
Naruto: Evolution

Regaining the memories of his previous life, he learns that he has been reincarnated in Narutovers. A place full of darkness, where hypocritical and idealistic individuals sacrifice everything to achieve their objectives, without caring about putting an entire town in danger, or worse... the entire world. He follows Gen on his journey to change his destiny in a world full of falsehood and power. - English is not my first language, written to add more words to my vocabulary and earn some money. Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/Athome790

theusual · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


"Is there really any need to ask?" A childish voice interrupted before Gen could answer. "It's an early graduation exam with people who are years ahead of us. Of course it's going to be hell compared to normal. Isn't it obvious, Gen?"

The interruption came from the right, where a fair-skinned girl with short black hair was leaning over her desk.

It was Shizune, whose dark eyes sparkled with defiance. In the future, she would become Tsunade's disciple, but for now, she was just another student...

Kurenai, seated to Gen's left, shot a sharp glance at Shizune. Her red eyes glowing with barely concealed irritation. "Nobody asked you, Shizune," she muttered through gritted teeth.

Caught in the middle of the growing tension, Gen let out a soft laugh that seemed to dissipate the charged atmosphere. "Who knows what it'll be like," he said with an enigmatic smile. "The only sure thing is that we'll have to sweat. Literally."

His comment, half joke, half truth, had the desired effect. Both Kurenai and Shizune relaxed their posture, their gazes softening as they focused on Gen.

It was no secret that Gen's combination of appearance, talent, and personality was like a magnet for his classmates.

Kurenai and Shizune were no exception, having even done unimaginable things for the coveted spots by his side.

Now, faced with that radiant smile, both girls felt the familiar flutter in their hearts. A slight blush tinged their cheeks as they, almost unconsciously, leaned towards Gen.

The movement brought with it a mixture of aromas: Kurenai's floral touch and Shizune's more herbal notes, creating a unique combination that reminded Gen of how complex his life had become.

Observing the bustle of the classroom, Gen felt a wave of nostalgia.

This year had been different, marked by rapid and surprising progress. But what really struck him was the memory that had awakened almost a year ago: the memory of a previous life in a world called "Earth".

In that world, there was a famous manga called "Naruto" which, incredibly, accurately portrayed the world in which he now found himself.

Knowing the future and past of this universe had initially left him overwhelmed, unsure of how to act with this knowledge.

Gen found himself dealing with complex emotions as his mind merged memories from both worlds. Surprisingly, in a short period, he managed to adapt to this new reality, accepting events with a maturity that surprised him.

But the awakening of his previous memories brought something else: a power capable of changing the future. This power manifested as a system called "Evolution".

The "Evolution" system allowed him to improve five specific aspects of himself:






Each evolution required 100 points, which were automatically generated at a rate of 1 point per hour.

In his first month with the system, he accumulated 720 points, enough to evolve each of the five aspects once.

The results were immediate and surprising. His training effectiveness skyrocketed, he learned faster and applied what he learned with an ease that amazed his instructors.

At the academy, this sudden improvement, combined with his polite attitude and constant dedication, earned him a good reputation among students and teachers alike.

Thus creating a network of connections that could be crucial in the future.

While Gen was immersed in his memories, the classroom continued with its usual routine. Yue was still taking attendance, and one by one, the students stood up to demonstrate what they had practiced.

"Obito Uchiha."

The name resonated in the classroom, shaking Gen from his thoughts like a bucket of cold water.

A shiver ran down his spine as his eyes fixed on the figure rising from his seat.

Obito stood up, his black, spiky hair contrasting with the blue of his long-sleeved uniform. The jacket with orange trim and collar gave him a distinctive touch, but what stood out most were his orange-lens goggles, connected to ear protectors.

Observing every movement of Obito as he made his way to the front of the class. His heart was pounding. The contrast between the Obito he saw now and the one he knew from the future was unimaginable.

"If only they knew," thought Gen, feeling the weight of his knowledge like a slab on his shoulders. He observed Obito's clumsy but genuine smile, his somewhat insecure but determined posture. How was it possible that this boy, with his stubborn but kind personality, would become the villain that Gen knew he would be?

Gen's mind was a whirlwind of contradictory emotions.

On one hand, he felt deep empathy towards Obito, knowing the challenges and tragedies he would face. On the other, he couldn't help but feel fear remembering the future Obito, with his nihilistic mentality and his calculating plans that would put the world on the brink of destruction.

Realizing that he was clenching his fists tightly. Aware that Kurenai and Shizune might notice his tension, he made an effort to relax. He took a deep breath, trying to calm the tumult within him.

Although they both belonged to the same clan, the contrast between Gen and Obito was obvious. While Gen radiated confidence and disinterest, Obito practically vibrated with nervousness and insecurity.

Faced with Yue's evaluating gaze, Obito audibly swallowed. His hands trembled slightly as he formed the seals:

"Transformation Jutsu!"

A cloud of white smoke enveloped Obito. When it dissipated, instead of a replica of the teacher, a figure that could barely be called humanoid appeared. It was missing an arm and a leg, and its face was a shapeless mass.

A stunned silence fell over the class, broken seconds later by giggles.

Yue's face darkened. "Obito," he said with frustration, "when are you going to take something seriously? You're an Uchiha, for God's sake. Is it too much to ask that you follow Gen's example? Look, if you don't master this technique before the class ends, you'll stay after hours."

Obito undid the transformation, his face burning with shame.

However, a spark of determination shone in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Sensei! It was a mistake, I swear. Give me another chance and I'll show you I can do it as well as Gen, even better!"

Yue sighed, yielding to Obito's enthusiasm. "Alright, try again."

But after several attempts, the result was still the same: a deformed figure that barely resembled Yue.

Laughter and mocking comments were not long in coming.

"What a liar!" shouted a boy from the back. "Obito, you should quit ninjutsu and dedicate yourself to comedy. At least there your failures would be intentional."

A girl added disdainfully: "And you dare to compare yourself to Gen? Please! You're in completely different leagues."

"Hey, guys!" exclaimed another student between laughs. "From now on, when someone messes up, we'll say they 'pulled an Obito'."

The taunts increased, especially from the girls who adored Gen.

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