
Naruto: Gravity

Wakes up in the Naruto world with the Zushi Zushi no Mi *************** Schedule - 16/week No Harem and Sub-plot of Romance I do not own Naruto or any Naruto characters nor do I own the Zushi Zushi No Mi. I only own my OC's

youdusb26 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

2 Years Later and Fighting Again

2 years have passed since the training plan started, and Eiko is now 9-years-old. Eiko has already become an official Genin 2 years ago but still hasn't taken the Chunin exam. But in the past 2 years Eiko hasn't once slacked off, in fact, he's done more than Fugaku asked. He's improved the range of his control to 300ft, he can also hold objects that weigh up to 10 tons easily and up to 13 with a lot of struggle, his Kenjutsu has improved a little but not a great amount, and his overall gravity strength has improved to affect even the strongest of Jonin a little bit. But the biggest change that helped his strength bloom is his new attack methods.

He now has the ability to solidify gravity, so Eiko can now make gravity walls and weapons like kunai, which he used to make his kunai cloak better. He also is no longer affected by any gravity whatsoever, this has helped him have the speed of a Jonin as he is not affected by the same weight they are, this also means if Eiko trained his control a little more he could fly. Another method he made was gravity orbs. They are giant orbs made of gravity that either pull or repel anything that is near it. His last new method is firing a small bolt of gravity from his hands that will make anything it touches collapse in on itself and tearing it.

He now can be classified as an Elite Jonin. Not a Kage class yet as to become one of those you must master your ability, which Eiko has not fully done yet. He also understands that becoming a Kage-level ninja is still gonna take some time as war has started and being a ninja he must eventually join the battlefield.

But Eiko's current focus was to become a Chunin first. Kakashi has already surpassed him in this regard, as Kakashi graduated from the Ninja Academy, 2 weeks after Eiko did. Kakashi then took the Chunin as soon as he could becoming a Chunin at 7-years-old.

The next Chunin exam is in a week but Fugaku isn't going to let Eiko sign up if he doesn't pass his requirements. Eiko was told that he would have to fight with Fugaku again but this time Fugaku wasn't going to hold back. Fugaku does know all about Eiko's strength. But wants to see if he can utilize his powers correctly in a battle. Mostly because of the new war, but also because Eiko hasn't had enough fights on his missions to accumulate the battle experience.

Back on the same courtyard as 2 years ago they stood opposite each other.

"Whenever you feel ready. Remember don't hold anything back," Fugaku said sounding very excited.

"OK then Fugaku-sensei, I'm coming," Eiko replied while getting his newly improved kunai cloak ready, and sprinting full speed at Fugaku who also started sprinting full speed.

The current Fugaku doesn't have the Mangekyou Sharingan but does have the 3-tomoe Sharingan and Elite Jonin strength, the same as Eiko but with more battle experience.

Knowing that a prolonged battle against Fugaku would be bad for him, Eiko would use everything he had to beat him quickly. He shot out his gravity kunai at Fugaku, they shot out at an extremely high speed but still not fast enough to not be seen by the Sharingan.

Fugaku blocked the kunai with his own, then did some hand signs.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu"

This wasn't a normal fireball but a massive one. Fugaku is one of the only ninjas to be able to make the fireball massive when using this ninjutsu.

Though it may be bigger and stronger than usual, it's nothing compared to the power of gravity. Eiko smiled, put out his hand, and said.

"Gravity Release: Gravity Bolt"

A fist-size purple bolt shot from Eiko's hand and hit the fireball. While the size of the two was huge the small bolt easily won the battle, causing the fireball to look as though it was being sucked in from inside itself and disappear.

Eiko wasted no time in using his gravity again,

"Gravity Release: Gravity Downforce"

Fugaku felt as though he had hundreds of pounds of weight attached to him in an instant. The ground beneath him was also cracking and he was sinking into the floor.


Fukaku who was knees deep in the ground exploded into a white cloud.

"Clone? When?" Eiko blurted out. He use his gravity perception to realize that Fugaku was approaching him quickly from behind.

Fugaku was about a foot from Eiko when Eiko casts "Gravity Release: Gravity Wave". This move sends all objects around 15 feet near Eiko flying away.

"I didn't expect you to be able to deal with my clone so fast!" Fugaku said shocked.

Eiko didn't speak but instead unsheathed his sword. He instantly applied his sword with gravitational energy making it lighter, sharper, and more durable. After doing this Eiko charged toward Fugaku once more. Fugaku did too, knowing that physical skills are the only thing that can threaten the current Eiko. Even then Eiko had counter-measures for that too, but they were less powerful than the ranged attacks.

When in range Fugaku slashed the kunai in his hands at Eiko hoping to get the upper hand. As the kunai were about to slash Eiko's chest, Fugaku could see a blur coming from the right.

"I win," Eiko said triumphantly.

At this time Fugaku stopped and turned his head to see Eiko's glowing sword at his neck.

"How did yo...I can't believe it, you moved your sword so fast that even my Sharingan could barely see. With a good range and physical defense, good range, great physical attack, and finally a decent knowledge of when to do what in combat. I can see that you have made it to my level, and have no reason to be a Genin. You have met my requirements to take the Chunin exam" Fugaku stated proudly.

Hey sorry for the tiny break in uploads! I just had my finals but will be back posting for this book. Also, let me know if you like the style of saying the gravity power being used or would rather a wave of the hand type thing. Thanks for reading!

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