
Naruto: cultivation

The cover picture in edited but not mine, so don't sue me. Beyond overpowered, NO harem, and NO R-18

Ali_Hassan_2826 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Clone POV 4 and class

Now Hashirama understood his desitions were wrong he wanted to instantly destroy the other great vllages but I stoped him, after all I can't have him interfiere with the world.

Shinobi war ends and the three future sages become orphans, I decide to become a teacher in the ninja academy.

- Hokage Office -

Tobirama- you never taken intrest in the academy before why now, please tell me the reason.

Fushiro- I know the future and it is interasting and the ones who make it interasting are in the academy because of them the future becomes very interesting in the konoha.

Tobirama- okey then you will be the teacher of the class A1 the one that has the clan young masters of big clans and geniouses, the teacher will become your assistant. Here is the order.

- Shinobi Academy class A1 -

The students come in and start talking as most of the clan young masters know each other and I see and recognise some of them from the show like Jaraiyah, tsunade, orochimaro, Fugaku Uchiha, Might dai and Sakumo Hatake. I go in the class and stand infront of the class wait for them to be quiet. They all quet down.

Fushiro- My name is Fushiro Shinigami your new teacher for next four years, and this is my assistant shino. Now to start of the class everyone will tell their name, likes and dislikes. Start from left back and end to right front.

(A/N I am not sure about the name so I made it up)

Every one tells their names, likes and dislike, until Sakumo's turn.

Sakumo- My name is Sakumo Hatake, I like to train in swords and Dislike war.

Dai- My name is Miato dai , and I like to train in taijutsu and hate it when people say that you can't be a ninja if you don't know ninjutsu.

Orochimaru- My name is orochimaru, I like learn ninjutsus and hate when people bother me in my reserch.

Jaraiyah- My name is Jaraiyah, I like girls and hate when someone interupts my reserch.

and he gets punched by tsunade.

Tsunade- My name is Tsunade senju, I like gambling and dislike when I lose at it.

Fugaku- My name is Fugaku Uchiha.

Nothing else, so he has Uchiha dsease aswell. Where they speak minimum words, Hn to answer, no words or no answer at all.

Fushiro- there won't be much theory but there will be lots of real life battlefilled simulations, that will happen, we will also teach four jutsus, one substitution jutsu, two transformation jutsu, three bunshin and four one elemental justsu acording to your elemental affinity, we will also teach shurikunjutsu, taijutsu and some genjutsu, Any questions.

Tsunade- why was the teacher changed.

that peeked everyone's interest

Fushiro- well because I wanted to teach and the hokage sama agreed on my request and gave me this class.

Tsunade- just like that.

Fushiro- yes just like that. Any other questions.

Tsunade- what is your relationship with grand uncle.

Fushiro- well for him I am uncle, So you can call me great grand uncle. There are no other questioners and I can answer your questions in Senju compound So let's begin today's lesson. Everyone Let's go outside to the training ground, we are going to measure everyone's physical condition and see what you allready know.

- Training ground -

Fushiro- eveyone split into two groups one that has unlocked their chakra and other who haven't, On the right will be group one and I will test your abilities and physical conditon, on the left will group two you will meditate and try to feel the warmth in your body, I will not test you.

Unexpectantly or expectantly there were only three people on the right and all others were on the left. And I was expecting Orochimaru, and Jaraiyah to be on right but I nearly forgot they are orphans, So they probably haven't unlocked their chakra. On the right were Sakumo, tsunade and Fugaku. After all they are all from stong and famous clans.

Fushiro- You three stand on that area and I will come after giving their instructions.

Tsunade/Fugaku/Sakumo- Yes sensei.

They go to a corner,

Fushiro- now all of you kit down on the ground crossleged and start concetrating your conceousness to your stomach area, if you feel anything warm inside put up your hand and tell me we will do it for an hour, if you still can't then no need to panick afterall sensing chakra is not easy, I will give another method, Shino will be superwising you.

I go to the corner where others are.

Tsunade- sensei, how are you going test us.