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Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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Yang Hui is really impressed with Sage of Six Paths!

the situation changes,

change face in seconds,

And it is perfectly adapted to various roles,

Whether it is the ancestor of the ninja aloof,

or as a humble servant,

Can be easily controlled!

When flattering,

Can you get a kick out of it?

Is this the legendary old monster?

This shameless degree,

It's enough to compare it to a deer!

[ Uchiha Madara: (Applause.jpg)!

In changing face,

I would like to call Sage of Six Paths the strongest!]

[Hero Garp: Too ugly!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

Senju Hashirama was suddenly transformed Sage of Six Paths,

Say it in a daze!

But he couldn't find any reason to refute it!

Yang Hui, the master of the ninja world,

As if Sage of Six Paths really should,

It's right to pay homage!

Is it really his fault?

Why do you always feel weird?

Right at Sage of Six Paths,

when I say something,

A pair of big hands appeared,

Hold tight to his soul body!

no one else,

It is Shinigami who is under the command of Yang Hui!

And is rushing him into his mouth,

Shinigami clearly wanted to eat him!


Mr. Yang Hui,

What are you doing!?"

Sage of Six Paths sensed the threat of death,


exclaimed in horror!

Even at this time,

Sage of Six Paths is still giving in!

I want Yang Hui to let him go,

After all, now he

No resistance at all!

Before Sage of Six Paths goes on,

Shinigami already ate him!

Sage of Six Paths is like that,

I didn't even have time to say my last words,

There is no time to let the harsh words go!

disappeared forever,

Shinigami's belly!

[ Senju Hashirama: Is this the end?

I haven't responded yet!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Yang Hui: Just let him delay time,

just to make him,

Give all your power to Shinigami!

Now he has completed his mission,

I don't want to hear him nagging anymore!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

Yang Hui originally wanted Sage of Six Paths,

Experience the taste of the eighteen layers of hell,

But I feel that the first show of my pupil technique,

It was actually used in the hands of people like Six Paths,

It's really too cheap,

You just get your eyes dirty!

Simply let Shinigami eat him!

[ Uchiha Madara: Unexpectedly,

The dignified Sage of Six Paths,


So greedy for life and fear of death! ]

[ Yang Hui: Isn't this normal?

The older you get, the more afraid of death!

I just learned from Shinigami,

The soul in the pure land of the underworld will continue to dissipate,

the stronger the strength,

The longer you can survive!

Sage of Six Paths has a contract with Shinigami,

sure know,

own the power of Six Paths,

keep the soul,

live forever in the underworld,

can also observe the ninja world,

So he is not afraid of earthly death at all!

But in the face of the soul will disappear,

When you are going to die completely,

He can't stay calm!

Even as strong as Sage of Six Paths,

also fear death,

That's why,

To pursue power and pursue eternal life!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

Everyone listens,

They all nodded unconsciously!

after death,

Everything is empty!

[ Senju Tobirama: @ Yang Hui,

Is there really such a thing as the will of the world?

I suddenly felt,

What Sage of Six Paths said,

Makes sense!

have the will of the underworld,

Then there should be the will of the world!

if not,

Naruto, the child of destiny,

How to explain it?

Is it not the will of the world,

Are you helping them everywhere?



Yang Hui would like to say,

Senju Tobirama asked a good question,

The ninja world includes pirates,

Not the high world!

world will,

In Yang Hui's memory,

There is another cow 13 coaxing name - Tiandao!

Can this place in the ninja world nurture the way of heaven?


Absolutely impossible!

[ Yang Hui: How is it possible to have the will of the world?

The will of the world is a very high thing,

The ninja world includes the world of pirates,

There is no such thing!

(stand hand.jpg)!

As for Naruto, Luffy and the others,

that's because of them,

in their own worlds,

All play an important role!

Uchiha Madara is right,

Everyone's portion is different!

They are the kind of heavyweight and lucky!

So we can turn bad luck into good luck!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[Buddha's Sengoku: That means,

Is our world inferior?


[ Yang Hui: Although it hurts to say that,

But it's true!

Ninja world and pirate world are nothing,

High class world!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[Orochimaru: Is there a level of hierarchy in the world?


Suddenly I feel like studying the world,

It's an interesting subject!


[ Senju Tobirama: The world called Dragon Ball,

It should be considered a relatively high-level world!

That petite monster,

It is possible to survive in space!

And can destroy the planet at will!

There is such a terrible world,

It must not be easy!


[Hero Garp: Horrible!]

Petite monster?

Are you talking about "The King"?


I don't know how Frieza feels when she finds out,

Would you like to use Dragon Ball,

Make yourself ten centimeters taller!

He is very dissatisfied with his height!


Take back your thoughts!

[ Yang Hui: Of course,

Dragon Ball is a super high world!

There are twelve universes in total!

The monster you just mentioned,

The name is Frieza!

Frieza in the era of the destruction of Planet Vegeta,

in his universe,

Not in the top five!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

be honest,

The king in the early stage was still pretty good,

After becoming Golden Frieza,

Still have a look!

But it only took a few months,

to become golden Frieza,

still so strong,

It's too buggy!

Frozen Demon Clan,

It is the real fighting nation!

[ Senju Tobirama: Frieza is not even in the top five?

The world of Dragon Ball is scary!

What is the will of the world?]

[ Yang Hui: In the world of Dragon Ball,

This is the man who rules all the universes!

(Full King.jpg)!

The birth and death of the universe are all in his mind!

In other words,

He is the world will of the Dragon Ball world!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]