
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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Just when Kakashi is ready to face the scolding of the two Sannin!

He actually heard an affirmative reply????

"Okay, Kakashi, we'll go when the distinguished guest you mentioned arrives!

You go to work first!"

After Kakashi heard Jiraiya's answer, he went back with confidence!

"Tsunade, what do you think of the distinguished guest Kakashi said?"

Jiraiya said to Tsunade with a serious look!

"I guess that's why Kakashi has been so weird for so long!

We'll find out when we're there!

Anyway, it's at the gate of Konoha!

We won't lose out either!"

Tsunade replied confidently!

Who dares to attack Hokage at the gate of Konoha?

Isn't that toilet lantern - courting death?

Jiraiya would love to say that I want to abstain from Third Hokage!

When Third Hokage was in Konoha, was it not killed by Uchiha Yang Hui?

But seeing the big pit on the table, Jiraiya wisely shut her mouth!

Inside the Orochimaru base!

Yang Hui just wanted to get up and go to Konoha!

Suddenly I see Hyuga Hanabi who has been peeling apples for himself!

Since Hyuga Hanabi was kidnapped by himself, there was a little resistance at first!

Like a hunger strike or something!

But is Yang Hui the kind of person who gets used to other people?

Ignore her vexatiousness at all!

Let her be hungry!

As Yang Hui expected, the chick soon gave in!

And for the next three years or so,

Depend on yourself gradually!

getting better and better for yourself,

Bring tea and water to yourself without your own instructions, and do laundry and quilts!

It's about warming up the quilt!

The whole person was completely conquered by Yang Hui!

Yang Hui feels that Hyuga Hanabi may have Stockholm syndrome!

Seeing Hyuga Hanabi, Yang Hui said "two six seven",

"Do you want to go back to Konoha Village? I can make you go back!"

Hearing Yang Hui's words, Hyuga Hanabi's face turned pale!

With tears in his eyes, he said,

"Yang Hui, are you trying to drive me away?

I don't want to leave you!!!"9

Looking at Hanabi, who was twelve or thirteen years old, Yang Hui also had a headache!

What is this all about!

Don't want to go home anymore?

Have you forgotten that you are actually a hostage?

In desperation, Yang Hui had no choice but to say,

"I'm not driving you away, I'm going back to Konoha!

Don't you want to go back and see your sister and father?

You haven't seen them in 3 or 4 years!""

Hyuga Hanabi heard Yang Hui's words,

Wipe away the tears that are about to overflow from your eyes!

"Is it true (^O^)?

But what if my father must let me stay in Konoha?"

Hyuga Hanabi kinda wants to go back and see family,

But I am worried that I will leave Yang Hui!


Yang Hui still doesn't understand Hyuga Hanabi's mind, that's a fool!

"Don't worry! I won't let you go back!

I don't want to lose you little girl who is carrying tea and pouring water!

Hyuga Hanabi burst into tears when she heard Yang Hui's words!

"Okay, then let's go meet them!"

After that, Yang Hui took Hyuga Hanabi to join Senju Hashirama and the others!

Orochimaru base gate!

Yang Hui looked around, everyone who should be there has arrived!

Including Nagato and Konan who arrived at the base half a month ago!

"Then let's go!

This trip to Konoha is sure to be interesting! 35

Due to too many people, Yang Hui didn't have to fly this time!

It's also fun to experience the way of a normal ninja!

Orochimaru Takino Country Base is not far from Konoha Shinobi Village!

You can get it in as little as half a day!

Yang Hui and his group have been in action for half a day!

[ Yang Hui: @ Hatake Kakashi, we are almost there!

You can wait for us at the gate of Konoha Village!

This time I came with sincerity,

This is the only chance for Konoha! ]

[Hatake Kakashi: Yes, I get it!

We will definitely wait for you in time,

There will be no misunderstanding between the ninjas in the village and you! ]

After that, Kakashi hurried to the Konoha office to find Tsunade and Jiraiya!

The gate of Konoha Shinobi Village!

"Kakashi! When will the distinguished guests you mentioned arrive!

We all waited five minutes!

Jiraiya said suspiciously!

He wondered if there was something wrong with Kakashi's brain!

even feel stupid,

Actually came to the gate of Konoha with Kakashi to 'stand guard'!

"Lord Jiraiya, soon, soon they will be here! 39

"Jiraiya, I said can you be a little more patient!"

Tsunade is also a little impatient at this time, and his tone is very aggressive!

Miss her dignified Sixth Hokage,

When did you wait for someone???

"Lord Hokage, here they come!"

