
Naruto Building an Army

Travel the world of Naruto with the Marine recruitment system, build an army and pacify the Ninja World! "Bell! Side Mission: Complete the establishment of a naval branch, reward [Navy Special Operations Force - Giant Corps] [Navy Standard Judicial Pursuit Unit]!" “Bell! Consume a senior admiral recruitment order, congratulations to the host on successfully recruiting [Admiral – Kizaru]!” "Bell! Side Mission: Complete the formation of a World Government, reward [Haoshoku no Haki] [Thunder Fruit] [Ancient Weapon"Pluton] . . . . . . This story is a translation of faloo, a Chinese site that I subscribe to, the author left the story and I liked it so much that I want to continue it, I hope you like it.

Kanekikun125 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 39: Attacking the Capital (3)

"What's wrong?! Stop it!"

Looking at the golden light that lit up in the pacifist's mouth, Hōzuki Geye suddenly looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"Attack fast, use a long range attack to stop that guy."

He hurriedly yelled.

At the same time, the mercenaries and ninjas of the city wall began to work. Arrows, kunai, and ninjutsu were rapidly projected from the sky.

T Bone and the others had waited for this for a long time, and they directly picked up Kitano Ichiro on the ground and quickly led the soldiers out of the pacifist's attack range.

"It will be OK?"

Kitano looked at the pacifist alone against countless attacks, and immediately asked in concern.

"Don't worry, it will be fine."

T Bone looked ahead and said a word lightly, but Kitano's eyes froze.

What is this nonsense? In other words, this humanoid guy is not only powerful in attack, but also unmatched in defense?

The strength of this thing definitely surpasses a Jōnin, it is definitely an existence that can affect this world in the future.

Thinking of this, Kitano seemed to understand something again, and his expression suddenly turned horrified. Perhaps his highness Akira's goal is not just the Water Country.

Having this kind of outsider under his command, his vision won't be limited to just the Country of Water.

Thinking that Akira, whom he followed, would disturb the balance between the five countries in the future, Kitano became excited again.

"Ding ding ding! Ding ding! Ding ding!"


The pacifist is nearly twenty feet tall, like a living target. All the attacks hit him, there was a crisp sound.

Thrown kunai cannot affect them at all.

Even the contracted ninja who cast the Water Style ninjutsu were blocked.

Just when the mercenaries and ninjas of the Sea Country were terrified, the golden light from the pacifist's mouth finally gushed out.


There was a rush of air, and a golden beam of light shot out of the pacifist's mouth instantly, landing on the city wall of the Sea Country's capital in the blink of an eye.


A large hole with a diameter of ten meters exploded at the top of the city wall. On both sides of the large hole were mercenaries injured by the debris carried by the explosion.

There was constant mourning, and all the mercenaries who were directly above the large hole disappeared. The streets are also exposed.

For a while, there was no other sound except the mourning of the wounded. Whether it was Kitano or the guards, they were all silent, staring at the destruction caused by the pacifist.

Even T Bone didn't expect this pacifist to be so powerful.

"Okay, how scary, there is no way to escape."

The mercenaries looked at the large hole in the wall and said in horror, just now they only felt a golden light flash before their eyes, and did not have time to react, it was estimated that it was in the blink of an eye. eye.

They were all a bit slow, but the pacifist, like an emotionless assassin, opened his mouth again.

"Damn no."

Hōzuki Geye and Hōzuki Yuge jumped off the city wall and stood in the water.

Chakra rose, and a column of water immediately shot out of his mouth.

"Water Style * Great Waterfall Technique!"

"Water Style * Great Waterfall Technique!"


The powerful force made the air tremble, and the condensed water in the sky seemed to open up in an instant, like a flash flood, falling down, like a waterfall falling from the sky.


The roar of the waterfall made the mercenaries themselves look terrified.

Without any obstacles, the waterfall fell smoothly, hitting the pacifist with a terrifying impact. The turbulent splashes of water drowned the figure of him inside, and no one could see what was inside.

"Arrogant fellow, wanting to take the attack squarely, this time he smashed you to pieces."

Looking towards the water moat, Hōzuki Geye and Hōzuki Yuge smiled arrogantly.


Just when they were full of confidence, a golden light suddenly lit up the waterfall in front of them.


The two of them were startled, and a feeling of uneasiness rose in their hearts, and they quickly left the place.

At the same time, a golden light came out of the waterfall and landed at the place where they had just fought.


A roar, the shock of the explosion, raised the river water in the moat to a height of tens of meters.

Looking at the waves of water provoked, the backs of the two suddenly grew cold and all the bones in their body trembled, if they had not avoided that attack.. ...

Before they had time to sigh, two golden lights erupted from the curtain of water in front of them.





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