
Naruto: Blind Hyuga

He was a transmigrant from Earth and was born in the Hyuga branch family. To avoid being controlled by anyone, he willingly became blind. But with his blindness came his cheat that is template of Fujitora from One Piece. Patreon Link:https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822 Discord: https://discord.gg/3bVuQxhY

Hkj · Anime & Comics
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220 Chs

Ch-141 Attack on the Jokan.

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Three weeks later, in the central city of the Fire Country, where the country's administration is headquartered, a caravan emerged from the Jokan mansion. Seated within the caravan was none other than Jokan herself, and its destination was the Daimyo mansion. Along the caravan's route, numerous houses lined the path, and atop one of these structures, a group of five individuals dressed in black attire crouched, concealed to avoid detection.

"Is it safe to strike Jokan's caravan at this moment?" inquired one member of the group.

"Yes, we won't have such an opportunity again. We've confirmed that Jiryoku is not present in this caravan, so we can attack without hesitation," asserted the individual positioned in the middle of the group, who also served as their leader.

Despite the leader's assurance, a sense of restlessness and fear persisted among the other members. Recognizing their unease, the leader addressed them, stating, "Why hesitate? This chance won't come again, and the potential rewards are substantial. The amount of money we stand to gain is enormous, providing you the means to live a life of prosperity. No more risking your lives in the black market or living in constant danger; this is an opportunity for a secure and affluent life."

Upon the completion of the leader's persuasive speech, the allure of a prosperous life and the promise of vast wealth overshadowed their inherent fears of death and potential consequences. Driven by newfound determination, all members of the group eagerly prepared to launch an attack on the caravan, awaiting a signal from their leader.

Witnessing the transformation in the team's mindset, the leader couldn't contain his joy and exclaimed, "Without a moment's delay, let's strike!" Taking the initiative, he leaped from the rooftop of the house, setting an example for his team. Following suit, his comrades gracefully descended towards the caravan, ready to execute the meticulously planned assault.

The vigilant soldiers guarding the caravan noticed the approach of these shadowy figures and urgently cried out, "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

As a seasoned ninja and a Jonin at that, the leading team leader exuded confidence, dismissing the soldiers with a laugh. "Today, nothing can thwart us from achieving our goal. We will defi..." However, before he could finish his sentence, an immense force abruptly descended upon him and his teammates. Like featherless birds, they plummeted to the ground, adhering helplessly to the surface.

Subdued by this formidable force, the leader and his fellow ninjas contemplated their predicament. They realized that an invisible, overwhelming force was at play, progressively increasing and exerting pressure on their bodies. If unchecked, this force threatened to reduce them to mere pulp. Recognizing the nature of the attack, they identified the perpetrator — the only individual in the Fire Country with mastery over gravity: Jiryoku, who resided in proximity to Jokan.

As gravity tightened its grip around them, the assailants acknowledged the dire situation, aware that their adversary possessed the formidable ability to manipulate the force itself. In this gravity-manipulated predicament, it was unmistakably the handiwork of Jiryoku.

Enduring the oppressive weight of intensified gravity, each individual struggled to articulate even the simplest words. However, the group's indomitable leader, though with great effort, managed to convey, "Ho...w I clearly...saw Jiryoku not...following."

In that moment, a figure approached, revealing itself to be none other than Jiryoku. His retort, delivered with an air of detachment, cut through the strained atmosphere, "A dead person doesn't need to know much."

With the utterance of Jiryoku's words, the gravitational force surrounding the black-clad assailants surged, mercilessly crushing the ninja leader and his team beneath its unyielding pressure, sealing their fate in an instant.

As the dust settled, Jokan emerged from the caravan, aligning herself beside Jiryoku. Surveying the lifeless bodies of the five attackers who sought to end her life, she voiced her frustration, "These bounty Hunter ninjas launch attacks incessantly. I am wearied by the constant threat. Beyond these bounty hunters, I must remain vigilant; even my loyal soldiers or maids might turn against me for a sum of money."

Jiryoku responded, shedding light on the dire situation, "What do you expect, with a bounty on your head exceeding 1.5 billion? The other four major countries have made their intentions clear; they seek your demise."

Jokan, after a contemplative sigh, acknowledged the bitter reality, "Indeed, life sometimes pales in comparison to the allure of wealth." With renewed determination, she continued, "I've instructed my people to investigate the sudden spike in my bounty. Finally, I have an answer: the other major nations have collectively raised the stakes on my life. Their intentions are unequivocal—they want me dead."

"In a way, their strategy has succeeded. These ninjas are aware that I am here to safeguard you, and my strength is widely recognized. Yet, they persist, hoping to succeed in assassinating you and subsequently lead a life of luxury. However, they've made a grave mistake. As long as I draw breath, no one can lay a finger on my girlfriend," declared Jiryoku with unwavering resolve.

Upon hearing the concluding remark from Jiryoku, a genuine smile graced Jokan's face. In that moment, the incessant frustration of being relentlessly targeted seemed to dissipate.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)