
Naruto: I Can Only Draw S-rank Rewards

Traveling through the world of Naruto, he is just a four-year-old boy who has no talent, no family, no blood, and no tailed beast. Unexpectedly, after completing the Jain test, the system suddenly awakened. Since then, he has drawn the glittering fruit, the shaking fruit, the dragon-killing magic crystal of fire, the magic eye of death, Geass, the blood of the ancestor giant, the eye of reincarnation, the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye… Also, Demon Sword Muramasa, Death Note, Longinus Spear, Godzilla, Zanpakutō*Kyoka Suizuki, Zanpakutō*River Blade, Natural Teeth…

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 5

The power of this knife is only stronger than that of Naruto World's Ice Escape Blood Restriction!

Thinking of this, Lai Luo couldn't help itching his hands. He wanted to try the power of Bing Lun Pill. He suddenly thought that Konoha had a No. 44 training ground, known as the Forest of Death. There were many beasts in it, and there were usually few people. It was usually used as a chunin exam. examination room.

"It's sparsely populated and there are many beasts, isn't this just right?"

Laylo immediately set off for the forest of death.


death forest

Laylo, who was wandering around in the forest, finally stopped. He looked at the creature in front of him and felt that he had found a suitable target for the test - a black bear. This black bear has dark fur and is full of momentum. It feels like it can already be called It's a ninja.

"Oh, poor black bear, you are unlucky, you met me Lai Luo today!"

"Sit upright in the frosty sky! Binglunwan!" Lei Luo was afraid that others would find out what was going on here, so he decided to make a quick solution, and immediately started to solve it when he came up.

"Icicles of Birds" Lei Luo waved his knife forward with an ice wheel pill in his hand, sending out a series of ice bullets, hitting the black bear in front of him.

"Roar!" The black bear was instantly enraged, slapped the ground with four palms, rushed towards him, opened his mouth wide, and saliva flew out, and Lai Luo could even see the tongue shaking inside.

"Ice Dragon Spinning Tail", "Vacuum Ice Blade" Lei Luo slashed twice in a row, and the icy blade flew out, directly splitting the black bear in front of him and freezing it into ice cubes. It dissipated after cutting down a few trees.

"I didn't expect Bing Lun Wan's ability to be so strong. Fortunately, there is no one else here."

"Since I have already revealed the boundaries of Guangdun's bloodstains, then let Binglunwan be my back-hand. Usually, I can only use Binglunwan as an ordinary knife."

"If in the village, the old pervert of the third generation used the telescope technique to peep, and the scalp would feel numb just thinking about it, no wonder Tsunade wanted to run away from the village..."

"Oops, with such a big commotion, someone in the village will definitely come to investigate later, you have to leave quickly!"

Thinking of this, Lai Luo quickly left.


Figures flickered, and several people wearing masks and black robes jumped over and looked at the remaining ice cubes, bloodstains on the ground, and the ice **** where the trees were cut down.

"Ice Escape Ninjutsu?"

"It is possible that the Wuyin Shuiwuyue clan and others are fighting here!"

"What will the Kirigu Ninja do here, you must report to the three generations of Naruto immediately!"


Several Anbu ninjas left immediately and ran towards the Naruto building.


Naruto Building

After listening to the descriptions of several Anbu ninjas, the three generations of Naruto frowned slightly.

"Fuyin actually sent such characters to sneak into Konoha to investigate the situation. Although we don't know who he fought and exposed, we can't take it lightly. No one knows how many people Wuyin Village sent."

"The village of Wuyin sent people to investigate the information. It seems that they are ready for war."

"Lord Hokage, should I..."

Speaking of this, Anbu Ninja suddenly snorted and turned his eyes behind him.


The door of Hokage's office was pushed open directly, and an old man with a cane and a bandage walked in.

"Rizhan, leave this matter to our roots. Our Konoha Village can't be underestimated. I will find all the bed bugs hidden in the village!"