Kakashi with excellent eyesight was the first to see Yang Hui and his party!

Immediately point your finger in the direction of Yang Hui et al!

The attention of Tsunade and Jiraiya was immediately attracted by Yang Hui and his party coming from a distance!

They didn't expect that there is really a mysterious guest coming?

Or a group of people???

When Yang Hui and his party approached, Jiraiya and Tsunade could see who was coming!

She and Jiraiya were taken aback!


The person here is Uchiha Yang Hui?

The ruthless man who killed two Hokages?

Are you here to kill me this time??

Thinking of this, Tsunade looked over to Hatake Kakashi!

Is this guy an undercover???

"Kakashi, what the hell are you doing?

Here comes Uchiha Yang Hui, Orochimaru, and those Impure World Reincarnation ninjas!

Is he the guest you said?

The two of them are our biggest enemies of Konoha, and they are allied with each other!

You are an undercover!

Jiraiya confirmed to Kakashi!

And his hand has already touched the top of the ninja bag, and he is on guard against Kakashi!

Kakashi couldn't help complaining when he saw Jiraiya's actions,

'I knew it would be the result!!!

"Master Jiraiya, don't be so nervous!

The guest I'm talking about is Uchiha Yang Hui!

But they didn't come with malice!

And I'm not an undercover agent!!!"

"Jiraiya, here they come, be alert!!!"

Tsunade shouted at this time!

Anyone who sees this scene will be very nervous!

After all, isn't that the case with Konoha's collapse plan and the death of the Third Generation?

Uchiha Yang Hui with Impure World Reincarnation ninjas is never a good thing to show up anywhere!

When Uchiha Yang Hui and his party arrived in front of the Tsunade crowd,

Both of their expressions are amazing!

Tsunade's expression is very angry!

She saw Senju Hashirama Senju Tobirama,

I thought it was Uchiha Yang Hui and Orochimaru who were desecrating the souls of their eldest grandfather and second grandfather!

Immediately, the anger value soared, and it seemed that it was about to burst out!

And Jiraiya is angry, happy and a little regretful!

He was angry with Orochimaru for desecrating the soul of his disciple Minato!

Delighted to see Nagato and Konan again!

He thought all three Nagato were dead!

Later, Uchiha Yang Hui had a holiday news in Konoha,

I even went to the country of rain to find it!

It was utter despair when he didn't find it!

Seeing Nagato and Konan now is as unreal as pie from the sky!

It's a pity that his disciples are all standing by Uchiha Yang Hui, and they are enemies of Konoha!

Naruto, Nagato, Konan, none of my own disciples can save my mind!

Huh? Where's Yahiko? Where did Yahiko go???

Jiraiya suddenly remembered that she had a bunch of apprentices, why only Yahiko didn't come?

There's no way Nagato and Konan can leave Yahiko!

For a while, Jiraiya's joyful mood cast a shadow over it!

Before Jiraiya could ask a question, Orochimaru spoke first!

Orochimaru said with a wicked smile,

"Tsunade, Jiraiya, I'm bringing everyone you care about to meet you!

Are you moved? Are you surprised?"

It's good that Orochimaru doesn't speak, his words are provocative in Tsunade's ears!

Tsunade, whose anger was already at its peak, couldn't take it anymore!

Flying forward, he punched Orochimaru in the face!

Shoot Orochimaru upside down!

But when Orochimaru stood up, both Tsunade and Jiraiya were shocked!

Orochimaru came out unscathed!

Accurately Orochimaru's healing speed is too fast!

The current Orochimaru has replaced the body of White Zetsu, full of Hashirama cells!

I got a lot of benefits from following Yang Hui,

It's nothing like he was before!

Orochimaru doesn't care at all about Tsunade doing it himself!

Instead, he continued to joke,

"Tsunade, you're still so hot-tempered!

Get started as soon as you meet!

I am so kind!

Don't you want to see your own relatives?"

Seeing that Tsunade is going to rush up again to continue!

Jiraiya stops Tsunade immediately!

Keep getting Tsunade hands-on, when will it get down to business!

"Orochimaru, what the hell are you doing here today?

And also connected with Kakashi!

How did you get in touch?

I followed him for more than ten days and found no clues!

Hatake Kakashi:6699

Orochimaru hehe smiled,

"We are here today according to the will of Lord Yang Hui!

Before Orochimaru could finish his sentence, Jiraiya interrupted him!

"Master Yang Hui???

Are you and Uchiha Yang Hui not allies?

What? Would a person like you rely on others?"

Jiraiya said in disbelief!

