
Naruto: Gravity

Wakes up in the Naruto world with the Zushi Zushi no Mi *************** Schedule - 16/week No Harem and Sub-plot of Romance I do not own Naruto or any Naruto characters nor do I own the Zushi Zushi No Mi. I only own my OC's

youdusb26 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


"What h...Am I in the hospital?" Eiko spoke to himself.

He sat for a second in the hospital bed thinking about everything that happened before he passed out. Eiko suddenly jumped out of the bed and ran out the door, he ran down the hall before a doctor came out of a door and stopped him.

"What happened to my mom? Is she ok?" Eiko hurriedly asked.

The doctor looked at Eiko and said with a sympathetic look "You need to be resting right now, you passed out. Your mother is...fine, she just needs sleep."

Eiko noticed the hesitation in the sentence, he then gave the doctor a serious look saying "Tell me what actually happened to her!"

"Sigh, Follow me," replied the doctor.

Eiko followed the doctor and passed a couple of doors to another room where Eiko's mother was laying on the bed asleep and looking pale.

"She lost a lot of blood! She's currently in a coma and it is unsure when she will wake up if...if she will ever wake up. You must prepare yourself for the worst, but first, you have to get better." The doctor said sorrowly.

"I'm fine, I just fainted from exhaustion" Eiko replied as he took a seat by his mother's bedside.

Eiko sat there watching over his mother for an hour said goodbye to her then decided that it was time to go see how this happened in the first place. Eiko was furious, how could an enemy ninja get into the village and why did they attack his mother? He went to where he sent the masked ninja and unsurprisingly he was gone but the shattered wall debris was still there.

'I should probably head to the Hokage's office and give my report. Though they probably already know the basics of it.' Eiko thought while starting his walk to the Hokage building.

When he entered the building he talked to the ninja at the bottom of the staircase telling him the situation. The secretary ninja sent him up to talk to the Hokage.


"Come in"

Eiko walked in slowly and then saluted the Hokage "Hello Lord Hokage".

"I've been expecting you Eiko! I know most of the situation that happened with you and your mother. I'm sorry to hear that she's in a coma. But since now you are here can you tell me your version of events on the situation?" The Hokage asked.

Eiko told the Hokage all about how he walked home after the exam and saw the enemy ninja leaving his house after attacking his mom. He then told the Hokage about how he sent the ninja flying away to his death. When he was done he asked the Hokage a question "How did that enemy ninja get into our village and why did he target my mom."

"Enemy spies sneak into the village all the time for information, as for why I don't think he targeted your mom at all!" The 3rd Hokage replied.

"Then why did h..." Eiko stammered but was cut off,

"It's because of you! Your power has spread to the other villages long ago and they have noticed your power. Your Kekkei Genkai is very strong and very lethal, with more training it could be a real big threat to these other villages. They know that and don't want another strong force appearing. Your mother was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." The Hokage explained.

"Which Village," Eiko spoke clenching his teeth.

"That is unknown currently but we are investigating the corpse of the Chunin assassin. That also leads me to the next question. How strong are you currently?"

"Around Elite Jonin," Eiko said still clenching his teeth in rage.

"Really! I thought maybe Jonin but Elite, I'm impressed! So, because of the level of strength, you've shown with killing the assassin and how you did with the first two exams, I as Hokage make you a Chunin."

Eiko forced a smile, thanked him, then walked out of the office.

'I'm happy to be promoted to Chunin so I can now go on missions, but it came at such a bad time.' Eiko thought while heading home.

When Eiko stepped into the Uchiha residence he saw his sensei Fugaku Uchiha walking toward him.

"Hello Fugaku-sensei," Eiko said sadly.

"Hey Eiko, I'm sorry to hear about what happened to Aiya. How are you doing?" Fugaku sympathetically said then asked.

"I'm fine. I'm doing as well as I can I guess." Eiko said then waited a second before adding on more "I do have two things to tell you though. First is that I've become a Chunin after Lord Hokage saw the aftermath of my Gravity Release on the enemy and secondly, look."

Eiko turned on his Sharingan making his eyes become red and showing 2-tomoes spinning in his eyes.