
Naruto: Genshin Impact Player of Konoha Village

 When the desire is too strong, the gods will cast their eyes. Those who hold [God's Eye] are called - Yuanshen! Because of a model souvenir of [God's Eye], he accidentally traveled to the world of Naruto, but the traveler Qianquan Aoki discovered that he could cultivate himself like a Yuanshen character? Ordinary Kunai is a two-star weapon, a chakra knife is a three-star weapon, an old man’s pocket watch on the street is a one-star relic, a ninja’s forehead is a holy relic, and the most outrageous thing is that the flowers used to sweep the grave are also holy relics? ! Aoki, who is a player of the original god long grass, feels that his goal in this life is to become a god. But before that, maybe we should set a small goal, for example, to get together a set of five-star holy relics? ! PS: This is a story about a Genshin Impact player who bought the genuine [God's Eye] and traveled to the Naruto World to cultivate himself into a "God".

noob_battle29 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

Longdi Cave

Orochimaru didn't expect that his new disciple was still a chatter. She looked like a very quiet and lovely lady just now!

  I don't know if it's too late to return the goods now...


  "Mmm, Mr. Orochimaru, have you decided to teach me some ninjutsu?"

  Orochimaru shrugged and said slowly, "Do you know that you Come."

  "I know."


  Didn't you say you wanted to teach me ninjutsu, why did it suddenly involve Jiraiya? what! Could it be that this ninjutsu is also related to Jiraiya? !

  Let me think, spiral pills? No, no, this ninjutsu was developed by his apprentice Minato Namifeng, and the future four generations of Hokage have not yet gone to school!

  Is it Jiraiya's own hair ninjutsu? In other words, he and I both have white hair, um, so it seems the truth.

  Aoki was still thinking about it, when he heard Orochimaru say in his characteristic low voice:

  "Then you know that if you talk too much, you will become an idiot like Jiraiya?"

  Aoki: ...

  Understand Teacher Orochimaru, do you think I talk too much?

  Forget it, you are the teacher, you have the final say.

  Aoki obediently shut her mouth.

  Orochimaru nodded with satisfaction, took out a scroll from his arms and handed it to Aoki, and said,

  "This is the first ninjutsu I will teach you.

  " "Spiritual Technique" four words.

  Is it actually psychic? !

  Aoki sighed in surprise, um, sighed inwardly.

  Because Orochimaru didn't let Aoki speak just now, Aoki can only stare directly at Orochimaru even if he has more questions.

  I was talking when Mr. Orochimaru asked me to speak. At that time, I can still laugh at... ahem!

  I'm staring at-!

  As if he knew what Aoki was thinking, Orochimaru stared at Aoki without any hesitation, expressionless.

  He also knew now that instead of calling him a chatter, Orochimaru felt that the term "bear child" was more appropriate. Of course, he also knew that this was because Aoki wanted to have a good relationship with him, but this kind of behavior was really funny.

  In the end, it was Aoki who gave in first. After all, although he was a little skinny, he wasn't really a kid who didn't understand anything. He still knew how to behave.

  So he got up and asked:

  "Teacher Orochimaru, do you want me to learn the art of psychic? I thought it would be water escape or earth escape."

  Orochimaru nodded and explained:

  "Although your The amount of chakra is much higher than that of your peers, but it is not enough for you to release ninjutsu too many times. Besides, although the water and the earth have their own unique points, they are not as good as the same level for you now. Wood Dun is more suitable.

  Of course, the situation changes rapidly in real battles, and it is definitely not enough to only master Wood Dun. In the future, you will definitely learn these two escape techniques to make up for your own shortcomings, but for now, Wood Dun is enough for you to study "

  As for why it is psychic, one is because if you want to learn medical ninjutsu from Tsunade, you must have control over chakra, and psychic can help you exercise your control over chakra.

  The second is because the psychic technique is only C-level ninjutsu, but depending on the amount of chakra you input in the psychic array, psychic beasts of different magnitudes will also be summoned. Don't worry if you will not use it later. It's here. As your strength increases, the psychic beasts will become stronger.

  The psychic technique is the first thing you need to learn now is ninjutsu!"

  Orochimaru silently added the third reason in his heart As a teacher, you must have some unique skills to teach your apprentices.

  He is not as proficient in medical ninjutsu as Tsunade, and even said that the system of medical ninja was created by Tsunade himself, so whenever he mentions medical ninjutsu, Tsunade is the first thing that Konoha thinks of.

  He Orochimaru is just an ordinary ninja in Konoha Village, who can only teach Aoki some common ninjutsu.

  So after excluding those forbidden arts he mastered, Orochimaru was surprised to find that he really didn't have many ninjutsu shots!

  After thinking about it, I can only let Aoki learn the art of psychic, and then sign a contract with Longdidong!

  Of course, this also depends on Aoki's own wishes. If Aoki is unwilling, as a teacher, he has no choice but to develop a forbidden technique to teach his disciples!

  After all, it's not against the rules to teach ninjutsu you developed yourself.

  Aoki didn't know the secret, or he just vaguely guessed that Orochimaru intended him to sign a contract with Longdidong, so he asked euphemistically:

  "Teacher Orochimaru, do you intend for me to sign a contract with your psychic beast? Is it a contract?"

  Orochimaru: ...

  This child is really frank...

  "Cough! You decide this matter yourself. But before that, I want to popularize the psychic beasts in the ninja

  world. There are three in total in the ninja world. The big psychic beast group, known as the "three holy places", are Miaomu Mountain, Longdi Cave and Shibone Forest.

  Miaomu Mountain is the toad psychic beast group, Longdi Cave is the snake psychic beast group, and the Shibone Forest is special , there is only a huge slug that can be split, and the general contractor is only a part of its huge body.

  What I signed is the contract of Ryudidong, and Tsunade is the contractor of the wet bone forest. So by You decide which holy place you want to sign a contract with. Of course, you can also choose to sign a contract with other psychic beasts or cultivate a psychic beast group yourself.

  But Aoki, since there are so many psychic beast groups in the ninja world , do you know why only these three places are called holy places?"

  Before Aoki could speak, Orochimaru answered for him.

  "This is because only these three places master the cultivation methods of immortality. Maybe you don't know immortality, but what I can tell you now is that if you want to cultivate Mu Dun to the level of the original Hokage-sama, You have to master immortality."

  Aoki "suddenly realized", Orochimaru meant to suggest that he sign the contract of the three holy places, not only to save the time cost of cultivating psychic beasts, but also to learn how to practice immortality. But...

  "Can you only sign a contract with one holy place?"

  Hearing Aoki's greedy speech, Orochimaru couldn't help licking his lips and said,

  "I didn't expect that Aoki's ambition is not small, but it's a pity. , the relationship between the three holy places is very poor, so you can only choose one of them!"

  "Is that so..."

  Aoki smacked his lips, secretly saying what a pity! Then he looked at Orochimaru and said seriously:

  "Then choose Longdi Cave, so that you will be just like Mr. Orochimaru!"

  Orochimaru smiled.

  "Are you sure?"


  After all, I'm also an old snake skin (lsp)!