Orochimaru smiled evilly,

"Yang Hui-kun made an offer I couldn't refuse!

And he has delivered on his promise!

I got longevity!


Tsunade and Jiraiya were shocked to hear what Orochimaru said!

"If that's the case, what are you doing in Konoha today?

Kakashi says you have no ill will!

I don't believe that your presence is good for Konoha!

You know we were enemies before!"

Jiraiya asked suspiciously!

At this time, Orochimaru walked behind Yang Hui and signaled that Yang Hui was in charge!

Yang Hui saw that they had ended the meeting and said hello, and when it was time for business, he said,

"Are we just here to talk?"

"We're not sure if you're the enemy yet!

And you have also desecrated the souls of my eldest grandfather and second grandfather!

Do you still invite you into the Konoha conference room for tea?"

Tsunade said angrily!

Yang Hui looked at Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, and they understood!

Senju Tobirama was the first to say,

"Little Tsunade, my big brother and I are not being controlled!

To convince you, let me tell you what happened that day at Jōnin's school when you were a kid!

Before Senju Tobirama could finish speaking, Tsunade hurriedly interrupted,

"Enough, second grandpa, I believe you!

You still don't say it!

That Uchiha Yang Hui, tell me your purpose first!"

Let him continue, and he will die, so Tsunade quickly changed the subject!

"The purpose of our visit today is to let Konoha join my command!

Bring peace to the ninja world!"

Yang Hui speaks out!

Tsunade and Jiraiya heard Yang Hui's words and looked back at Kakashi!

That look seems to be saying: You also said that you are not undercover! They have brought enemies to Konoha Village!

"who do you think You Are?

In a word, let the whole Konoha Village join your command?

I will never give you the Konoha Shinobi Village founded by Grandpa!

What's the difference between you and a conspirator like Uchiha Madara?"

[ Uchiha Madara: Worship! Why is everyone targeting me!

I am clearly fighting for the peace and happiness of the ninja world! ]

[ Aokiji: I don't know how to complain! The ninja world may not need Uchiha Madara! ]

[Uchiha Madara:…]

"Then let's go, I'll destroy Konoha later! 35

Yang Hui said and walked away!

Senju Hashirama quickly stopped Yang Hui,

"No no no, let me persuade little Tsunade first!"

"Yeah, little Tsunade is ignorant, you don't want to know her in the same way! 99

Senju Tobirama also hurriedly said!

"Lord Yang Hui, let's try harder!"

Namikaze Minato quickly requested!

[ Yang Hui: Then I will give you permission now!

You better persuade Konoha to surrender!]

Senju Hashirama hurried over to Tsunade,

"Xiao Gang! Let's go to Konoha and talk about it first!

Don't be in a hurry to refuse! Let's talk about it first!

Is Tsunade confused at this point?

What's the situation, my grandfather, the founder of Konoha, came to persuade him to hand over Konoha?

Is reality so magical?

Jiraiya's 4.8 novels dare not write like this!

"Grandpa, what the hell is going on!"

Tsunade asked suspiciously!

"Brother is right, you don't understand how powerful Yang Hui is!

Or call the heads of the major families to a meeting!

Konoha is now at the point of life and death!

I'm not kidding you!"

Senju Tobirama said solemnly!

Tsunade saw that the two generations of Hokage said so, and nodded solemnly!

It was really hard for her to imagine how powerful Uchiha Yang Hui was.

That's why his grandfather, who is called the god of ninjas, is so afraid!

the other side!

Jiraiya was shocked by Namikaze Minato's words!

The man feared and admired by Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara?

No wonder he dared to say big words about bringing Konoha into his command!

"Jiraiya teacher!" X2!

Nagato and Konan also came up at this time!

"Nagato, where are your eyes? And where is Yahiko? 35

Jiraiya has a lot of questions to ask Nagato!

"Jiraiya-sensei, it's like this..."

Nagato tells Jiraiya in detail about his encounter with Konan and Yahiko!

"Damn Uchiha Madara, and that Hanzo!"

Jiraiya is outraged!

While Jiraiya was still angry, Tsunade's words came!

"Jiraiya, let's go to the Konoha conference room!

Kakashi, go and inform the heads of the major families and two Konoha advisors to the largest conference room!

It turns out that Tsunade and Yang Hui have decided to negotiate in the Konoha conference room!

Attending the meeting were Yang Hui, Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, Namikaze Minato, Orochimaru, Hatake Sakumo, as well as senior Konoha and major clan heads!

And Uzumaki Naruto, Nagato, Konan and Hyuga Hanabi are in Konoha under the leadership of Kakashi!