
Naruto: Genshin Impact Player of Konoha Village

 When the desire is too strong, the gods will cast their eyes. Those who hold [God's Eye] are called - Yuanshen! Because of a model souvenir of [God's Eye], he accidentally traveled to the world of Naruto, but the traveler Qianquan Aoki discovered that he could cultivate himself like a Yuanshen character? Ordinary Kunai is a two-star weapon, a chakra knife is a three-star weapon, an old man’s pocket watch on the street is a one-star relic, a ninja’s forehead is a holy relic, and the most outrageous thing is that the flowers used to sweep the grave are also holy relics? ! Aoki, who is a player of the original god long grass, feels that his goal in this life is to become a god. But before that, maybe we should set a small goal, for example, to get together a set of five-star holy relics? ! PS: This is a story about a Genshin Impact player who bought the genuine [God's Eye] and traveled to the Naruto World to cultivate himself into a "God".

noob_battle29 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

Battle 1/3 Orochimaru

The mountain behind Konoha.


  "Woodun - all things in the forest!"

  "Woodun - the technique of the forest!"


  After simply releasing two ninjutsu to make Tsunade believe, Aoki introduced him to Tsunade again. All the wood escape ninjutsu that he has mastered now.

  Of course, Aoki had absolutely no intention of cheating some ninjutsu from Tsunade.

  Tsunade looked at Aoki who was standing in a circle of trees, slammed his feet and raised his fists and rushed over.


  "Woodun - Tree Boundary Wall!"

  Tsunade's fist swung towards Aoki, Aoki released ninjutsu in time, and a wooden shield wrapped around trees quickly grew in front of him to block Tsunade and attack.


  Sawdust flew around.

  The moment the fist touched the wooden shield, the wooden shield was destroyed by Tsunade's violence.

  "Ha, don't fight, I won't fight, I really am not your opponent, Tsunade-san!"

  Aoki sighed helplessly, spreading his hands. In fact, the wooden shield just now was superimposed after Aoki released three talents in a row, but even so, it was destroyed so easily by Tsunade. This also made Aoki recognize the huge gap between himself and Shangin.

  "Just come here, I probably know your current situation. I finally come back once, and then go to eat barbecue. But before that..."

  Tsunade stopped and turned to face the empty woods. He shouted: "Come out, Orochimaru, I know you're here!"

  "Haha, your perception is still so sensitive, Tsunade."

  Aoki only felt a flower in front of him, and there was another person in front of him, and it was Orochimaru.

  This Basilisk is still hiding and spying on me? ! !

  Then Aoki heard Orochimaru say:

  "Meet again, Aoki-kun. I'm very interested in you, hehehe..."

  Yaoshou, Aunt Snake actually said that she was interested in me? ! !

  "Hello! Hello!"

  Orochimaru looked at Aoki's terrified face, and secretly wondered whether he was so scary, to scare this child!

  People who don't know will think that Orochimaru is a bad person who threatens to abduct and sell children when they see this scene! !


  Tsunade irritably knocked Aoki away, and reprimanded unhappily:

  "What's your expression like, stinky boy?! You just don't want to be a teacher? Don't think that when you wake up, Mu Dun is arrogant, you must know that there is no invincibility. The most important thing is the ninja who use ninjutsu!"

  "I now understand why the three generations of old men called us back, don't be too proud, kid!!"

  Aoki patted his butt and stood up after finishing his mood. Pidianpidian ran back.

  He also wanted to understand that what Orochimaru said was interested in him, not in his body.

  Aoki naturally brought Orochimaru into the original work, but the current Orochimaru can be said to be a "three good ninja", not the indifferent betrayal of later generations!

  After thinking about this, Aoki didn't correct Tsunade's thoughts either. He walked up to Orochimaru solemnly, bowed and apologized,

  "I'm so sorry!!"

  "It's okay, Aoki-kun. Instead, I'm more interested in you. If you don't mind, then let's start?"

