
Naruto: cultivation

The cover picture in edited but not mine, so don't sue me. Beyond overpowered, NO harem, and NO R-18

Ali_Hassan_2826 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Clone POV 5

Fushiro- I am going to test speed and stregth for physical conditioning test. As for other I am going to test in kenjutsu, taijutsu, ninjutsu, and other types jutsus. First Physical test you three will run a thousand meter race I will see how fast you go. Are you ready.

Tsunade/Fugaku/Sakumo- yes sensei.

Fushiro- then start.

They start running their speed is good even beating Usain bolt so you can imagine how fast they will be when they grow up. Sakumo won then fugaku and lastly tsunade.

Fushiro- Now punch this wall it is made of special material so it won't break easily, the more you are able to strech it with one punch the higher your score will be.

Their punch is strong enough to break a normal wall but tsunade's punch can break a big boulder easily. In this test tsunade came first, then fugaku and lastly Sakumo.

Fushiro- Now the physical test is finished. We will shurikenjutsu and taijutsu.

In shurikenjutsu fugaku was the best followed by sakumo and lastly tsunade but all three hit all the bullseys. Jut they were more refined. In taijutsu tsunade was good followed by fugaku and lastly sakumo.

Fushiro- The tests are done you can go home or wait for others, see you at senju compound I will come at seven so tell mito about it.

tsunade- yes sensei

I go to see all other students and see all of them strugling other than orochimaru who is just meditating.

Shino- sir orochimaru already sensed his chakra and now is trying to move.

I go next to him.

Fushiro- orochimaru I heared that you sensed your chakra very quickly.

Orochimaru- yes sensei

Fushiro- from my expierence (which is second to none) you should be an natural sensor, that is why you were able to quickly sense your own chakra. So your training will include training senses. Let me help you on controlling chakra, and opening your chakra paths so chakra can go through your body.

I put little, tiny, silver of my chakra into him and guide his chakra after ten minutes he got the hang of it so I leaved him into his own account he should be able to fully unlock his chakra in about fifteen more minutes, I go to my assisstant.

Fushiro- Shino get me miato dai.

Shino- yes sir

Dai- sensei do you need me for something.

Fushiro- I have two news one is bad and other is good which one do you wanna hear first.

Dai- good one.

Fushiro- well there is a technique that I have which is perfect for you. The bad news is you can't use any Jutsu other than taijutsu and that jutsu.

Dai- I knew

Fushiro- you knew * not so suprised *

Dai- yes my father was like that aswell, he could use chakra but could not use any jutsu other than taijutsu.

Fushiro- no need to deshearted the technique I am gonna give is perfect for you, and it is one most powerfull techniques, but it has three conditions, one you should have a lot of talent in taijutsu which you have, condition number two is you have always mantain your physical condition and get more stronger, lastly third is to have patiance. Because this technique gets harder to practice as the time goes and you need a very strong body foundation to use it. Can you do it.

Dai- yes sensei

Fushiro- The technique is called eight gates of limit. This technique has two parts, I will give you the first part If you are able to finish it and learn everything in it I will give second part. I will give you the first part, some weight and a special percpiction with you should be able to make you strong and also not so muscly.

I touch his head and send information though conciousne, he will never forget the information and can pass it anyone else but only for once.

Dai- sensei you are so knowledgable you used a jutsu I never heared of, and all the knowledge came into my min. I will start parcticing right now to not waste any youth.

so he cought the youth dsease as soon as he got the technique, youth dsease is where you become physical training maniac, the worst part is you say everything too enthusically with big shining smile.