
Naruto: Genshin Impact Player of Konoha Village

 When the desire is too strong, the gods will cast their eyes. Those who hold [God's Eye] are called - Yuanshen! Because of a model souvenir of [God's Eye], he accidentally traveled to the world of Naruto, but the traveler Qianquan Aoki discovered that he could cultivate himself like a Yuanshen character? Ordinary Kunai is a two-star weapon, a chakra knife is a three-star weapon, an old man’s pocket watch on the street is a one-star relic, a ninja’s forehead is a holy relic, and the most outrageous thing is that the flowers used to sweep the grave are also holy relics? ! Aoki, who is a player of the original god long grass, feels that his goal in this life is to become a god. But before that, maybe we should set a small goal, for example, to get together a set of five-star holy relics? ! PS: This is a story about a Genshin Impact player who bought the genuine [God's Eye] and traveled to the Naruto World to cultivate himself into a "God".

noob_battle29 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

Learning Medical Ninjutsu

After seeing the psychic snake disappear, Aoki, who had overdrawn chakra and elements, sat on the ground weakly, constantly thinking about the battle just now and thinking about his mistakes.

  First of all, it should not be on the top, completely ignoring the consequences of "parasitic seeds" not working, and leaving no room for themselves.

  If the psychic snake still has room after being absorbed by the "parasitic seed", then Aoki, who has no chakra and elements in the body, is just a fish on the chopping board, waiting for the snake to swallow it!

  Second, it is indeed a bit of a complacent. Although he didn't say it clearly, Aoki looked down on this kind of psychic beast without wisdom. After all, when he thought about it, wouldn't it be easy to defeat this kind of beast without wisdom with "Wood Dun"?

  So at the beginning, he did not open the distance in time, but used ninjutsu to hinder the pace of the psychic snake!

  Damn, it's a little off! !

  Aoki was seriously criticizing himself in his heart. Tsunade and Orochimaru also came out of the woods when the battle was over.

  Among them, Orochimaru looked at the place where the psychic beast had just disappeared. There were dozens of palm-sized flowers scattered on the ground, flashing green light under the sunlight.

  Tsunade took the initiative to walk behind Aoki, put his hands on Aoki's back to release medical ninjutsu, and kept complaining:

  "I said your fighting style is really rough, you have no skills at all. I didn't seize the opportunity to release attack ninjutsu, and I couldn't pull away to avoid the attack!"

  "Alas! But at your age, your performance is so-so, and you can be regarded as defeating the psychic beast, even if you pass. Okay, the treatment is over, stand up."

  Ao touched his back and once again sighed at the magic of medical ninjutsu.

  Although he has the talent of "immortal body", he can restore 1 health point per second, but he lost more than 600 health points just now, and he recovered in less than a minute under Tsunade's medical ninjutsu? ? !

  This also deepened Aoki's determination to learn medical ninjutsu!

  After all, Naruto World is not the continent of Tivat, nor is it a Genshin Impact game! There are no other three characters who can switch with Aoki at any time, and there is no shield nurse to protect him at all times!

  So there is only one way, and that is to become the main C nurse myself!

  So Aoki stood up and asked, "Sister Tsunade, can I learn medical ninjutsu?"

  "Huh? Are you actually interested in medical ninjutsu?"

  Tsunade turned to look at Aoki with a puzzled expression. After all, in her opinion, most of the ninjas who are interested in learning medical ninjutsu are those who have no ninja talent and cannot become fighting ninjas.

  Although she proposed the training system of medical ninjas, it is undeniable that medical ninjas are still called logistics personnel in Konoha Village. Most of the villagers do not agree that medical ninjas are "ninjas".

  So when Aoki offered to learn medical ninjutsu, she was so puzzled.


  Aoki nodded affirmatively.

  Tsunade hesitated immediately. Objectively speaking, she was very happy that someone liked medical ninjutsu, and she was willing to share her medical knowledge with others, not to mention that Aoki was his "younger brother" and wanted her to give her all the medical knowledge. She would not hesitate to teach her skills to her younger brother.

