
Naruto: Genshin Impact Player of Konoha Village

 When the desire is too strong, the gods will cast their eyes. Those who hold [God's Eye] are called - Yuanshen! Because of a model souvenir of [God's Eye], he accidentally traveled to the world of Naruto, but the traveler Qianquan Aoki discovered that he could cultivate himself like a Yuanshen character? Ordinary Kunai is a two-star weapon, a chakra knife is a three-star weapon, an old man’s pocket watch on the street is a one-star relic, a ninja’s forehead is a holy relic, and the most outrageous thing is that the flowers used to sweep the grave are also holy relics? ! Aoki, who is a player of the original god long grass, feels that his goal in this life is to become a god. But before that, maybe we should set a small goal, for example, to get together a set of five-star holy relics? ! PS: This is a story about a Genshin Impact player who bought the genuine [God's Eye] and traveled to the Naruto World to cultivate himself into a "God".

noob_battle29 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

Chakra Attributes

In the end, Aoki didn't immediately follow Tsunade to learn medical knowledge. After all, Aoki is also a well-known sweetheart. How can he just go with people casually?

  Have you asked me, Mr. Orochimaru? !

  Of course, Aoki didn't dare to think about the above words... The

  truth is that Tsunade suddenly remembered that the Orochimaru beside him was also his teacher. Although Aoki showed a very high medical ninja talent, no matter whether it was Neither she nor Orochimaru would want Aoki to become a pure medical ninja.

  So they "pop" together and decided that Tsunade would teach Aoki medical knowledge, and Orochimaru would teach Aoki ninjutsu and fighting, with a clear division of labor.

  As for Aoki, let's not say that he has no room for rejection. Even if there is, a fool would do it.

  Just kidding, he's not Shiranui Mai's younger brother, no matter what, with these two excellent ninjas imparting their top knowledge in each other's fields, no one will refuse!

  Therefore, after making a decision, Tsunade went back to sort out the medical knowledge books, and checked his grandfather's ninjutsu notes by the way, to see how to make Aoki develop more ninjutsu.

  And Orochimaru stayed with Aoki in the woods in the back mountain, staring with big eyes.

  One thing to say, Aoki feels that the current Orochimaru is really handsome, with a faint smile at the corners of his mouth, with black hair, wearing the standard green ninja vest of Konoha Junin, and he is feminine and heroic. .

  "Aoki-kun, is there something on my face?"

  Perhaps Aoki's eyes were too hot, and Orochimaru pointed to his own and asked with a smile.

  "Ah, no, no, and Orochimaru-sensei, you can just call me Aoki."

  Orochimaru-sensei? Sounds pretty good.

  Orochimaru smiled and said that he didn't care, and continued: "Well, if you have no opinion, Aoki, then let's start the class."


  "Well, right here."

  Orochimaru patted Aoki on the shoulder lightly to signal him to sit down, and he sat cross-legged on the ground without caring, and said with a smile,

  "You are my first student, and I have no experience teaching others before. So I want to hear your thoughts first. Aoki, do you have any ninjutsu you want to learn?"

  Aoki scratched his head and asked uncertainly, "Any ninjutsu?"

  "Of course not, I don't. He knows medical ninjutsu and wooden dungeon."

  "What about other ninjutsu?"

  "I know a little bit about everything."

  Orochimaru continued to smile.

  Aoki is madly complaining in his heart...

  Good guy, this is the old fingertip universe, and the opening is the old Versailles.

  Of course, Orochimaru really has the capital of Versailles, and people who say they understand a little bit are indeed "a little bit".

  And since Orochimaru said this, it also showed that he really took Aoki as an apprentice to train him seriously, otherwise he wouldn't ask Aoki's opinion at all, but just dropped a few ninjutsu and dismissed him.

  Ask questions! The future "Leng Jun" Orochimaru is your teacher, and asks you what you want to learn.

  Reply! "Everything I want to learn a little bit."

  Aoki rubbed her hands together embarrassedly, her originally squinted eyes became even smaller when she smiled, leaving almost only a gap, smiling honestly.


  Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, showing a satisfied smile. He seemed to see the shadow of his childhood in Aoki, the same talent, one's eagerness to learn and... thirst for knowledge!

  But... "Although I really want to teach you all my   ninjutsu

  , Aoki, do you know your chakra attributes?


He really doesn't know what his chakra attributes are?

  After all, after awakening [God's Eye], he patronized the upgrade by converting chakra into experience points, and he didn't even want to test his chakra attributes.

  In addition, the ninja school only teaches three basic ninjutsu with no attributes: "transfiguration", "clone", and "substitute". The ninjutsu given to him after being mistaken by the three generations of Naruto as the awakening of Mudun is also through [ God's Eye] cheating is transformed into a gifted wooden escape technique.

  Think of it this way.

  Sent! I still don't know what my chakra attribute is? !


  Aoki smirked.

  Orochimaru seemed to be especially patient with his first disciple. He took out a Kunai in his hand and explained the relationship between chakra and ninjutsu to Aoki while painting on the ground.

  "Chakra is the product of the equal mixing of self-spirit energy and body energy. Generally speaking, we divide it into five categories according to the different properties of chakra, namely fire, thunder, earth, wind, and water, which correspond to our There are five types of escapism. To use the corresponding ninjutsu, you must have the corresponding attributes of chakra."

  "Actually, chakra also has two types of yin and yang, but the ninjutsu using these two types of chakra is too rare. , so ordinary ninjas only understand the other five types of chakra."

  "When the two types of chakra are mixed and used at the same time, a new escape technique will be generated, which is the so-called blood-successive limit. For example, the wooden escape that you have. It is a kind of blood-based boundary. As far as I know, it is a fusion product of two types of chakra, water and soil, so Aoki, you should have at least two types of chakras of water and soil."

  "Of course, maybe you It may also have other properties, so I still have to test it. Well, just right, I happen to have a chakra paper here, put your chakra into it."

  Orochimaru said, and took out a note from his arms and handed it to him. To Aoki.

  Aoki: ...

  a good one!

  Aoki resisted the desire to complain, silently took the chakra paper and lost his chakra.

  The strips of paper became damp and then shattered without warning.

  Seeing this, Orochimaru continued:

  "It seems that you only have the two attributes of water and soil."

  After a moment of silence, Orochimaru still reached out and touched Aoki's head.

  "But don't worry, the chakra attributes can be cultivated through the day after tomorrow. Just like my teacher, the three generations of Hokage, although he is proficient in the five elements of escape, he was born with only two chakras with different attributes."

  "Thank you, Mr. Orochimaru."

  Although it's a pity that he doesn't have the protagonist attribute of the wind attribute, Aoki is still sincerely thankful, after all, who would have thought that Orochimaru would comfort people so tenderly.

  Orochimaru nodded, stood up from the ground and walked towards the open space with Aoki.

  "Follow up, now I'm going to give you the first ninjutsu."

  Aoki was no longer afraid of Orochimaru at this time, and even felt a little kind, so he gradually returned to his own nature, and quickly got up and ran after him .

  His mouth was still talking.

  "What what, what ninjutsu? Is it a water escape? Or a soil escape? Isn't this ninjutsu very powerful, Mr. Orochimaru? Actually, I want to learn some more powerful ninjutsu, preferably with a certain attack ability and Defensive ability..."

  He, Aoki, was a chatter.