The only person who can enter the Hokage office without saying hello in advance is the old man in front of him.

One of the top executives of Konoha, the leader of Konoha's roots, and the third-generation good friend Shimura Danzo!

"Tanzo, you came on time~"

The three generations of Sarutobi Hiizhan said indifferently.

"Rizhan, you are Hokage, the tree of Konoha, and I am the root buried deep under Konoha."

Danzo also doesn't make extra courtesies,

"We are absolutely obliged to do this!"

"Okay! I'll leave this to you Danzo, but!!"

"Don't go too far! We Konoha must not be the party that starts the war!"

"Hmph, you are too weak, Hizan, we Konoha are not afraid of any village, don't worry, everything I do is for Konoha!"

After Danzo finished speaking, he pushed open the door and walked out.

"Go down too, strengthen the vigilance in the village!"


The third generation lit another cigarette, and the smoke seemed a bit illusory.


The entrance of the fourth training ground

After Lei Luo tried the knife and returned home, he remembered that the team members had made an appointment to have a dinner together at night, and hurried over when he saw the time.

Yuri Hong looked at Lei Luo who was coming, and pouted: "Lei Luo-kun, why did you come here? You're almost late!"

Lai Luo: "Isn't it late?"

Yuri Hong: "How can you make a girl wait for you, Xiyan and I have been waiting here for a long time."

Lai Luo: "Okay, it's all my fault!"

Maoyue Xiyan pulled her red, "Red, we agreed to meet at 6 o'clock at the time, but the two of us came a little early, and Lei Luo-kun is not late, so don't blame him anymore."

Yuri Hong: "Hmph, it's his fault that he's late, but since you said that, Xiyan, then I'll spare him."

Lai Luo: "Okay, okay, as an apology, let me have this dinner tonight, what do you two want to eat?"

Yuri Hong: "It's almost the same, hee hee"

After discussing a few words, the three decided to eat barbecue.

To eat barbecue, you must eat the barbecue of the Qiu Dao family. Thinking about the general physique of the people in the Qiu Tao family, you must be able to maintain that strong figure without the help of the food. The Qiu Tao family barbecue is also called a tripod in the Konoha cuisine famous.

Lai Luo was in a good mood tonight, of course it was cool to have two little beauties by her side, as the saying goes.

Looking at Hong and Xiyan's shy little face, Lai Luo almost touched it.

In addition, I took out the S-rank weapon, Hing Lun Wan, today, and my appetite was even more opened.

Soon, in Hong's reluctance, the three separated.

If it weren't for Yuhihi Kane being the eldest lady of the family, I would really like to go to Lai Luo's house to fall asleep at night.

At night, Lai Luo lay on the bed, "Tomorrow will start the first mission as a ninja, I don't know what mission it will be?"

"Orochimaru is a Jōnin, such a proud person should not lead the team to take on the tasks of catching cats and walking dogs."

"Forget it, it's useless to think so much! Sleep!"

Chapter 8 C-level mission, exterminate the bandits

Early in the morning, the fourth training ground.

The fourth group has all assembled, waiting for the guidance of Shangin Orochimaru to release the task.

Hong Yuhi said excitedly: "Lei Luo-kun, I don't know what tasks we will receive today."

Maoyue Xiyan stood aside with her sword in her arms: "I heard that many seniors who graduated before, the first tasks they took were simple tasks of catching cats, walking dogs and carrying water."

Hong Yuhi pouted: "What! This kind of thing can be done without a ninja at all!"

Lai Luo said helplessly: "Okay, Hong, don't worry, after all, our teacher is Lord Orochimaru and won't accept those simple tasks."

"Lei Luo-kun is right, you are my subordinates of Orochimaru!"

I don't know when, Orochimaru has appeared in front of them.

"Very well, no one is late, remember, as a ninja, the concept of time is the most important thing!"

