Kagami, lost an eye!

I believe everyone knows what the importance of Sharinyan means to Uchiha.

The coincidence of this has to be taken seriously by the Uchiha clan.

To this end, Uchiha also forcibly formed an investigation team to investigate the secret of Uchiha's death.

It is a pity that the investigation team was disbanded by the three generations of Hokage and Shimura Danzo as soon as the investigation began.

"Yes, this is definitely a conspiracy of the senior Konoha, please think twice!"

Uchiha Sky Silkworm is also one of the elders of Uchiha.

"That's right..." "Yeah..."

Other tribesmen also expressed their opposition.

"Don't worry, as a condition for participating in the war, we Uchiha can participate in the Fourth Hokage campaign."

"And after the war, we Uchiha will have two places to enter Anbu."

After Uchiha Fuyue finished speaking, the clansmen became quiet.

Uchiha Fenghuo: "Lord Patriarch, do you think the words of the third generation are credible?"

Uchiha Fuyue is full of confidence: "Three generations will definitely not lose faith in such trivial matters as the two Anbu places. As for the fourth-generation Hokage election... If our Uchiha wins great military exploits on the battlefield, even if the three generations are obstructed, The huge prestige and prestige are enough to push us up!"

"This is one of our few opportunities, I think it's worth a try, I believe in our Uchiha clan!"

Uchiha Fenghuo heard the words, pondered for a while, and then replied:

"Okay! Now that you are the patriarch, then we will listen to you, Lord Fuyue, everything is for Uchiha!"

"For Uchiha!" The clansmen were enthusiastic.

"Okay! Then I announce that the Uchiha family army was established today! Everyone go back and get ready and set off today!"

Uchiha Fuyue is in high spirits.

"Yes!" The tribesmen responded in succession


At the same time, Lai Luo finally ushered in their new task.

Chapter 11 New Missions, Expose

The Laidlaw trio are training at the fourth training ground as usual.

As the war draws near and the people in the village are mobilized, a tense atmosphere has spread.

In the past year and a half, the three of Laidlaw have steadily improved.

With Lai Luo's further development of Glitter Fruit, he has not only become comfortable with Glitter Fruit's original abilities, but also developed many new abilities.

"Light Escape. Light Therapy" I saw that the wound on the leg of the rabbit in Laylo's hand quickly healed with a burst of soft light.

After the rabbit's wounds were all healed, Laidlaw put it down.

"Wow, Lai Luo, your technique is finally completed!" Hong cheered happily.

That's right, this technique is one of the abilities of Lai Luo's newly developed Glitter Fruit. Its principle is similar to the Palm Immortal Technique, by activating cells in the body to achieve a healing effect.

However, the recovery ability of Palm Immortal Art consumes the patient's original vitality, and Lai Luo's light contains a strong vitality.

In addition to this healing ability, he also developed several powerful lethal tricks by relying on the glittering fruit, just waiting for someone to test it!

Among the three of Lei Luo, Xiyan majored in swordsmanship, and Hong majored in illusion. What the team lacked was medical ability, and the skills Lei Luo developed now just made up for the team's shortcomings.

In the past year and a half, not only did Lai Luo make progress, but Hong also learned a lot of illusion techniques from his father, and even mastered a "Illusion Technique. When people see the most fearful scene in their hearts, they lose the ability to resist and are slaughtered by others.

Xiyan's "Konoha-ryu swordsmanship" has also progressed rapidly, and now the "Konoha-ryu swordsmanship. Dance of the Three Suns and Moons" can be easily used.

Moreover, with the improvement of the strength of the three and the continuous completion of the tasks, now all three of Lai Luo have been promoted to Chunin, and during the year and a half of getting along, Xiyan has also become Lai Luo's girlfriend. , the mission progress of the campus overlord mission 2 that was triggered at that time reached 2/3.

Although Lai Luo also wanted to complete the mission and get the god-level lottery points, Lai Luo was not a stallion, and things like feelings could only be left to nature.

However, the task of promoting Chunin in wartime is very simple, as long as you master three C-rank ninjutsu, you can be promoted to Chunin.

It is conceivable that the conflict between the land of fire, the land of wind, and the land of soil has become more and more serious.

Just when Hong and Xiyan cheered for the successful development of Laiduo's new technique.

Orochimaru suddenly came to the fourth training ground.

"Hey, I'm sorry, my dear subordinates."

Orochimaru said sorry, but his expression was still cold.

"In the next period of time, I have some things. You are all Chunin now, and you can do the task without the Shangnin leading the team. Then during my absence, Lai Luo will lead the team as the captain. The team has completed the task, as for the task, I have already taken it for you."

"Hey, I hope you'll all be alive when we meet next time."

After saying that, he handed the quest scroll to Lai Luo, and then disappeared in an instant.


After Orochimaru left, Lai Luo immediately opened the quest scroll to check the content of the quest.

"B-level mission: Investigate the caravan."

The task that the fourth squad will perform is to track and scout a suspected caravan.

The whereabouts of this caravan was a little strange, so Konoha was eyeing it.

The situation is turbulent now, and it is possible for all to go to war at any time, so we cannot let go of any suspicious places.

But just staring at it, it is impossible to send someone directly to attack, you must first conduct an investigation to confirm his identity.

Otherwise, as long as it is suspected, it will be directly eliminated, and the country of fire will be in chaos.

The fourth squad does not need to fight, but only needs to track and investigate. Once a problem with the caravan is found, it will immediately send back information and report it to the village.

But if the caravan was really sent by the enemy village and there were ninjas hidden, then the fourth squad might be attacked at any time.

Because of this, this mission is rather special. It is only a B-level mission to investigate the caravan.

After learning about the situation of the mission, Lai Luo asked Hong and Xiyan to go back to prepare, and then set off at the entrance of the village.


Out of Konoha.

The fourth shift went all the way.

A few days later, the three of Lai Luo appeared in a small town far away from Konoha.

The caravan, the last information showed, stayed in this small town.

When the fourth shift arrived, it just so happened that the caravan was about to set off.

The three of Lai Luo naturally followed quietly, and secretly observed the situation of the caravan.

This caravan seems to have no flaws, dozens of people, no one shows any strangeness, it seems that they are ordinary people.

But after following him all the way, and after moving forward for a while, Laidlaw gradually discovered something was wrong.

"There's something wrong with this caravan."

Lai Luo spoke softly, but his tone was very firm.

"Did you find anything?"

Hong looked at Laylo with a little doubt, not understanding why Laylo was so sure.

"Have you noticed, this caravan seems to be all ordinary people."

Lai Luo's eyes flickered, looking at the caravan in front, and said softly.

"What is there to doubt about that?"

Red is still unknown, so it seems that they are ordinary people, so there should be no problem.