
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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[ Senju Hashirama: Black Zetsu died well!

This shit is finally dead!

The biggest crisis in the ninja world has also been resolved~! ]

[ Uchiha Madara: Too bad it can't- feel pain! ]

[Senju Tobirama: It can't feel the pain and is about to be stabbed into a hedgehog!

If it can feel the pain, I am afraid that the whole body will not be spared! ]

[Ace Des: Ninja world can create life out of thin air!

Although this artificial life Black Zetsu is not very good,

It looks like a puddle of mud!

But I remember you said that the tail beast was also created by Sage of Six Paths!

It seems that the Six Paths level powerhouse of the ninja world has really reached the realm of God! ]

[Aokiji: The realm of the gods? Maybe!]

After Yang Hui came out of Kamui space,

Back at the base of Orochimaru with Minato, Nagato and Konan!

Orochimaru base gate!

Orochimaru is here to welcome Yang Hui!

Seeing the return of Yang Hui and others,

Orochimaru hurriedly walked up to the four of Yang Hui!

"Yang Hui-kun, I have already sent someone to gather information!

Now the situation in the ninja world is exactly what Black Zetsu said!

Black Zetsu it didn't lie to us!!!"

Yang Hui nodded with satisfaction after listening!

He only sent Orochimaru to investigate just in case!

In fact, Black Zetsu is unlikely to lie about it either!

"Orochimaru? How do you know what Black Zetsu said when Akatsuki organized??"

Nagato asked curiously!

When he seemed to know them well from Namikaze Minato just now,

It just feels a little wrong!

Now Orochimaru, who is thousands of miles away, knows about Black Zetsu and their conversation!

Seriously terrified!!!

Orochimaru looked at Nagato who was questioning and Konan behind him,

did not answer his question directly,

People who don't join the group chat are not qualified to know!

Orochimaru chuckled,

"It was Nagato and Konan!

long time no see!

I didn't recognize you when I was a member of the small organization,

Really clumsy!

If Jiraiya sees that you are all right,

Will be delighted!

When the news of your death came out,

He was depressed and sad for a while!'35

Nagato and Konan frowned and said nothing!

"Orochimaru, you can arrange accommodation for the two of them!

I will use them both in the future!

Yang Hui said to Orochimaru!

"No problem, Lord Yang Hui!

Two, please come with me!!!"

After that, Orochimaru left with Nagato and Konan!!!

[ Uchiha Madara: @ Yang Hui, you should unify the ninja world next! ]

[ Yang Hui: Of course!

Only the unification of the ninja world,

I can go to other worlds! ]

At that time, Yang Hui asked how the system could go to another world,

The system's answer is to unify the ninja world!

After all, the wish he wanted to achieve in the ninja world has basically come true!

How can I become stronger without going to another world???

He always remembers that the system is an important means for him to improve his strength!!

And he has always wanted to go to another world to see and see different scenery!

[ Senju Hashirama: Then how are you going to unify the ninja world?

Wouldn't every ninja village disappear like Sand Shinobi Village!]

[ Senju Tobirama: Why do you think so pessimistic?

Is Yang Hui the kind of person who would take action against ordinary people?]

[ Uchiha Izuna: Ninjas are not ordinary people! ]

[Ace Des: The weak should obey the strong!

If the people of the ninja world do not obey!

That's enough to kill all the rebels!

If this is the case, won't you rule the ninja world?]

Acedes is still as violent as ever!

[ Aokiji: I think it's better not to start killing people!

After all, those ninjas are not bad people!!!]

[ Yang Hui: I plan to wipe out all the ninja villages!!! ]

[ Senju Hashirama:???

Wogs? You really plan to destroy all ninjas!!!]

[ Uchiha Madara: Are you planning to end the era of ninjas?

Is it so big this time??]

[Namikaze Minato: Yang Hui, think twice!]

[ Senju Tobirama: Why are you all excited there!

Yang Hui just said destroy all the ninja villages!

It's not like we're going to kill all ninjas!

Your reading comprehension is still not enough!]

[ Yang Hui: It was Senju Tobirama who discovered Huadian!

I unite the ninja world,

How could those Ninja villages continue to exist!

It will definitely be edited by me!

As for those who do not obey, there is only perishment!!]

[ Senju Hashirama: Let me go to Konoha Village to help you persuade Tsunade!!!]

[ Senju Tobirama: Yes, Yang Hui, my eldest brother and I can go to Konoha to persuade us to surrender!

You don't have to go to Konoha for another trip!!!]

[Namikaze Minato: I can go too, I believe that after we go,

Konoha can submit to you!!!]