  It should have been so.

  But a person's energy is limited. Since Aoki has awakened Mu Dun, he shouldn't waste his energy on medical ninjutsu. After all, no matter how arrogant Tsunade is, she doesn't think it is important for medical ninjas to have a Mu Dun ninja.


  Just as Tsunade was thinking about how to convince Aoki to give up learning medical ninjutsu and concentrate on studying the wood tunnel, Orochimaru, who was standing beside him, came over and said,

  "I think Aoki-kun has a good idea, Tsunade. Hand."


  Tsunade frowned and asked, "What are you talking about? Now just the wooden escape is enough for Aoki to learn, how can I have the energy to think about medical ninjutsu?!"

  Orochimaru showed Tsunade the flower he had just picked up, and explained, "Even there are differences between the same kind of Xueji boundary, and according to my observation, Aoki-kun's Mudun should be different from the first generation of adults." "Judging from the   ninjutsu

  released by Aoki-kun just now, the ninjutsu developed by Aoki-kun using the first-generation adults is like drawing a cat according to a tiger.

out flowers.

  "This ninjutsu should not be a ninjutsu developed by the first-generation adults, but developed by Aoki-kun according to his own situation? Perceptually, it is obviously different from other wood escape ninjutsu, and it seems to have the same vitality."

  "Yes... Yes."

  Shock Aoki!

  It's not bad that you are engaged in scientific research and research on ninjutsu. Can you distinguish the essence of ninjutsu just by looking at it? !

  The difference between "Parasitic Seed" and other ninjutsu is that it is the first talent independently developed by Aoki and certified by [God's Eye], which is different from other wooden ninjutsu as talent.

  Therefore, it has vitality that other ninjutsu does not have, that is, vitality and growth.

  Just like the gap between writing homework and copying homework, you must understand the process and details of each step to get the answer when you write homework yourself, and copying homework has the answer at the beginning, so naturally you won't go to see the process carefully!

  Tsunade didn't understand what Orochimaru meant, and still frowned. As soon as he was about to speak, he saw Orochimaru handing over a flower. After he took the letter suspiciously, he sensed the familiar energy inside.

  "This...this is?!!"

  "Medical Ninjutsu."

  Orochimaru sighed: "I feel a lot of vitality in this flower, which means that this flower can have the same healing effect as medical ninjutsu. .and..."

  Orochimaru didn't finish his words, but he believed that Tsunade had fully understood what he meant. The value of this kind of ninjutsu is not that it is a wood-dun ninjutsu, but that it can be separated from the practitioner, carried by anyone and has a healing effect! As long as Aoki has a little time to store this flower, maybe it can be distributed to a ninja as a material such as military food pills.

  Especially now that Konoha Village is at war, carrying this kind of flower is like carrying a medical ninja with you. Although I don't know how much healing effect it can have, it is undoubtedly a blessing for ninjas who are desperate on the battlefield. kind of guarantee.


  Tsunade was lost for a while, staring blankly at the flowers in his hands. Although her research on ninjutsu is not as profound as that of Orochimaru, when it comes to medical ninjas, it is her field!

  Tsunade had already judged the moment he came into contact with this kind of flower that this kind of flower does have a therapeutic effect, and unlike the traditional medical ninja, the traditional medical ninja stimulates the proliferation of cells to have a therapeutic effect, and the consumption is still the cured person. vitality.

  But this unknown ninjutsu is different, it achieves the purpose of treatment by supplementing the vitality of the human body! Due to the relatively short contact time, Tsunade can only attribute it to the magic of Mu Dun.

  But there is no doubt that this will be a ninjutsu that can change the direction of the war. Although she can also achieve the healing effect of covering the battlefield with a psychic slug, it consumes too much chakra, even if she has thousands of hands The members of the family can't bear it either!

  Thinking of this Tsunade, he didn't hesitate. He looked at Aoki like a gambler when he saw money, and said fiercely,

  "Now you can go back with me to learn medical knowledge!!"