
Naruto Building an Army

Travel the world of Naruto with the Marine recruitment system, build an army and pacify the Ninja World! "Bell! Side Mission: Complete the establishment of a naval branch, reward [Navy Special Operations Force - Giant Corps] [Navy Standard Judicial Pursuit Unit]!" “Bell! Consume a senior admiral recruitment order, congratulations to the host on successfully recruiting [Admiral – Kizaru]!” "Bell! Side Mission: Complete the formation of a World Government, reward [Haoshoku no Haki] [Thunder Fruit] [Ancient Weapon"Pluton] . . . . . . This story is a translation of faloo, a Chinese site that I subscribe to, the author left the story and I liked it so much that I want to continue it, I hope you like it.

Kanekikun125 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 38: Attacking the Capital (2)

"Fortunately, Mr. Crocodile has trained me for this period of time, otherwise my body would not be able to take it."

Kitano slowly rose from the ground without any substantial damage to his body, but the water that covered his entire body still weakened him somewhat.

"Mr. T Bone, be careful with this guy..."

After getting up from the ground, Kitano approached T Bone and solemnly said that he was almost killed by a rank B ninjutsu.

"Hehehe, you pathetic weakling"

Hōzuki Geye also reacted, looking down at everyone with a grimace, in his current opinion, these enemies who came to attack were only here to commit suicide.

"What should we do?"

Kitano's face sank and he asked quietly.

T Bone didn't answer and his face wasn't very attractive. He didn't expect the problem he encountered here to be more serious than he imagined.

"It seems that I can only use what his highness gave me just in case..."

T Bone looked at the heavy city wall ahead of him, as if he had made up his mind.


Kitano was surprised and looked at T Bone in surprise. He didn't even know what magic weapon Akira gave him.

"PX-2 Pacifist Out".

T Bone removed the microphone from his arms and said.

Meanwhile, in the sea outside the port, T Bone's deputy immediately hung up the microphone.

"Emergency communication, open hatch immediately, release PX-2 peacemaker, open hatch immediately, release PX-2 peacemaker, repeat again, open hatch immediately, release PX-2 peacemaker, ready."

As the adjutant's voice fell, the entire warship suddenly perked up, and all the marines immediately stopped what they were doing. The warship's cabin deck opened, the inner warehouse slowly rose, and a huge figure above it slowly rose on the deck.

"Drip, drip, drip!"

"Pacifists start, take aim, ten miles southeast, leave immediately and assist Colonel T Bone."


The pacifist quickly jumped off the deck, and the powerful force pressed the bow of the ship down several meters, and the originally calm sea was also agitated by the waves.


The ground in the distance trembled slightly, and the pacifist jumped a hundred meters away, landed on the shore of the port, jumped again, and jumped directly into the dense forest behind the port.

"They seem to be waiting for something."

Looking down at T Bone, who were in no hurry to attack, but instead stood in his place, Hōzuki Yuge felt a bit taken aback and quickly said to his superior Hōzuki Geye.

"Water Style * Triple Shark Technique!"

Nodding, Hōzuki Geye's ninjutsu was also released, T Bone and the others are in no rush to attack, it doesn't mean he will wait for each other too, he snorted, this time three water sharks stirred in the moat below him. , Each one is the same size as before.


Seeing the three water sharks condensed with chakra, Kitano's face turned extremely ugly.

The three water sharks quickly separated into two and rushed towards the two respectively, while the third one jumped at the two and directly bit the ordinary marines that were gathered together below.

"Dammit, everyone scatters!"

Kitano and T Bone's expressions changed again, but now they were both entangled by a water shark.

T Bone immediately roared.

Although those Marines are in good physical condition, they are still ordinary people.

Facing a water shark with the power of A rank ninjutsu, if they are hit, they will definitely die.

"Hehehe, do weaklings still have tempers and qualms with ordinary people?"

Hōzuki Geye sneered at the sight, and with cruel eyes, he manipulated the remaining water shark to pounce on the soldiers.

He could imagine that under the crushing of the water shark, those marines would be crushed into countless pieces.



With a roar, the huge figure of the pacifist plunged into the arena.

"DiDiDiDi, a threatening attack was found"

From the pacifist's perspective, a series of red indications flashed, and the circular cross quickly blocked the agitated water shark and raised its right hand from it at the same time.



The pacifist's palm quickly shot out a golden laser, instantly shooting the water shark.

"So big, who is that?"

When the pacifist appeared and quickly blocked the ninjutsu.

Hōzuki Yuge who was also gloating immediately yelled in surprise.

The pacifist was nearly seven meters tall, two stories tall, and looked extremely scary.

Even Elite Jōnin Geye looked suspicious, looking at the pacifist's huge body, guessing in his heart what method he had just used to counter his ninjutsu.

"Who is this sir?"

Kitano managed to survive the ninjutsu of the Hōzuki clan ninja again and asked upon seeing PX-2 in action.

"He is the pacifist sent to me by his highness, he is not a human being, but a weapon of war. I thought he would be useless, but I didn't expect his highness to send him."

T Bone cleaved the huge water shark with a full swing of his sword.

He fell to the ground, and when he heard Kitano's question, he explained aloud.

"PX-2, defeat the enemies on top of the city walls."

After explaining, T Bone issued another order to the pacifist.

"Pacifist! Combat Weapon!"

When Kitano heard the new term, he completely forgot about his situation and looked at the big guy with a surprised look.

After receiving the order, the pacifist turned around and stared at the high and heavy city walls of the capital of the sea country, suddenly opened his mouth, and a golden light lit up in his mouth.





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