
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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[ Senju Tobirama: nonsense,

Yang Hui is now Master Hokage World!

The underworld is also a part of this world,

Of course, it is also in charge of Yang Hui!

The subordinate was summoned by the enemy,

Hit your own master!

After understanding the situation,

Kneeling down on the spot, of course,

Please forgive me!

I guess that Shinigami,

On the field now,

The one who wants to kill Sage of Six Paths the most!


[ Uzumaki Naruto: So it is!

But you see,

that Sage of Six Paths,

I don't seem to understand the seriousness of the matter!


[Hero Garp: The man on the verge of collapse,

It's all like that!

I have arrested a lot of pirates,

their expressions,

Basically the same as the current Six Paths old man!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]


Absolutely impossible!

Sage of Six Paths sees Shinigami kneeling,

The mood exploded on the spot!

'Uchiha Yang Hui opposite him,

Who the hell is that!

He even made Shinigami bow his head to him!

Even his Six Paths level character,

There's nothing you can do with Shinigami!

Every time I ask Shinigami for help,

You also need to offer your own Chakra as a price!

Even worse,

I put almost all my energy,

All for you Shinigami,

So when you kneel,

What can I do?

Unbelieving Sage of Six Paths,

still printing,

Delusions continue to drive Shinigami!

"Old Man Six Paths,

You give up!

It's impossible for Shinigami to listen to you!

With your summoning contract,

No bondage at all!!

No matter how much you urge,

Shinigami can't even move half a finger!

You should be very clear in your heart!"

Uchiha Madara looks at Sage of Six Paths,

Still doing pointless struggles there,

He can't stand it anymore!

Sage of Six Paths scolded mother in my heart,

If this contract,

have any ability to bind,

No wonder Shinigami answers my call!

[Sengoku of Buddha: Look at you,

What did you push this old man into?

while coughing and smearing,


I thought you were bullying the elderly!


[ Uchiha Izuna: This old man,

But an old silver coin!

If Yang Hui wasn't here,

Change to an ordinary Six Paths level powerhouse,

It's really possible to roll over!

This bad old man is very bad!


[ Yang Hui: It's almost over!

Look at him working so hard,

Stop procrastinating!]

"Don't pretend,

I am the master of the ninja world!

I have a showdown~"!

Yang Hui saw Sage of Six Paths,

Doing useless struggles there,

also understand,

This Sage of Six Paths can't squeeze any oil out of it!

You can get online directly!

So Yang Hui directly showed his hole card!

After Sage of Six Paths heard Yang Hui's words,

I wanted to make fun of it,

What the hell is the world master!

Can a man be able to control the whole world no matter how strong he is?

Controlled by what?

shout to the air,

threaten the whole world,

Will you destroy the world if you don't listen to you?


you take the whole world,

mess up,

That's just not fit for human beings,

Can't hurt the world at all!

Just as he was about to open his mouth to laugh,

but remembered before,

All kinds of magical abilities displayed by Yang Hui,

Know everything, integrate everything,

Unreasonable momentary movement,

And making Shinigami kneel right in front of him!

make him believe,

What Yang Hui said is probably true!


He has a guess!

Sage of Six Paths said tremblingly,

"Does this world really have a so-called world will?

And you got it?

Or tame it!?


The pure land of the underworld has its own will,

No reason the whole world doesn't exist!

And even if the entire ninja world,

All Chakra,

all put together,

I can't make a second one,

Nine Tomoe Samsara Sharingan!

So you must have other things to help you!

And you only have to tame the will of the world,

know the past and the future,

make Shinigami submit,

Isn't it easy?"


Yang Hui did not expect that,

He also made up for himself,

A good reason to hear it!

And Sage of Six Paths still looks,

Lao Tzu's extremely intelligent expression,

As if he knew the truth of the world!

But Sage of Six Paths can make up for it here,

It's also great!

He didn't know that he was a transmigrator,

know the plot,

Also own the system!

If Yang Hui didn't know about his situation,

He has to believe it!

[ Yang Hui: emmm!

I found this Sage of Six Paths,

Very ingenious talent!

(Awkward and polite smile.jpg)! ]

[ Aokiji:emmm!

If you don't know you have a chat group,

I will believe his words too!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

Sage of Six Paths outside,

Seeing that Yang Hui did not speak,

I thought he was the default!

And Yang Hui waved his hand,

Shinigami immediately rammed,

Running to Yang Hui,

Obediently bring the power of Six Paths,

There is also a huge Chakra offering!

After absorbing the Chakra delivered by Shinigami,

Yang Hui smacked his lips unfinished!

And on the side Sage of Six Paths,

It is the heart that sees the blood dripping,

This is my own accumulation,

All the property!

However, in the face of being able to control Shinigami,

And it is very likely that Yang Hui of the Master world,

Sage of Six Paths,

It comes naturally!

The situation is stronger than the people!

66 "Old Man Six Paths,

You only have this power?

It must be very disappointing!""

Yang Hui is really disappointed,

This power of Six Paths and Chakra,

Too little improvement for him!

"The strength of the lower,

Far from being comparable to Lord Yang Hui!35

Sage of Six Paths said with a smile!

[ Uchiha Izuna: Good guy,

This is called Mr. Yang Hui?

What was the appearance of the immortal bone just now?

What about the lofty stance?

Seeing that the situation is not good,

Join if you can't beat it?

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Aokiji: Hahahaha!

Join if you can't beat it,

Nice description!

I like!


[Sengoku of Buddha: If you don't know it,

You guys in the group!

I really think the ninja world,

They are all a bunch of greedy people!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

"Sage of Six Paths,

Can you have a face?

Don't be too shameless!

Are you still beating to death just now?

Seeing that the situation is not good,

Just flatter me and let it go (okay, okay)?

I really despise you a bit!""

Senju Hashirama with a serious look,

Speak his most despised words!

Yang Hui was also a little speechless,

But not speechless Sage of Six Paths,

Rather speechless to Senju Hashirama!

It's normal to be greedy for life and fear death,

Not afraid of life and death is the shining point!

But Senju Hashirama,

You are so loyal,

speaking mocking words,

It's really annoying and outrageous!

Just like the Franky personality,

When Luo was swapped into Chopper's body,

The same expressions made!

I didn't see the Six Paths old man being mad at you,

Is there smoke all over the head of the soul?

"Shut up, you child!

Face the master of the ninja world!

I wait for the ninja creatures,

Shouldn't it be immediate surrender?

what i did,

Is there something wrong?

I think you are talking to Lord Yang Hui,

What's the dissatisfaction!

Sage of Six Paths says it righteously!

Senju Hashirama: ???? West?

Yang Hui: Nest? This ability to reverse black and white, the Ninja version of Wei Zhongxian?