
Naruto: cultivation

The cover picture in edited but not mine, so don't sue me. Beyond overpowered, NO harem, and NO R-18

Ali_Hassan_2826 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Clone POV 7

After he finished eating I started walking home he just like told started following me. We reached my home which is in the corner of the village. We go inside, the house is not big or small, it has about five to six rooms, two bathrooms, one living room and one kitchen.

Fushiro- the fifth room is yours mine is the sixth room first room is the living room, the second room is guest room and thiird room is the kitchen lastlly fourth room is the bathroom.

Dai- yes sensei

Fushiro- you can call me grandpa

Dai- yes grandpa

nearly becomes emotional again.

Fushiro- Here take this orb and put it near the gravity bracelet, it will disapear and apear on the bracelet, with it then as long as you have the gravity bracelet ownership you will be imune to any genjutsu aslong as the contract remains. The contract can be changed if you die and someone else find it and makes a new contract or you give your consent and they make a new contract the owner will change into them, it's size always changes and is comfortable so you don't need to take it off or need a new one.

Dai- yes grandpa, * he puts the orb near it and it disapers, then the orb apears on top of the bracelet and fits perfectly, the bracelet is just a black ring with a small orb on top of itit not sticking out perfectly lined as if it is a simbol* , where are you going grandpa.

Fushiro- I am going out for few hours will come back before ten so don't overwork yourself when I am gone, there is food in the storage scrolls and don't wait for me to come and eat if you are hungary don't hesitate to eat.

Dai- yes grandpa

after saying all that I left for senju compound.

-Senju compound-

*knock knock*

Mito- yes what is it

Guard- Mito-san, an old man named Fushiro has come.

Mito- Let him in you must be new so you don't know but never disrespect him, or you won't be alive to see another day. *said with anger and bloodlust*

No, more like her and Kurama said at the same time with anger. The guard passed out it is really miracle he did not piss his pants.

The guard let me in and I see tsunade and Mito sitting on the carpet covered floor and two guards picking up passed out guard, bowing to me and going out of the main building.

Fushiro- good afternoon

Mito- Good afternoon Uncle

Tsunade- Good afternoon sensei

Her, Hashirama and tobirama started calling me uncle after I changed my apearance to look like a hundred year old.

Mito- please sit down, I heared from tsunade that you became a teacher at the shinobi academy.

Fushiro- yes, I also came here today beause of her she has a lot of questions so don't tell her those details.

Mito- Yes uncle

Fushiro- so tell me tsunade what questions do you have you had a lot of them in the classroom.

tsunade- yes , first of all who are you, I mean what is your Identity I never heard of you from anyone.

Fushiro- you already know I am just a simple teacher * with a smile *

tsunade- if you are just a 'simple' teacher then why are grandma and granduncle calling you uncle.

Fushiro- it's simple because I am older than them.

Tsunade- how old are you

Fushiro- 'more than thousands of years older' well about thirty years older.

MIto- tsunade ask apropriate questions just remember he is way older than us.

Tsunade- What is your real identity, even if you are older than them they will call you elder not uncle.

Fushiro- well you won't wanna hear it.

Tsunade- just tell me

Silence is everywhere, black clouds forming and wind stoped blowing.

Fushiro- My name is Fushiro and I am ---