
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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Ding! After testing, the Host can directly fuse Tenseigan, Rinnegan and Sharingan under this energy,

Form a pair of nines Tomoe Samsara Sharingan!

Will it be integrated?'

'System, can I still use those pupil techniques after fusion?

Also, can I get Kaguya's pupil technique?'

'Ding! After testing, the most favorable evolution direction for Host's eyes is the reincarnation Sharingan!

Kaguya's Nine Tomoe Sharingan will also act as energy to promote the evolution of Host's eyes!

So it can't be inherited!

The same goes for Tenseigan!

And the abilities of Host's Rinnegan and Mangekyō Sharingan can be inherited!

And Host's new eyes get a new ability!

is a powerful ability!!!'

Yang Hui thought about it carefully!

Tenseigan is nothing but strong attack power!

And if you make a Truth-Seeking Ball,

Isn't it easy to absorb Ten Tails by yourself?

And the Truth-Seeking Ball can be regarded as the most rubbish ninjutsu in the Six Paths class!

So it's okay to lose Tenseigan!

And he doesn't like Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's Heavenly Royal Palace!

It's just a space capability!

Spatial ability he has Kamui!

Isn't it better to use than the bells and whistles of Heaven's Imperial Palace?

So he actually doesn't really need Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's abilities!!!

It's not a pity to lose it!

'Ding! May I ask if you want to choose the system recommended plan!

'Choose a system solution!!!

With Yang Hui's order!

Infinite golden light emerges from Yang Hui's palm,

In no time, the entire Gedo Statue was covered!

Soon, Gedo Statue transformed into an energy into Yang Hui's body!!!

Infinite golden light wraps Yang Hui,

Formed a giant cocoon!!!

After about half an hour,

The golden light gradually dissipated,

Yang Hui is also revealed in front of everyone!

Yang Hui opened his eyes, he was a pair of nine Tomoe Samsara Sharingan!

And it is a very noble purple at a glance!

Regular Rinnegan is dark purple and looks lifeless!

But Yang Hui's Nine Tomoe Sharingan doesn't feel dim at all!

There are only majesty, Haki and nobility!

After a while, Yang Hui also knew the new pupil technique for the birth of his new eyes!

Pupil Art・Eighteen Hells!!!

Simply put, this trick is a pupil technique specifically aimed at the soul!

Use this pupil technique,

It can make the soul of the enemy experience the judgment of the eighteenth hell in an instant!

The greater the sin, the greater the damage to the soul!

Of course, this trick can't be as terrifying as the real 18th hell!

Just like his 'the sun is really hot'!

But still Yang Hui is very satisfied!

Because Yang Hui really lacks the means to target the soul!

And this trick is the sharingan level of the nine Tomoe reincarnation,

Like the Imperial Palace of Heaven, it belongs to the net of blood!

The power must not be underestimated!!!

The value of this fusion!!!

After a while, Yang Hui put away the Sharingan!

Transform back to normal eyes!

[Hancock: Yang Hui, your eyes are much more handsome than before!]

[ Senju Tobirama: It is also more oppressive than before! It also looks more noble! ]

[ Uchiha Madara: This is what you look like after you fuse Ten Tails?

Looks like nothing has changed!

That's how your pair of nines Tomoe Rinnegan looks great! ]

[ Yang Hui: I don't know! This is called the Nine Tomoe Reincarnation Sharingan!

As for the appearance has not changed?

In fact, this is the best state to properly integrate the power of Ten Tails into one's body!

I'll show you some pictures!

One is a picture of you becoming Ten Tails Jinchūriki,

One is a picture of Naruto and Sasuke having the power of Six Paths!

(Six Paths Madara.jpg)

(Six Paths Naruto.jpg)

(Six Paths Sasuke.jpg)

It's all Six Paths level, and you're only in this state with the power of Ten Tails!

If I don't appear in the ninja world,

You will be beaten by Six Paths Naruto!

(Pick nose.jpg)]

This Yang Hui really didn't lie to Madara,

Ten Tails Jinchūriki did not take the power of Ten Tails for himself!


And just borrow!

The state of the two of Naruto is the perfect state after the fusion of the power of Six Paths!

Whether it's Six Paths Madara or Six Paths Obito,

After becoming Ten Tails Jinchūriki, they cannot add the power of Six Paths to their original skills!

The core Sharingan system is no longer needed!

Obito's Kamui can't even be used directly,

Got hit in the back by Tobirama with a Rasengan from Naruto!

Look at Naruto with the blessing of the power of Six Paths,

A sudden batch!

A Sage Art Lava Style Rasengan hit by Six Paths Madara Doubt Life,

It can even cut the tree of gods!!!

[Uchiha Madara:…]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: So I can still be so awesome and handsome!

(Eyes shine.jpg)]

[ Yang Hui: Don't look at my appearance, nothing has changed,

In fact, the speed, strength and physical strength are much stronger than before!

And with the power of Six Paths!

Many abilities have also reached a new level!

Let's try it out with Black Zetsu!!

(Pick nose.jpg)]

[ Uchiha Madara: If you say Black Zetsu, then I'm excited!

What are you going to do???]

[ Yang Hui: Use yin and yang to eliminate it!!!

Don't look at me, I'm not yet proficient in yin and yang escape!

But breaking a loop is often easier than creating!

Just like building a house is difficult, demolishing a house is easy!

With my current attainments of yin and yang,

Enough to destroy Black Zetsu!]

Yang Hui enters Kamui space!

Inside Kamui space!

Black Zetsu saw that someone came in after a while,

Still an old acquaintance Yang Hui!

Just wanted to sneer,

Suddenly it felt that Yang Hui was dangerous,

There is a mortal danger surrounding it!

This is not at all different from the Yang Hui he had seen before!

Black Zetsu said stumblingly,

"Have you absorbed Ten Tails as its Jinchūriki?

But it shouldn't be so fast!

It will take a while for Gedo Statue to become Ten Tails!

And your appearance hasn't changed at all!!!95

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about it!

You just need to know that your mother can no longer be resurrected,

And you have to be killed by me too!!!"

Saying that, Yang Hui's palm has touched Black Zetsu!

With the launch of the Yin-Yang escape,

Black Zetsu screamed in horror,

"Stop, stop now!!!

Before Black Zetsu could say a word,

He has already been eliminated by Yang Hui!

By the way, Yang Hui was not well controlled,

I also wiped out White Zetsu!

[ Uzumaki Naruto: White Zetsu is really miserable!

He did nothing wrong!

(Squint smile.jpg)]

[ Yang Hui: See it!

This is the difference in the nature of power!

Ninjutsu is just a means,

Only the stronger the person, the more powerful the power of ninjutsu will be! ]

[Uchiha Madara:…]