"I have already accepted the first task for you, the C-level task, to exterminate the bandits"

"C-level mission?"

"Yes, your mission is to suppress the bandits on the Moxigan Mountain near Moxixi Village, a border village between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Tian."

"The bandits here have been entrenched on the Moxigan Mountain for a long time, often looting nearby villages and passing caravans."

"Moxixi Village came to our Konoha to issue a mission, asking to exterminate the bandits here."

"Unless necessary for this mission, I will not take action. If I take action, the mission will fail!"

"This time, Lai Luo, as the leader of the team, will give you 30 minutes to prepare. After 30 minutes, we will gather at the entrance of the village!"

Orochimaru left in an instant.


There are always a lot of bandits in the world of Hokage, which can be said to be countless. They use natural dangers such as mountains and rivers as barriers, and they plunder and kill every time after a while. The people in the village are regarded as domestic animals, and the gang of gangsters on Moxigan Mountain is one of them.

This mission also means that Lai Luo will have the first real battle after crossing into the Naruto world.

After gathering at the entrance of the village, Orochimaru led Lei Luo and the three of them out of the village and galloped all the way towards Moxigan Mountain.

When we arrived at Moxigan Mountain, it was already evening.

"The mission this time is to exterminate all the people in the cottage. Lai Luo, you can act now. This is a signal gun. After two hours, gather here. If you release the signal gun in the cottage in advance, it will be regarded as this time. mission failed"

"Action!" After speaking, Orochimaru disappeared, not knowing where to hide in the forest.

The night was pitch black as a cloud of ink, without a trace of moonlight. Sometimes a gust of cold wind blows, and the branches make a noise like a night owl.

The system prompt suddenly sounded in Laiduo's mind.

"Ding Dong...Congratulations to the host for triggering the mission, the first drop of blood."

"First drop of blood: As a ninja, fighting to kill is essential. Please exterminate all the bandits.",

"Task reward: God-level lottery point *1"

After Orochimaru left, the three of Lai Luo got together.

Lai Luo temporarily spoke as the captain and said: "According to the information, there are about 40 active bandits in this cottage, all adult men, and a small number of poor women who were kidnapped up the mountain by them. There are only three of us, only Outwit, incompetent."

"There is a post in front of the cottage, and there are 3 people at the post. We need to kill them first, and then use the transformation technique to transform into their appearance and sneak into the cottage to assassinate."

"If the shanzhai is in turmoil, indicating that the assassination is exposed, then gather at the post to prevent the thieves from escaping down the mountain."

"Are there any doubts? Start without doubts!"

Hong Yuhi seemed to be unbearable, and asked Lai Luo, "Will all the old people, women and children in the cottage also be killed?"

Lai Luo sighed and replied: "Of course not, as ninjas, our mission is the first, and those bandits will definitely be exterminated."

"As for the women who were kidnapped up the mountain by them, they can save them if they can."

Kurenai Yuhi pursed her lips and said nothing more.

Lai Luo: "Any questions now?!"

Yuri Hong and Uzuki Yuyan: "No doubt!"

Laidlaw: "Okay, let's get started!"

Lai Luo silently came to the back of a sentry, and covered the mouth of the bandit with one hand, and the Kunai in the other hand slid across the bandit's neck in an instant.

Lai Luo looked at the other two sentries, and Yuri Hong and Uzuki Xiyan had also successfully killed them. The three looked at each other and used the transformation technique based on the appearance of the sentry in front of them.

It's really easy for ninjas to deal with these ordinary people.

All he is worried about is the psychological state of Yuri Hong and Uzuki Yuyan.

The three dispersed, sneaked into the cottage, and the assassination began.

"Hoho~~" Blood gushed out, and the bandit's eyes widened, but he was unable to struggle.

"8.9.10..." At this moment, life has become a cold number.

Looking at the fallen bandit in front of him, the ice wheel pill in Lei Luo's hand did not stop, entered another room, and continued to complete the task.