[Hatake Kakashi: That, or give me permission,

Let me explain to Hokage-sama!

Watching your secrets all day and not being able to tell,

Seeing Konoha slip into danger day by day,

I'm really tormented!!!]

Yang Hui saw Kakashi's speech,

The first reaction is,


Does this stuff still exist in the group?

I don't even remember when he joined the group!

A real diver!

[ Yang Hui: Konoha Hokage of all dynasties went to persuade Konoha to surrender?

This picture seems to be quite interesting!]

[ Uchiha Madara: Really interesting!

@ Senju Hashirama, Hashirama, when you refused to unify the ninja world,

Isn't it the same now?

And you went to persuade Konoha to surrender!



Uchiha Madara doesn't miss any chance to make fun of Senju Hashirama!

[ Senju Hashirama: I...I... ]

[ Uzumaki Mito: You don't understand Hashirama at all!

He is realizing his great ideal!

World Peace!

It is now possible to achieve this goal,

Isn't it reasonable that he persuaded Konoha to surrender?

Bring the ninja village you once created back into the scope of peace!

Not only do your best for peace, but also do your best to Ninja Village! ]

Uzumaki Mito, who is a good housekeeper, speaks in time to save Hashirama!

[ Senju Hashirama: Yes, that's right! That's what I meant! ]

[ Uchiha Izuna: Co-authoring the good words and letting you all talk about them!!!]

[ Uchiha Madara: I don't understand Hashirama?

If you want to say something else, I also recognize it!

But you say I don't understand Hashirama,

I have to fight with you!

When I play water float with Hashirama,

You don't know where yet!

And I am Hashirama's only best friend and rival in life!

This is the biggest joke I've heard this year!]

considers himself to be the one who knows Hashirama best,

Madara can't take it anymore, she has to break up with Uzumaki Mito!

[Uzumaki Mito: I'm Hashirama's pillow, don't you know him better than you?]

[ Uchiha Madara: Men care about their ideals the most!

You don't understand the romance of men!

And you said you knew him well,

Then explain, what is the reason why he doesn't want you to join the group?]

[Uzumaki Mito:…]

One word from Uchiha Madara broke Uzumaki Mito's defense!

And in a room at the base,

Seeing his wife Uzumaki Mito approaching him aggressively,

Senju Hashirama has crushed Madara in his heart 800 times!

Which pot can't be lifted without opening it! I just coaxed it today!!!

[ Yang Hui: @ Hatake Kakashi, where is Tsunade now?]

[Hatake Kakashi: Now the three major powers have just wiped out the main force of Cloud Shinobi!

Tsunade-sama has also been on the front line against Cloud Shinobi!

It is estimated that I can return to the village in half a month! ]

[ Yang Hui: Then it is decided!

Let's give ourselves half a month off!

I just want to take a break too!

When they all return to the village, we will go to persuade them to surrender!

Those who do not accept it will perish!]

[ Senju Hashirama: I will definitely let Tsunade agree! ]

[ Senju Tobirama: With me and eldest brother, no accident!!!]

[Second Tsuchikage No: Take me with you when you go to Rock Shinobi Village!

I am Onogi's master, he should refer to my opinion! ]

[Ghost Lantern Moon: Me too, please take me with you when you go to Kirigakure!

You don't have to bring this product @銀來Yagura, I'm afraid it will backfire when that time comes! ]


Everyone took the initiative to invite Ying to persuade their respective Ninja villages to surrender,

No way, Yang Hui's strength makes them unable to see any hope of Shinobu Village winning!

[ Yang Hui: Let's talk about it when the time comes!

Fifteen days from now,

It's all my free time!]

After half a month!

[ Uchiha Madara: @ Yang Hui, can you let me and Hashirama go out?

I'm going to slap him hard!]

[ Senju Hashirama: Then let me see how good your Rinnegan is!

Not sure who beats who!!!]

[ Uchiha Madara: Then you will have a good experience! ]

[ Yang Hui: Why! You are still in the state of Impure World Reincarnation!

Madara can't use Rinnegan's ultimate ability either!

The final result is that you are tied,

No one can help anyone!

If you don't believe me, look!

(Dirty soil Madara and dirty soil Hashirama.jpg)]

The picture shown is the result of the battle between the dirty soil Madara and the dirty soil Hashirama in the original book!

A Myojin Gate can't move,

One also knelt on the ground with black sticks all over his body!

[Uchiha Madara:…]

[ Senju Tobirama: I just said you can't beat my big brother!!!]

[ Uchiha Izuna: Then why don't you mention Hashirama at all and can't help my eldest brother? ]

[ Yang Hui: I remember that I have been relaxing for half a month until today!

