
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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Konoha Village meeting room!

The patriarchs of the major families and two Hokage advisors - Utatane Koharu, Mitokado Homura are in place!

At this time, Yang Hui and the others are still walking slowly and leisurely in Konoha Village!

"Konoha Village is still the same as it was three or four years ago!

Senju Hashirama said with emotion!

"Three or four years ago?"

Tsunade is a little puzzled, it stands to reason that Hashirama shouldn't know about Konoha three or four years ago!

In her memory, only when she attacked Third Hokage,

He just followed Yang Hui to Konoha!


Senju Hashirama laughed awkwardly!

No way, Yang Hui forbids them to reveal the existence of the chat group,

Could he still say that he saw it through Yang Hui's perspective?

This will only cause more trouble!

At this moment, Yang Hui saw the Hokage Rock,

Interestingly, there are only five statues on Hokage Rock!

The one that was missing was Danzo's avatar!

Danzo: You all bully me!!!

[ Uchiha Madara: Look, Danzo's avatar does not appear on the Hokage Rock!

Isn't he the Fifth Hokage?

Even the inside of Konoha Village hate him so much!

I can't laugh anymore,(?w?)hiahiahia]

[ Yang Hui: I thought I was the only one who noticed it!

I don't know if Danzo will be angry if he finds out!

(Squint smile.jpg)]

[Hatake Sakumo: Nice job!]

"You Konoha's Fifth Hokage is Danzo!

I remember that he was appointed by the daimyo of the Land of Fire!

Yang Hui said with great interest!

"But why does Konoha have six Hokage, but only five Hokage statues?

Are you bullying Danzo. People are honest, but they hang up again, and there is no backstage!

Tsunade gave Yang Hui a blank look!

'17 If you hadn't made him sit hot in Hokage's seat,

We don't even do that!

The main thing is that Danzo is so annoying at Konoha Village!

Go to the major families to threaten the genius into the root. Ministry!

Who supports him!

"Mr. Yang Hui is joking!

At that time, because you and Orochimaru attacked Konoha twice,

There is also Konoha who wants to help Sand Shinobi, really. I have no money, and my finances are tight!

And Danzo, though nominally Fifth Hokage,

But he never fulfilled his Hokage duties!

Voted by major families and Konoha Village collective Jōnin!

Unanimous decision not to carve Danzo on Hokage Rock!

So now there are only five Yanyan rocks on Hokage Rock!""

Tsunade explained a wave carefully!

"Hmph, even if you carve it, I will destroy him!

Yang Hui told me all the things he did!"

Grumpy Brother Senju Tobirama is online!

"Yes, if the old dog Danzo is still alive, I will settle the account with him!

Danzo also shot against Nagato at that time!

Jiraiya is also filled with righteous indignation!


Tsunade didn't expect so many people who were dissatisfied with Danzo!

It seems that Danzo is really reckless and annoying everywhere!

Hatake Kakashi takes Uzumaki Naruto, Nagato, Konan and Hyuga Hanabi around Konoha!

"Kakashi-sensei, I think. Going to Iruka-sensei, you take me there!

"Naruto, I think. Going home! Why don't you come to my house first! 35

Hearing Hyuga Hanabi's words, Naruto is also a little distressed!

He really misses Mr. Iruka very much!

Just then, Kakashi spoke!

"Don't worry, I trust you both,

I can take you there with Shadow Clone Technique!

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Hatake Kakashi split into two avatars!

"You take Naruto to Iruka, you take Hyuga Hanabi home!

As for the two, I will personally accompany them!

All expenses for the two of them in Konoha are paid by Mr. Hokage!

I hope you two will forgive me, I have to follow you!"

Nagato and Konan nodded in understanding!

Tsunade and Jiraiya took Yang Hui and everyone from the Konoha gate to the meeting room and was seen by countless Konoha Shinobi people!

Many ninjas are all amazed!

Konoha Hokage and Konoha Renin go together?

I am not wrong, right!

Sure enough, reality will only be more nonsense than fiction!

All of a sudden, rumors spread throughout Konoha Village!

Konoha meeting room!

Hokage advisors and major clan chiefs have been waiting for a long time!

"What the hell is Tsunade doing?

She asked Kakashi's Shadow Clone to call us for a meeting, but she was too late!39

Utatane Koharu said angrily!

Not only was Utatane Koharu impatient, but everyone else was frowning!

Their time is precious!

Just when people are complaining!

The door to the conference room suddenly opened!

Tsunade and Jiraiya walk into the meeting room side by side!

"Tsunade, should you explain why you are so late?

Mitokado Homura takes the lead!

"Yeah, Tsunade, you have to give everyone an explanation!""

Utatane Koharu also has a face. He said with an ugly expression!

"Hmph, when does Konoha Hokage need to explain something to someone?

And when does Konoha need the presence of Hokage advisors!

Utatane Koharu, Mitokado Homura, are you two so powerful now?35

Senju Tobirama's voice sounded!

The two were shocked when they heard Senju Tobirama's voice!

When they saw Yang Hui entering the meeting room and Senju Tobirama, who was following Yang Hui with a grim look,

Almost had a heart attack!

Isn't this Uchiha Yang Hui who killed Hiruzen and Danzo?

How to walk with Tsunade?

Is she going to form an alliance with Yang Hui to destroy us?

Wouldn't it be to avenge the destruction of the Senju clan?

This is where almost all the Konoha high-rises sit!

so cruel?

Many other family patriarchs were also shocked!

But I didn't think about it with them either!

"Uchiha Yang Hui, what have you done to my daughter Hanabi?!39

As soon as Hyuga Hiashi saw Yang Hui, he immediately asked!

