
Naruto: Evolution

Regaining the memories of his previous life, he learns that he has been reincarnated in Narutovers. A place full of darkness, where hypocritical and idealistic individuals sacrifice everything to achieve their objectives, without caring about putting an entire town in danger, or worse... the entire world. He follows Gen on his journey to change his destiny in a world full of falsehood and power. - English is not my first language, written to add more words to my vocabulary and earn some money. Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/Athome790

theusual · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


In his seat, Gen nodded as he observed Obito.

The boy was exactly as he remembered: introverted, sentimental, and with an idealism that reminded him of Naruto Uzumaki.

Obito, having obtained the worst grade in last month's evaluation, was the last to be evaluated in the Transformation Jutsu.

When he finished, Yue began to review and analyze each student's results, offering personalized advice on their deficiencies.

"Remember," Yue said in a firm but encouraging voice, "each of you has potential. The key is to recognize your weak points and work on them constantly."

As she spoke, her gaze briefly paused on Obito, who sank a little further into his seat.

With this last class, the day at the Ninja Academy was coming to an end.


The scene at the academy entrance was chaos. Some children ran enthusiastically towards the exit, eager to leave. Others, with no home to return to, lagged behind, prolonging their stay at school.

But the center of attention, as always, was Gen. A group of girls surrounded him, each trying to capture his attention.

"Gen!" exclaimed a pigtailed girl, practically jumping with excitement. "Let's go home together!"

"What are you saying?" intervened another, rolling her eyes. "Your house is to the west and Gen's is to the east. How are you going to go together?"

"Gen..." began a third, her voice shy but determined. "I live near you, we could..."

In the midst of this whirlwind of attention, Gen had a serene expression. To his left, Shizune was shooting glares at the other girls, while to his right, Kurenai tried to maintain a calm appearance, although the tension in her shoulders gave her away.

Gen, true to his carefully constructed image of warmth and kindness, smiled at everyone equally.

He was aware that his position as class leader and model student, combined with his appearance, made him the center of attention.

However, he had made sure not to get too close to any of his classmates, not even Kurenai or Shizune, although he paid them a little more attention than the rest.

The scene at the academy entrance was a testament to his popularity.

From the detention room window, Obito watched the scene with pure envy.

His eyes fell on Rin Nohara, who was among the group of girls surrounding Gen. Rin's expression was one of pure infatuation, which twisted his stomach.

"Damn it...," Obito muttered, clenching his fists. "How does he do it? How can he be so popular?"

A boy sitting near him snorted. "If Kakashi came back to the academy now, not even he could compete with Gen. At least we can see Gen's face."

Obito nodded reluctantly. Gen's appearance had eclipsed even Kakashi's influence, including his effect on Rin. The idea hurt him more than he wanted to admit.

Meanwhile, at the entrance, Gen tried to handle the situation with his characteristic diplomacy.

"Girls, really, I appreciate your company," he said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes, "but I can go home alone, don't worry."

However, he noticed a group of boys approaching with unfriendly intentions. Recognizing the potential danger, he decided it was time for a strategic retreat.

"Sorry, I just remembered I have a commitment," he said quickly. "See you tomorrow, okay?"

Before anyone could protest, he slipped away through the crowd.

"Gen-san, wait!" shouted a girl, reaching out as if she could catch him.

"Don't go!" exclaimed another, taking a few steps in his direction.

"Damn it!" growled a boy from the approaching group, seeing their plans frustrated.

The girls, seeing that Gen had disappeared from their sight, lowered their arms with expressions of disappointment.


Far from the bustling academy, Gen moved cautiously through the streets of Konoha.

After making sure no one was following him, he deviated from his usual route, winding through alleys and little-traveled passages.

Finally, he arrived at a shady alley, hidden between tall buildings. After one last furtive glance around, he formed a seal with his hands.


In a burst of white smoke, Gen disappeared completely. To any experienced ninja, this technique would be immediately recognizable: the Shadow Clone Jutsu (Kage Bunshin no Jutsu).

Yes, the Gen who had been attending the academy and interacting with his classmates was nothing more than a clone.

Although he possessed enough Chakra to maintain the illusion, a strong enough blow could dissipate it, a situation that could bring both advantages and complications.


(Mountains near Hokage Rock)

Meanwhile, here the scene was completely different. The air was filled with the aroma of pine and damp earth.

The dense foliage of the trees swayed gently in the breeze, occasionally interrupted by the rapid movement of some wild animal.

At the center of this idyllic landscape, a crystal-clear stream several dozen meters wide ran through a spacious clearing. And there, in the midst of nature, ten identical figures were training with an intensity that would put any Crossfitters to shame.

Three of them moved along the stream, their fists and feet cutting through the air in a synchronized combat dance.

Another three figures moved on the water surface as if it were solid ground. Their hands rhythmically submerged in the stream, causing the water to bubble and boil under their touch, creating small columns of steam.

A third group of three was away from the water. Each sitting cross-legged on a square board, supported by a wooden post as thick as an arm. Their faces showed absolute concentration as they meditated, maintaining perfect balance.

The tenth figure, however, stood out for his solitude and the intensity of his training. He was doing inverted push-ups with a huge rock, which seemed to weigh three times his weight, balanced on his feet. Sweat ran down his body, forming a small puddle on the ground beneath him.

Suddenly, this last figure stopped. With an explosive movement, he flexed his legs and arms, throwing the rock into the air. The impact resonated throughout the clearing, cracking and sinking the ground where it landed.

With an agile 180-degree turn, the figure landed sitting, legs crossed, in the same place.

It was Gen Uchiha, the real Gen, wearing a vest that seemed extremely heavy and with weights on his wrists and ankles.

".....Is class over already?" he muttered, wiping the sweat from his face with a gesture of dissatisfaction.

His gaze swept the place, observing his other selves, all Shadow Clones, continuing their rigorous daily training.

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