
Naruto: Evolution

Regaining the memories of his previous life, he learns that he has been reincarnated in Narutovers. A place full of darkness, where hypocritical and idealistic individuals sacrifice everything to achieve their objectives, without caring about putting an entire town in danger, or worse... the entire world. He follows Gen on his journey to change his destiny in a world full of falsehood and power. - English is not my first language, written to add more words to my vocabulary and earn some money. Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/Athome790

theusual · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


(Location - Konohagakure)

Ninja Academy - In a third-grade classroom

Yue, a Chūnin in his thirties, stood in front of the blackboard, his gaze sweeping across the classroom full of young aspiring ninjas.

"Listen carefully, future shinobi. Tomorrow is not just any day; it's the day that could change your lives. The Academy Graduation Exam is just around the corner, and with it, the opportunity for the Early Graduation Exam."

He paused, observing how his words sank in with the students. Some straightened up in their seats, others exchanged nervous glances.

"Make no mistake," he continued, his tone becoming serious, "whether you manage to graduate early or need to stay with us a bit longer, your presence tomorrow is mandatory. This evaluation is more than just a test; it's your first real step on the ninja path."

The atmosphere in the classroom became tense. The gravity in Yue's voice made even the most carefree students pay attention.

Normally, the educational system lasts 6 years, so those who enter at the minimum age will graduate at 11 years old.

But this year's situation is a bit peculiar and special.

Just a few days ago, the Hokage issued a new instruction, which talks about this year's age evaluation. Except for first-year students, all other years will participate in the sixth-grade graduation exam.

In conclusion, this year's graduation will be on a large scale.

Graduating from the Ninja Academy is something all students strive for. After all, in this world, being a Ninja is highly respected by people.

But not all students in the classroom had the confidence to pass this year, so those with poor grades would inevitably feel nervous and impatient.

Yue cleared his throat, capturing the class's attention once more. In a more relaxed tone, he continued:

"Alright, kids. We've already reviewed the Clone Jutsu and the Body Replacement Jutsu. Today we're tackling the main course: the Transformation Jutsu. And yes, you guessed it, it will be part of tomorrow's evaluation."

A murmur of nervousness swept through the classroom. Yue waited for it to calm down before continuing.

"We'll do it this way: I'll call names based on last month's results. When you hear your name, come to the front and dazzle us with your Transformation Jutsu. Ready? Let's start with... Gen Uchiha."

In addition to the Graduation Exam, Monthly Evaluations are also conducted in all years. This is done to ensure that students who struggle the most don't fall behind.

An expectant silence fell over the class.

All eyes turned to the center of the classroom, where a young man stood up from his seat.

Gen Uchiha, the teenager who had topped the list in the last Monthly Exam.

His skin, smooth and clear as porcelain, contrasted with his raven-black hair, which fell in perfectly messy strands over his forehead.

His eyes, dark and penetrating, seemed like absolute serenity.

He wore his clan's traditional high-collared blue shirt, which fit perfectly to his athletic figure. Every movement, as he made his way to the front of the class, exuded a calm and controlled confidence.

Upon reaching the front of the blackboard, he wasted no time on words. He completed the three seals in an extremely skilled and quick manner.

"Transformation Jutsu!"

A cloud of white smoke enveloped Gen for a moment.

When it dissipated, where Gen had been before, there was now a perfect replica of teacher Yue.

The transformation was flawless. From Yue's slightly hunched posture to the small scar on his chin, every detail was recreated with astonishing precision.

The real Yue blinked, surprised, as he examined his double.

The class held its breath, some leaning forward in their seats to see better, others exchanging impressed looks.

"Impressive, Gen," Yue murmured, unable to hide a proud smile. "Or should I say... myself?"


Grades at the Ninja Academy are evaluated based on:





An "Excellent" grade is the highest grade.

Gen undid the transformation with a fluid gesture, the smoke dissipating to reveal his original form. With a slight nod, he responded:

"I appreciate your words, Yue-sensei. But I know I still have much to learn, especially from you."

The humility in his tone made a genuine smile appear on Yue's face.

The reputation of the Uchiha Clan in the Village is not very good. One of the main reasons is that most clan members are arrogant people who look down on all other non-Uchiha people.

But Gen is different. No matter when you encounter him, he is very kind and helpful to the people he comes into contact with, and this attitude along with his outstanding appearance makes him loved among teachers and popular among children his age.

Satisfied, Yue turned to the class, his voice rising to ensure everyone could hear him:

"I hope you all paid attention to Gen's demonstration. That, my young ones, is the level you should aspire to."

He paused, noticing how some students shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

"And don't think I'm exaggerating or playing favorites. Gen has shown that with effort and dedication, anything can be achieved. Did you know that just a year ago his grades were... well, let's say they didn't stand out?"

Hearing this, Gen maintained a serene expression.

"That's right," Yue continued. "But in this last year, thanks to his own effort, he not only improved but became the best student in our year. And I'll tell you something else: all the teachers, including myself, are convinced that tomorrow he will take first place in the exams."

Gen is obviously a star student in the eyes of the teachers and a role model to inspire other students.

In this brief speech, Yue gave his opinion on how Gen should be treated.

A murmur of voices rose in the classroom after the teacher's words.

A boy in the front row, with a hint of frustration in his voice, complained: "Here we go again, sensei. We already know Gen is great, but come on, couldn't he share some of his talent?"

Another student, sitting near the window, added with a tone of admiration: "It's just that Gen is in another league. Not even the best from other years can hold a candle to him."

A girl with glasses, known for her intelligence, commented thoughtfully: "If we think about it, only someone like Kakashi, who graduated at 5 years old, could be at his level."

The gossip continued, some nodding in agreement, others debating in low voices.

Reactions varied. Some sighed, defeated. Others looked at Gen with a mixture of admiration and envy. And there was no shortage of adoring looks, especially from the girls in the class.

In this ninja world, girls tend to mature emotionally faster. Even at eight or nine years old, they already start to notice potential partners.

Gen, accustomed to being the center of attention, returned to his seat calmly. Noticing the looks from his female classmates, he gave them a gentle smile, causing several to blush intensely.

As soon as he sat down, his desk mate leaned towards him and whispered:

"Hey, Gen, do you think tomorrow's exam will be very difficult?"

Gen turned to look at his interlocutor and found himself staring into a pair of unique red eyes, like rubies, with a ring like the Rinnegan.

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