It's time for a break!

@ Senju Hashirama, @ Senju Tobirama, @ Namikaze Minato,

... Ask for Flowers

We can go to Konoha!

Who else would you like to go, sign up now! ]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: I also want to see Konoha, little Sakura-chan and Iruka-sensei!

And the unorthodox Pervy Sage!

I want to go back and see them all!

@Uchiha Sasuke, Sas, come with me to see it?]

These are the people who used to be kind to Naruto,

Even if it is a little Sakura given by Naruto and Sas,

Compared to Konoha Village residents, it's not bad,

At least not treating him like a fox!

[ Uchiha Sasuke: Humph! Konoha is Uchiha's enemy!

Last time I didn't kill little Sakura because she saved me before!

If I see it now, I will kill her!

I hope this negotiation fails and Yang Hui destroys Konoha!]

The words given by Sass are full of ill will, there is no way,

Who let Konoha hurt his good big brother!

[Uchiha Itachi:…]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Sasuke, how can you say that! ]

[Hatake Kakashi: Alas, the seventh class is completely gone!]

[ Orochimaru: Let me go too!

I haven't been back to Konoha for a long time,

I wonder how Tsunade and Jiraiya will look when they see me?

Really looking forward to it! ]

[Hatake Kakashi: Just yesterday Tsunade-sama and Jiraiya-sama came back!

I'll take them to the Konoha gate and wait for you!

@Hatake Sakumo, Dad, are you coming?]

[Hatake Sakumo: Then I'll go to Konoha to see you!

Then we will have a good talk!]

[ Yang Hui: That's the decision!

Let me, Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru go to Konoha with me!

Assemble at the gate of the base!!!]

Konoha Village!

Outside the Hokage Building Office!

Kakashi took a deep breath and knocked on the door of Hokage's office!

"Bang! Boom! Boom! 99

"Come in!""

Kakashi just opened the door, but hasn't stepped in yet,

I heard a familiar voice,

"So it's Kakashi!

Did you come to Tsunade this time for something important? 35

Kakashi sees the owner of the voice!

It is Toad Sage Jiraiya, also his teacher!

"Jiraiya-sama, you are just right here!

This time I'm not just looking for Tsunade-sama!

I'm coming to find you!"

Tsunade was stunned when he heard Kakashi's words!

What kind of thing requires two Sannins?

And you are Hokage, is there anything you can't do by yourself?

"Kakashi, are you trying to match me and Tsunade?

Thank you for not having to!"

While Tsunade was still in doubt,

When I suddenly heard Jiraiya's words, my anger rose instantly!

Almost smashed the table with a bang!

"Okay, I'm not kidding anymore!

Kakashi, if you have anything, just say it!

Jiraiya saw Tsunade get angry for a second, and then said to Kakashi with a serious look!

"Master Tsunade, Master Jiraiya!

I'd like to invite you to join me at the gates of Konoha Village to meet some honored guests!"

Kakashi bit his head and said!

After Kakashi finished speaking, Tsunade and Jiraiya looked at each other!

distinguished guest?

Are there any famous names or movies coming to Konoha Village recently?

How can I as Hokage not know!

"Kakashi, what kind of honorable guest?

No big man is coming to Konoha recently!""

Jiraiya said suspiciously!

"I can't say that!

But don't worry, I will never lie to you!""

Kakashi is very sorry, just heard that his father is coming!

When I got excited, I forgot to ask Yang Hui for permission!!!

[Hatake Kakashi: @ Yang Hui, can you give me some permissions!

Because there is no way to tell any of your information!

I can't explain it to Tsunade-sama right now!!!]

[ Yang Hui: It's alright, when Hashirama and Tobirama show up!

They will also come out to 'greet'!]

[Hatake Kakashi:…]

Tsunade and Jiraiya looked at each other and knew it wasn't easy!

Since Kakashi briefly disappeared from the battlefield with the Land of Water,

After a quick return!

The two of them clearly felt that something was wrong with Kakashi!

Always like a person in a daze against the air!

Even watching the kiss. The time of hot paradise is much less than before!

You must know that Kakashi used to have books in his hands!

Just staring at the sky is so fun???

And every once in a while, Kakashi can accurately say which battlefield in the ninja world has undergone drastic changes and its consequences!

If it wasn't for Kakashi, the son of Konoha's White Fang, a disciple of the Fourth Generation, his own grandson,

Suspected as a spy!

Tsunade and Jiraiya instantly understood what they meant and nodded their heads!

Just when Kakashi felt extremely embarrassed,

Tsunade has spoken!

"Okay, then Jiraiya and I will go!
