
Naruto: cultivation

The cover picture in edited but not mine, so don't sue me. Beyond overpowered, NO harem, and NO R-18

Ali_Hassan_2826 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Clone POV 6

Fushiro- Here this is called gravity bracelet with it your are able to incrrese the gravity on your body it will be distributed equaly and it will not affect anything else your wight will change only for you meaning the floor will not breack if the weight is increased by gravity bracelet. To use you just have to drop one drop of blood on it, and make a contract with it, with the contract you are able to control the gravity increase easily with just a thought. Here take it and make a contract with it.

Dai- yes sensei, with it my training's effect will increase dramatically.

After he made the contract with it I started to walk toward the group of children who are still trying to sense chakra.

Fushiro- It's okay if you can't sense chakra after all it is not so easy and this is also your first try so when you get use to focusing and meditating you should be able to sense your chakra and most of the times it takes six months to just sense silver of chakra.

Jaraiyah- So why was he able to senses his chakra.

Fushiro- well he is very talented, but don't let down you after all you are talented aswell you should be able to sense it in another hour. I have a way to speed it up Shino will spread his chakra around all of you with you all will be able to sense it more easily as there will chakra all around you. you all have time until the class ends.

All students- yes sensei

I go inside the class room and start meditating for passing time.

I open my eyes and see shino coming.

Shino- Sir it's time for home every student have alredy gone home but Dai is still training He not liseninig to me he could hurt himself so please see him.

Fushiro- i'll go see him you can also go home and have any of them sensed chakra.

Shino- yes only one jaraiyah.

Fushiro- Has he unlocked his chakra.

Shino- yes he has fully unlocked his chakra, he is very talented.

of course he is, he is future sage, a kage level powerhouse, he learned sage mode which even Hiruzen and Tobirama hasn't. I go to the trainig grounds, and see Dai still practicing all the sweat pouring down but still doing training.

Fushiro- why have you not gone home yet.

Dai- well I am an orphan and I can still train so I am trainig.

Fushiro- Let go, too much training is bad for health if your body can not keep up with it.

Dai- yes sensei. * depressed *

Fushiro- Let me treat you to ramen.

There are still a lot of time left until My apointed time. I go to my ramen shop which my clone was running he is quite busy but for someone of my speed if I was more than tousands of times busier it won't even make me sweat.

Dai- it looks busy

Fushiro- no need to worry, sinse that is my clone and my shop.

Yes my stall became as big as a normal mcdonalls restaurant so there is more space to sit, and as the costumers increase there is need of space.

Fushiro- two miso ramens please

Fushiro clone- will be done

It feels wierd to tell myself to do something my clone knows but to make it look like we are normal costumer I have to act, and here it is the clone made it quick and big portions.

Fushiro- thank you, dai eat well.

Dai- thank you sensei *while trying to hold back tears*

He has been through a lot, from my skill I got to know that his father dies during the war and in the orphenage he was treated as an outcast as he was just two year old now it's been two years though it seems because of me a lot of things speed up like madara defected four years earlier, Hashirama 'dying' earlier aswell as a lot of thing and people being born erlier. Like Dai fugaku, he was supposed to be born eight years later and Sakumo being four years ealier. Now I will make Sure Everything happens same as the show just changing few things and the timeline difference until naruto and others of his generations are born now I don't wanna be the cause of him not being born.

Fushiro- Dai do you wanna be adopted by me.

Dai- yes

Fushiro- Okey then follow me when you finish eating.