In recent years, he sent people to look for Yang Hui's base,

I want to get my daughter back, but I just can't find it!

The speed of his aging in the past three years is comparable to the past ten years!

After all, he is more optimistic about Hyuga Hanabi becoming the next heir to the Hyuga family!

"Patriarch Hyuga, don't worry!

Hanabi has had a great time with me these past few years!

She doesn't even want to go back to the Hyuga clan!

And if I guessed right, she's home now!

After the negotiation is over for a while, I will go to your house with you!


See Yang Hui's appearance that he doesn't consider himself an outsider!

Hyuga Hiashi's Qi Acupuncture Smoke!

Hyuga Hiashi is angry, others are focusing on the 'negotiation' that Yang Hui said!

"Okay, everyone sit down!

This time Uchiha Yang Hui came to Konoha to negotiate with us!

The purpose of bringing everyone to this meeting is because this is Konoha's crisis!

You have to let everyone know!

And the reason why I didn't attack them,

Also because of my two grandpas - First Hokage and Second Hokage!

They are on the side of Uchiha Yang Hui!

As for whether they are under control,

I have. Verified!

So don't doubt it!

Tsunade analyzes the current situation in extremely concise language!

After that, Tsunade was seated at Hokage's seat!

Everyone was dumbfounded after hearing Tsunade's speech!

The former Hokage took the enemy's side to negotiate with the current Hokage?

How can this be so unreal!

Although things․ Love is very magical, but everyone has accepted it temporarily!

As the head of each family,

I have seen it all. I have experienced strong winds and waves!

This quality is still there!

Yang Hui and everyone took their seats!

"Mr. Yang Hui, you can say it!

What is the content of the negotiation?

Mitokado Homura spoke first!

"Strange, this Hokage hasn't spoken yet?

What would you say as a Hokage consultant?

Are you the boss or Hokage is the boss!

Second Hokage has long disliked these two goods,

Fight when you get the chance!

Mitokado Homura was scolded by Senju Tobirama and was speechless!

Everyone downstairs is snickering!

For a while, Mitokado Homura made a big red face!

Tsunade ignored him and said directly to Yang Hui,

"Uchiha Yang Hui, you can make your terms!

"I will unify the ninja world in a very short period of time,

I hope you Konoha will not be ignorant of flattery,

Submit to me unconditionally as soon as possible, and you can get a good position!

If not, just wait for me to destroy Konoha!

Yang Hui spoke on a whim and said in an arrogant and unrestrained tone!

I have to say, this Long Aotian-style speech is really cool!

[ Uchiha Madara: Hahaha, 'I hope you don't know how to praise',

I remember this sentence!

More arrogant than my sentence "Do you still want to dance"!

suit me!]

[Senju Tobirama:...]

[ Yang Hui: @ Uchiha Madara, see me later and tell you a few words!]

[ Senju Hashirama: @ Uchiha Madara, are you collecting quotes everywhere,

Then wait for the right time to wear 13!

Did not expect you to be such Uchiha Madara!

The phrase 'Are you going to dance too?' I don't think I learned it from someone! ]

[ Uchiha Madara: You fart! ]

[Hatake Sakumo: @Hatake Kakashi, I knew I was following you!

I'm all here to make up the numbers and put pressure!

Open your vision to share, I also want to see Konoha! ]

[Hatake Kakashi: Hi! Hi!]

When everyone in Konoha heard Yang Hui's 267 words,

Immediately, most of the people were suffocating and laughing hard!

Want to laugh but dare not laugh!!!

I am afraid that Yang Hui will suddenly attack!

'Although you Uchiha Yang Hui are very powerful,

But why do you rule the ninja world?

With Mangekyō Sharingan and Wood Style?

How dare you fight against the entire ninja world?

Are so many ninjas in the ninja world joking with you?

Could it be with those shoddy Impure World Reincarnation?

Who doesn't know that the ninjas of Impure World Reincarnation are immortal!

but can be sealed,

And the strength is not as good as before!'

Everyone who doesn't know Yang Hui's true strength is complaining in their hearts!

"Master Tsunade, I personally don't think Uchiha Yang Hui's conditions can be accepted!

He doesn't have the strength to make the entire ninja world succumb!"

Konoha military advisor Nara Shikahisa said calmly!

"I agree with Kakashi!

"Me too! 35

Akamichi Dingza and Yamanaka Kaiichi also chimed in!

Ino–Shika–Chō has always been advancing and retreating together!!!

"Yeah, Tsunade-sama! I don't agree either!

As the No. 1 family of Konoha, the Hyuga family,

No threat!

Hyuga Hiashi stared at Yang Hui with wide eyes!

Yang Hui looked at his future father-in-law with a look of helplessness!

As soon as Ino-Shika-Chō and Hyuga Hiashi spoke, everyone below expressed their disapproval!

[ Uchiha Izuna: What the heck Hyuga is the No. 1 wealthy family!

@ Yang Hui, if you want to attack Konoha,

I want to be a pioneer!!!]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: Me too!!!

Let them experience the power of the Uchiha clan!!!]

Hearing the opposition, Yang Hui decided to teach them a lesson!

A lesson close to death!

"I'm not targeting anyone, I think everyone here is rubbish!"

After speaking, Yang Hui turned their hearts into nothingness!

If Yang Hui doesn't help them recover,

They will surely die!

Everyone was shocked and shut up!

[ Yang Hui: If not for the need for talent management in the ninja world!

They had already been wiped out!


[ Senju Hashirama: @ Yang Hui, don't worry!

Let me tell them that by my relationship with Tobirama and Minato,

Konoha is the easiest for you to take down peacefully!

And Konoha is also the place with the most talents! ]