
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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During the Dragon Ball power conference,

When all ten warriors of a certain universe fail,

King Quan clenched two small fists,

corresponding universe,

with all the life within,

all disappeared,

what's left in place,

There is only a void!

only the memory of the beholder,

Prove they existed!

When I saw this scene,

Really shocked Yang Hui!

Beneath the cute appearance,

A terrifying power lurks!

[Sengoku of Buddha: A little ~ child?

Can manage all twelve universes?

Say you just now,

What is the universe mentioned?

seems very amazing!


It's your turn to explain!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

Exclusive puzzle solver Aokiji is online!

[Aokiji: The universe is,


[Sengoku of the Buddha: the socket,

Such a cute little boy,

Dominate such a big place?

How about twelve in total?


[ Yang Hui: His name is King Quan!

Don't look at him so cute,

The strength is very powerful! ]

[ Senju Tobirama: Maybe this one,

On the surface,

Very cute king!

is actually a super wise man,

brain speed,

the efficiency of processing information,

Exceed us by thousands or more times!


Yang Hui saw Senju Tobirama's words,

Just know Senju Tobirama,

must be the whole egg,

The brain has become a wise and wise leader!

[ Yang Hui: @ Senju Tobirama,

Can you stop thinking about it!

King Quan is just like what you see,

Silly, silly!

not a wise man at all,

He hardly manages the universe either!

(Pick nose.jpg)!

And people rule the world by their strength!

Don't make a mistake!]

[Senju Tobirama:...]

[ Uchiha Izuna: Hahaha!

Spicy Chicken Tobirama,

Thinking about it again!


[ Senju Tobirama: Get out!


[Hero Garp: Socket!

Although powerful,

But this full king is so cute!

Much better than that stinky boy Luffy!

If only he were my grandson!

I hold him every day without letting go!

(Looking forward.jpg)!]

[ Tsunade: This full king is really cute,

I want to take care of him!


[ Yang Hui: How dare you think about it!

I advise you to give up your heart!

I forgot to tell you something before!

Previous Dragon Ball World,

There are eighteen universes in total,

He easily killed 6 of them!

That's why there are now only 12 universes!

Maybe because of those 6 universes,

Make him unhappy!

(stand hand.jpg)!

and his game,

is to play the planet like marbles,

Destroy at will!

So don't,

Bewitched by his appearance!

His mind is like a child,

In fact, sometimes children

It's also very "brutal"!

because they are missing,

Awe for life!


Yang Hui's words shocked everyone in the group,

The ruler of the Dragon Ball world,

Although the strength is so pervert,

But the mind is still just a child?

This is not to let the world,

Are you in danger at any time?

[ Uchiha Madara: Otherworld is beyond imagination!

However, in its essence,

Or the power to rule everything!

On the surface is the king of all,

is actually his power,

Scare everyone else!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[Aokiji: Let a child run the world,

That Dragon Ball world has not been destroyed,

What a miracle!


[ Yang Hui:@ Hero Garp,

If one day,

He really came to your world,

It is estimated that the pirate world,

Most likely it's over!

It will be turned into nothingness by him!

After all, your world is not a human thing,

Quite a lot!

human trafficking, arms trade,

And evil science experiments!

Pirates everywhere,

Raging Celestial Dragons and more!

These could easily piss him off!

(stand hand.jpg)!


Do you still want to hold him and not let go?


[Sengoku of Buddha:emmmm!

to hear you say this,

Our world seems to be a mess!


[Hero Garp: Forget it!


And I suddenly felt,

Drago did the right thing!

It's time for the world to change!

What if you kind of want to join his rebel army?

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

After Yang Hui finished processing Sage of Six Paths,

I didn't spend much time in the pure land of the underworld,

Straight back to the ninja world!

Most things in the ninja world now,

It's all done!


As long as the initial establishment of his empire is done!

Although he intends to be a hands-off shopkeeper,

But you can't let go completely.

Let the people of this world,


Who is the real master of this world!

Otherwise, I can't make it myself,

Work for those families?

Actually Yang Hui wants to try it too,

rule the whole world,

What an experience!

Yang Hui teleported to Hyuga's residence,

I haven't waited for Hanabi to offer myself a cup of tea,

Immediately there was a servant,

trot to his side,

Report the progress of the coalition to him!

Apparently he's been waiting for him for a long time!

Yang Hui looked at the information,

nothing special,

The coalition has taken control of all the small countries,

.....for flowers·

Ask for next steps!

"You tell them,

to stabilize the situation everywhere,

Then stand in place for two days!

The day after tomorrow I will convene a meeting of the Presbyterian members,

Specific instructions will be issued in due course!"

As for why the day after tomorrow,

just held a meeting,

Of course because,

The system will be updated tomorrow!

He didn't want to destroy,

Interested in researching the system yourself!

After this system upgrade,

There must be a big change,

At least,

Let yourself be able to reach the Otherworld too!

Anyway, the system has never let him down!

"Yang Hui-kun, have some tea!"

Hyuga Hanabi with two cups of tea,

Another plate of dim sum arrived in front of Yang Hui!

Although Yang Hui also added a time buff to the spark,


It's only been an hour or two now,

Can't see any difference from before!

[ Uzumaki Naruto: @ Yang Hui,

when are we,

to go to Otherworld!

Haven't you already Mastered the Hokage world?

Sage of Six Paths has been tricked by you too!


[ Jiraiya: Yes!

I still want to go to Otherworld as soon as possible!


[ Yang Hui: Let's talk about it after my meeting the day after tomorrow!

At any rate, I also want to deal with the empire I built,

Guide it in the direction it's headed!

And I haven't enjoyed it yet,

What does it feel like to be the king of the world?

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Golden Lion: I haven't enjoyed it either!

I didn't expect my ideal,

Master Yang Hui has to experience it first!


[ Roger: Believe me,

rule or something,

The most boring!

Even the pirate group that dominates the world,

It didn't give me any sense of achievement either!


[Sengoku of Buddha: Yes!

Manage the world's strongest Naval Headquarters,

It's been annoying me so much!

I want to retire and go home to retire! ]

[Ace Des: Me too,

Power is not good at all!

The hard work of managing an army of several hundred thousand,

It's probably just me,

Only then can you understand!]

[ Tsunade: Who said no!

I just manage a ninja village,

subordinates and residents,

Just a few tens of thousands of people,

already very tired!

I don't like power at all!]

Yang Hui looked at,

it feels wrong,

On the surface, it is to persuade oneself,

Power is no good,

Want to go to Otherworld early!

But in fact,

What is the best in the world, the strongest in the world,

The power to manage hundreds of thousands of people is not good, and the mere tens of thousands of people,

all came out,

Sure enough, Versailles is their true nature!

And the Golden Lion far away in the world of pirates,

Watching the crowd at Versailles Power,

The envied Kiel is going to turn purple!