  Orochimaru waved his hand generously to express his forgiveness for Aoki's rudeness, after all, he is not so angry with children, it is better to say that he actually likes children quite a bit.

  Although the children of Konoha Village prefer jiraiya's kind of idiots... What's the


  Tsunade saw Aoki's question and explained:

  "In our Konoha Village, whether you are accepting apprentices or apprentices, or the instructors you meet after graduating from the ninja school, they will test the students' abilities. If the teacher is not satisfied, they will even take back the forehead protection and start anew. Go back to the ninja school to study."

  "Of course you don't have to worry about this, if you can't make Orochimaru satisfied, at most he won't accept you as a disciple, but I will let you experience what pain is!"

  "Then , As long as Aoki-kun can defeat my psychic beast, what if you win?"

  Orochimaru also added appropriately.

  Aoki thought of Tsunade's punching the wooden shield, and he froze all over, and assured Orochimaru earnestly:

  "I will work hard, please!!"

  Orochimaru nodded, bit his finger, and then His hands clapped on the ground, and the black spell spread immediately.


  "Bang!" After the

  large amount of white smoke dissipated, what appeared in front of Aoki's eyes was a large brown-spotted snake with the height of a two-story house and a bucket thick, staring at him coldly spitting out snake letters.

  Tsunade and Orochimaru had already retreated far away, leaving the battlefield to Aoki alone.

  Aoki and the psychic snake looked at each other, no one did anything, oh no, Aoki secretly used the grass element to sprinkle seeds all over the snake's body. This seed would absorb the life force of the host to grow, and it would also feed back the life force to the snake. Aoki himself, Aoki named it "Parasitic Seed"!

  However, this trick is too sinister, and Aoki has only tested it on small animals after it was developed.

  Moreover, although the "parasitic seeds" are secretive, it takes some time to absorb vitality. Before the plants bloom, Aoki himself needs to delay the time.

  I don't know if it was Orochimaru's order, but in the end, the psychic snake took the lead and rushed over with a big mouth.

  "Wood Dun - The Art of the Great Forest!"

  Aoki raised his left hand, and instantly a large number of trees stretched out from his arm to block the advance of the psychic snake, and at the same time, he threw out a few long wooden thorns in his right hand to attack.

  "Wood escape - cutting technique!"



  After the psychic snake destroyed the trees in front, it continued to rush towards Aoki with its claws and claws. These trees actually only had the effect of slowing its advance! But...

  that's enough time!

  Although it is not enough for the growth of "parasitic seeds", the "cutting technique" has been completed. The part where the psychic snake was just stabbed suddenly stretched out a lot of branches, bringing out a lot of blood.


  Due to the severe pain, the psychic snake screamed and rolled on the ground. When it wore off the branches on its body, it became more violent, and roared with red eyes.


  Aoki jumped back in time to avoid the impact of the psychic snake, and at the same time crossed his hands to protect his head to prevent the flying debris from scratching his eyes.

  Although Aoki's reaction was fast enough, the psychic snake's movements were significantly faster!

  It seized the opportunity that Aoki had not yet landed in the air, and slammed Aoki into the air!

  After breaking three trees in a row and landing steadily, Aoki endured the pain and glanced at his health.

  Health: 2755/3402

  Good guy, he actually knocked down more than 600 HP, no wonder it hurts so much! !

  Aoki, who was on top of him because of pain, was not stingy with chakra and elements, and created a lot of tree branches to trap the psychic snake into a zongzi.

  The body of the psychic snake swayed violently, destroying the branches that entangled itself, but at the same time, there were more wooden bars to bind it more tightly!

  And its vigorous exercise also accelerated the growth of "parasitic seeds", which eventually germinated and produced a large number of emerald green flowers.

  And because the psychic snake lost a lot of vitality, it lay weakly on the ground and returned to the psychic world with a "bang" with the appearance of the white mist.

  Winner - Qianquan Aoki!