
"Gravity Release: Supreme Propulsion"

Eiko went through the gate to the forest looking around and observing his location. He decided to head toward the middle to try to intercept over teams.

'Where is everyone,' Eiko thought to himself after 20 minutes of not finding anyone.

Eiko used his Gravity perception to its max coverage to find someone but still nothing. Another 10 minutes went by before Eiko actually found a team.

'It's a team of Genin a couple of years older than me. They are some of the ones that were talking trash about me before. I'm not really spiteful, as they don't start anything I won't beat them too bad.' Eiko thought while running over to them.

"Someone coming Daitan," one of the Genin alerted.

When they could see Eiko, the one named Daitan demanded "Ahh if it isn't the lone wolf. Hand over your scroll and we won't teach you a lesson about not bringing teammates for the Chunin exam."

Eiko didn't respond to that threat, instead, he said "Give me yours and I won't teach you how to respect people stronger than you."

The Genin showed a grim look at each other and nodded. They then started their attack on Eiko. One of the Genin rushed toward Eiko with the Genin that alerted the others.

'I don't want to kill them since they are Konoha ninja but a little beating will suffice.' Eiko said to himself while pulling out his sword with his right hand. Eiko raised his left hand toward one of the Genin rushing him and said "Gravity Release: Propulsion".

This move's only purpose is to send everything flying away and it did that job well. The Genin who was hit by it flew 30 feet back at a fast speed right into a tree trunk.

"Ayaka!" The other 2 Genin exclaimed.

"She'll be fine, what you have to worry about now is yourself."

Eiko said that as he appeared right in front of the other Genin who rushed forward. This scared the Genin making him back away in terror, so Eiko used "Gravity Release: Attraction". This move is the polar opposite of 'Gravity Release: Propulsion' in that it pulls everything towards Eiko at a fast speed.

The Genin felt a powerful push from behind and shot forward at Eiko, landing in his grasp.

Eiko threw a punch filled with gravitational energy which makes the weight of the fist heavier, hitting the Genin in the stomach and knocking them out from the pain.

"One more left," Eiko creepily said while slowly approaching the last Genin, Daitan.

Daitan was terrified but worked through it and threw a kunai at Eiko.

Eiko smiled, caught the kunai with his gravity, and sent it back at Daitan. Which scrapped the side of his face cutting it and drawing blood.

"Al...Alright, you win just take my scroll and leave us, please!" Daitan sputtered.

Eiko said nothing, he just took the scroll and went on his way.

Eiko encountered a couple more teams on his way. Those battles lasted the same amount of time. By the time he made it to the center, he had 8 scrolls.

"Great Job! You passed the 2nd exam with flying colors. You may go home and rest as the final exam isn't for half a month. You'll be sent the information later." Yuji Tamura the exam proctor stated.

Eiko thanked the proctor and headed home. Eiko made it home with no interruptions. When he got closer to the house he could see that the door was slightly open.

"Mom? Mom are you home?" Eiko asked wondering.

He opened the door a little more and saw a masked ninja in all black running to the window on the side of the house. Eiko knew at that moment his house had been broken into. He felt as if time slowed down as he looked to the floor and saw his mother lying there in a small pool of blood.




Eiko's heart was starting to race, he turned his head to the masked ninja again seeing that he was about to jump through the window he quickly raised his hand, "Gravity Release: Supreme Propulsion," Eiko snarled.

A terribly powerful force bombarded the masked ninja making him fly hundreds of feet away into a wall. He went through that wall into another, causing both walls to crack and shatter into pieces.

Eiko didn't even care at this point instead he ran toward his mother and saw that she had several stab wounds all over her body. Eiko wasted no more time picking her up and running full speed to the hospital. He got to the hospital quickly and shouted for help. The medical ninja rushed to him and grabbed his mother.

They took her to a room to start surgery. Eiko felt as if his eyes were on fire, he thought it was from the painful tears that were spilling from his eyes but it wasn't. Eiko immediately realized what was happening as he felt a lack of strength hit him suddenly.

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