
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 9 I Skip a Grade and You Repeat a Grade, and We Graduate Together.

"How could it be?

Come in, Sister Mikoto, and also, don't pinch my face."

"Okay, I will definitely pay attention next time."

Uchiha Mikoto imitated Chikage's tone, making Chikage roll his eyes.

Walking into the living room, Uchiha Mikoto opened the lunch box and took out some snacks she made and placed them on the table.

Chikage picked up a snack and started eating.

Uchiha Mikoto sat aside, propping her chin with one hand, and just looked at him like that.

While eating the snack, Chikage casually asked, "How's the preparation for graduation?"

"It's okay, but I'm thinking about whether to join the Police Force."

Uchiha Mikoto has been struggling with this problem.

After graduation, people of the Uchiha Clan will face two choices.

Either accept the school's arrangement and form a team with classmates.

Under the leadership of the guiding ninja, carry out various tasks.

That is to grow under the guidance of the guiding ninja.

Or choose to join the Police Force controlled by the Uchiha Clan.

Joining the Police Force can get the best training. After all, having an outsider teach Uchiha Clan's ninjas is not as good as having the strong ones within the clan.

After all, only the people of the Uchiha Clan understand the Sharingan best.

It's just that joining the Police Force will seem unfree, and it's easy to be looked down upon wherever you go.

If you accept the team allocation of the village, there will be much more freedom.

But in terms of training, it is definitely not as good as within the clan.

"I suggest that Sister Mikoto first accept the village's arrangement and allocation and enter a team to gain experience. When it's a certain time, it's not too late to join the Police Force."

"Although the Uchiha Clan's training is more suitable for Sister Mikoto, unfortunately the work of the Police Force is not friendly to newly graduated ninjas."

Uchiha Mikoto has always been a gentle character. Letting her enter the Police Force to go around arresting people and engaging in violent law enforcement is really not suitable for her.

Rather than making things difficult for herself and making the people of the clan unhappy, it's better to join the team arranged by the village.

And wait to return to the Police Force later and do some clerical work or something.

To put it harshly, even if the Uchiha Clan will train their own clansmen, that is also on the premise that you are worthy of training.

Those who have already activated the Sharingan will get resource inclination, and there will also be Jonin of the clan to teach you.

And for those who haven't even activated the Sharingan, don't expect the clan to keep cultivating you.

"You're right. I'm really not good at the work of the Police Force."

When she thought of having to deal with those troublesome public security cases with her clansmen all day long, going around arresting people, being looked down upon wherever she went, and being unrecognized by the villagers, Uchiha Mikoto's small face became a little ugly.

"It's a pity that you're only in the second grade. If Chikage could graduate and be in the same team as me, that would be great."

Uchiha Mikoto smiled and made a joke.

"Then I'll graduate early?"

The graduation exam is just like playing for Chikage and can be easily passed.

He just doesn't want to graduate too early and keep changing teams like Kakashi.

If graduating early and being in the same team as Uchiha Mikoto seems not bad either.

Will the Third Hokage arrange this?

Probably not.

"Okay, finish eating quickly, go wash up, and rest early."

Uchiha Mikoto wanted to pinch his face again.

Chikage was speechless: "I'm serious. I've learned all the courses that teachers can teach in school.

Staying in school is just a waste of time. Since Sister Mikoto doesn't have a suitable teammate, I'll apply for graduation."


Are you serious?

Uchiha Mikoto's small face was full of confusion.

She didn't expect that Chikage would take her joke seriously.

However, even if you graduate early, the village may not necessarily arrange us in the same team."

Please don't!

If Chikage graduates early and something goes wrong, how can she explain to the dead aunt?

Uchiha Mikoto panicked.

She hurriedly tried to dissuade.

Unfortunately, some things, once they start, and the seeds take root and sprout in the heart, it is not so easy to reverse.

"Then we will form a team by ourselves. There are many two-person teams in the village."

"No way, this is very dangerous, two children who just graduated..."

Uchiha Mikoto hurriedly explained, but only halfway through her words, the whole person froze in place.

Because Chikage sitting opposite her activated the Sharingan, and it was even a two-tomoe Sharingan.

"Does Sister Mikoto think I need to waste time in the Ninja School?"

Chikage pointed to her own eyes.

For the people of the Uchiha clan, as long as your foundation is not too bad, a pair of two-tomoe Sharingan can easily beat most of the Chunin.

Passing the Chunin assessment is not a problem at all.

"You activated your Sharingan?"

Surprise filled Uchiha Mikoto's small face. After being stunned for a long while, she happily leaned on the table and came closer.

She wanted to observe Chikage's Sharingan carefully.

"I opened it last year, and today it's two-tomoe. Maybe it will be three-tomoe next year."

Chikage shrugged.

"Just talking nonsense."

Uchiha Mikoto gave him a blank look and bit her silver teeth tightly, trying to ask, "Chikage, why don't I go back and tell the elders this news and you return to the clan."

So what about the dazzling silver hair?

Chikage always has Uchiha's bloodline in her body, and it has already been activated and has a two-tomoe Sharingan.

As long as it is activated, no matter what color your hair is in the family, they will all welcome you back to the Uchiha.


Chikage refused decisively, "I still clearly remember how ugly the faces of those old guys were at that time. I will not return to the Uchiha.

If Sister Mikoto thinks that I can't be a qualified teammate, then I will find a suitable team by myself."

Crazy, crazy, really crazy.

If Chikage really applied for early graduation, even if he had enough strength, it might not be a good thing to step into the cruel ninja world too early.

If something really happens, she will feel extremely guilty.

"Chikage, I know you have been a stubborn person since you were a child, and it's hard to change what you have identified, but I hope you can wait for one more year. Okay?"

Uchiha Mikoto could only discuss with Chikage as much as possible and hope he could postpone graduating for one year.

"Okay, I'll skip a grade and you'll repeat a grade, so that we can be in the same class and graduate together."

"If Sister Mikoto doesn't agree, I'll graduate early."

With his grades and strength, not to mention skipping a grade, applying for the Chunin assessment for graduation is more than enough.

Just skip up to be in the same class as Uchiha Mikoto.

Of course, the premise is that the other party repeats a grade first.

"No, the teacher won't agree."

Uchiha Mikoto shook her head.

Although she is not as good as Chikage, her various grades are also excellent. She is a talented girl in the same grade in the school, and the teacher will definitely not casually accept her application for repeating a grade.

"If he doesn't agree, I'll beat his son!"

Chikage slapped the table and stood up.


Chikage's threat made Uchiha Mikoto laugh. She knew that Chikage was just talking and wouldn't really do such a thing.

"Are you laughing at me?"

Chikage got up and walked towards the bedroom.

Uchiha Mikoto was stunned and shouted, "Chikage, what are you looking for?"