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Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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Yang Hui did not panic in the face of this scene,

in the ninja world,

No one can hurt him yet!

[ Uchiha Izuna: Socket!

Sage of Six Paths is the master of face changers!

I dared not speak a second before,

Humble to survive!

Switch to expert mode in the next second,

Open your mouth and shut your mouth for the sake of the world!

Laugh to death man!

(Awkward and polite smile.jpg)! ]

[ Aokiji: Socket!

Your picture here is really a reflection!

I Aokiji would like to call you,

The person who can use emoji the most!


[Uchiha Madara:…]

[Sengoku of Buddha: I finally know now,

What is sanctimonious,


[ Senju Tobirama: I am the ancestor of the ninja,

Shame on such a person!


[ Uchiha Madara: Humph!

Ninjas exist because of ninjutsu!

So the real ancestor,

Probably my ancestor Indra!

I unilaterally declare,

Sage of Six Paths has been delisted!


[ Senju Hashirama: Me too! ]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: +1! ]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: +1! ]

[Buddha's Sengoku: Good Guy,

Six Paths old man would never have thought,

This will happen!


Yang Hui looked at the Shinigami phantom behind Six Paths,

Can't help but nod!

The strength of this Shinigami!

Compared to Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Hiruzen,

The two of them summoned,

But it's way too powerful!

Regardless of body size or coercion,

Nothing compares to what he remembers!

As expected of the Sage of Six Paths,

All the power of Chakra and Six Paths,

The call was successful!

Yang Hui can see at a glance,

Sage of Six Paths at this time,

It's just an empty shell!

Then the power of Six Paths that you want to acquire,

and the huge Chakra,

It's all on that Shinigami!

Sage of Six Paths looked at Yang Hui et al,

Don't be in a hurry!

for a while,

Also a little shy!

After all, Yang Hui's true strength,

Must be taller than him!

Although Shinigami is blessed with a favorable location,

With the help of all my energy,

But can you beat Yang Hui,

Two more words!

"Humph! Old Six Paths,

I declare,

You have been removed from the name of the first ninja!"

Uchiha Madara wasn't intimidated by the Shinigami in front of her!

He also spoke back to Sage of Six Paths!

Because he believes that whenever

Yang Hui is invincible!

Dare to make trouble in front of Yang Hui,

The grass on the grave is more than three meters high!

"You can only use your words here!

After a while Shinigami shot,

You can't stop laughing!"

Sage of Six Paths see Uchiha Madara them,

Facing yourself with full strength,

dare to speak madly,

Furious all of a sudden!

"Humph! Old Six Paths,

you old silver coin,

If you can beat Yang Hui today,

I immediately let my big brother,

Kneel down and call you Dad! 35


Senju Hashirama has a question mark on his face!

I don't even agree with this myself!

"Sage of Six Paths,

Stop it!

I really don't want to spray you anymore!"

Senju Hashirama is embarrassed!

It seems that it takes him a lot of courage to spray people!

It's better he didn't mention it!

After Sage of Six Paths heard Hashirama's words,

Thinking of the humiliation I suffered just now,

Another Chakra squeezed out of the soul!

don't die,

Pour into Shinigami's phantom!

And as time changes,

The Shinigami phantom is also getting more solid!

The whole process,

Yang Hui said nothing,

there is no movement,

Just silently watching Sage of Six Paths perform!

He can't wait for Sage of Six Paths,

Can squeeze some more Chakra!

[ Aokiji:emmmm!

@Senju Hashirama,

What a genius your special brew is!

your words,

Significantly more than Tobirama of the two of them,

Annoy him even more!

Have you ever learned how to be angry?


[ Uchiha Madara: Hash Lama is like this!!

Often unconsciously,

Make it popular!

This may be Tie Hanhan,

The better part!


after all,

Speaking outrageously serious words,

It's not something ordinary people can do!


[Senju Hashirama:…]

Senju Hashirama said he was wronged,

He clearly didn't scold anyone,

but stating facts,

Why make others angry?

not long after,

With Sage of Six Paths,

when it becomes somewhat transparent,

The Shinigami phantom behind him,

It's finally solidified!

Apart from being a little scary,

Basically no different from ordinary people!

In contrast to Sage of Six Paths,

Not only has been gasping for breath,

Even the soul is a little unstable!

like a wind,

It's like taking him away!

It seems that this summoning spell,

Really make Sage of Six Paths,

A great price was paid!

Even this time,

Yang Hui let him go!

Then he didn't know that the year of the monkey and the month of the horse would be restored to its original state!

"Old Man Six Paths,

look at you,

It looks like it's about to dissipate,

I am really worried,

Can you command Shinigami,

kill us!

Don't just summon Shinigami,

Fuck yourself first!

That's hilarious! 95

Senju Tobirama looked at the state of Sage of Six Paths,

said mockingly!

In the face of Senju Tobirama's ridicule,

Sage of Six Paths is not angry,

In his eyes, except for Yang Hui, it is possible to escape!

Everyone else has to die!

There's no need to be acquainted with the dead!

"Ha ha!

You don't know how to restrain yourself when you die!

This is the ruler of the underworld,

It is also the incarnation of the will of the underworld!

to be devoured by it,

It's another kind of luck!

Don't think that Uchiha Yang Hui can save you,

Even if he is stronger than me,

But in the face of the Shinigami that I summoned with all my strength,

Even if he can escape,

also seriously injured,

Can't save you! 35

Sage of Six Paths is back to its original form again!

But when he speaks,

still coughing continuously,

ruined his temperament,

Quite funny!

"The socket?

Facing Yang Hui,

Where did you get your confidence from,

Is it that mysterious lady named Liang again?

"Ha ha!

No need for nonsense!


Let's do it! 55

Sage of Six Paths clearly has no interest,

Keep talking to them!

A seal was made on the spot,

I plan to control the 343 gods to death,

Take everyone's life!


After half a day,

Shinigami literally didn't give the slightest response!

Not even moving a finger!!!

Not to mention attacking Yang Hui and the others!

On the contrary, Yang Hui and several people on the opposite side,

Look at him like a monkey show!

for a while,

The scene is very embarrassing!!

And Sage of Six Paths,

There is a very bad intuition!


Shinigami is broken??

Sage of Six Paths looks back curiously!

do not see do not know,

Shocked to see!

Shinigami who summoned himself,

even reverently,

Saluting in the face of Yang Hui!

What's more, it's a five-body throw-in-the-ground gift!

how can that be!

Obviously it was Shinigami that he summoned,

I love to ignore myself!

So much respect for Uchiha Yang Hui!

this moment!

The worldview of Sage of Six Paths has collapsed!

tiny human,

Is it possible to make the will of the underworld kneel?

[ Senju Tobirama: You see that Sage of Six Paths,

Confused expression?


[ Uchiha Izuna: I have his expression,

Made into a meme!


[ Aokiji: Good guy,

Sage of Six Paths has become a master of emoji "making"!


[ Uzumaki Naruto: I said how did Yang Hui not stop Sage of Six Paths,

How about a ninjutsu that summons Shinigami!

It was his own!

But @ Yang Hui,

you didn't do anything,

Just let Shinigami kneel down?]