
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 8. Seniors Tsunade, you must have taken the money, right?

Kushina is not easy to deceive.

If she finds out that she has been deceived and then reports it to the Third Hokage, she will inevitably be lectured by the Third Hokage.

Tsunade hates it the most when someone nags at her.

"Is it because of Kushina?"

If it was just a guess before, then after Tsunade took out a ninjutsu scroll, Chikage could be sure that this was what Kushina meant.

It is impossible for such a thing as giving a reward for just two meals to happen to Tsunade.

The only explanation is that Kushina hopes Tsunade will do this and then smoothly deliver the ninjutsu scroll to herself.

Maybe... there is even some money transaction involved.

How did you guess it, kid!

Are you a worm in my stomach!

Tsunade's big eyes widened in disbelief. Chikage just guessed it out like this!

You know, she didn't mention Kushina at all.

Are kids nowadays so smart?

Why is my younger brother a bit stupid?

After washing the dishes and drying his hands, Chikage walked out of the kitchen, took a look at the scroll on the table, and looked at Tsunade calmly.

Rubbing his chin with his fingers, Chikage suddenly asked, "How much money did Kushina give the senior before the senior deliberately sent the ninjutsu scroll under the pretext of eating."


Tsunade was shocked and jumped up, somewhat guiltily retorting, "Nonsense, there is no such thing at all."

"In that case, then the senior please go back. I won't take this scroll."

Chikage stuffed the scroll to Tsunade and pushed her towards the outside.

Definitely took the money. If you Tsunade weren't so kind-hearted for no reason?

There is no gratuitously love norgratuitously hate in this world.

He and Tsunade currently have only a slightly better relationship than that of strangers.

The reason that Tsunade can be so attentive is only one, that is for the money.

This kid is so strong.

Seeing that he was almost pushed out, Tsunade had no choice but to compromise.

"All right, stop pushing. It's what Kushina meant. She said you really wanted the Shadow Clone Jutsu, so she asked me to deliver the scroll and gave me 400,000!"

Now you should be satisfied.


Chikage really didn't know what to say. Even something like delivering a ninjutsu scroll came.

The relationship between us hasn't reached that point yet.

He wants the Shadow Clone Jutsu, but not in this way.

"Senior, please go back. Please help me tell Kushina that we are only classmates and haven't reached the point where we can give ninjutsu scrolls as gifts."

"Kid, are you so heartless?"

Tsunade wondered. The benefits that come to your door, you don't want them?

It's free! And no one asks for your money.

"Senior, I don't want to cause myself trouble."

At this time, Chikage was too lazy to hide anything anymore.

"Maybe it's my identity that has a problem, or maybe it's Kushina. Whenever Kushina finds me, I will notice that someone is staring at me. I hope this is just my illusion. Can the senior understand me?"


What is beyond expectation?

This is it!

Tsunade opened her mouth. She found that she had underestimated Chikage. You can even detect the whereabouts of the ANBU ninja. You kid are really not simple.

"I see. I will convey your words to Kushina. There will never be such a thing happening again. As for some people....."

When she reached the door, Tsunade paused and said, "As long as you don't do anything that harms the interests of the village, no one will trouble you."

Not at all.

The door of the Hokage Office was pushed open forcefully.

"Old man, I think we need to have a good chat."

"It's Tsunade. Has Kushina been sent back?"

The Third Hokage put down the document in his hand.

Tsunade pouted: "Old man, don't play this game with me. Don't you know if Kushina has been sent back?"

Since the moment she returned to the village, the ANBU people have continued to follow Kushina. It's hard for Tsunade not to find out.

But the Third Hokage is still playing riddles with her here. Is it interesting?

"Cough cough."

The Third Hokage's expression was a little unnatural: "Well, what do you want?"

"It's nothing. Just to tell you that although Kushina is the new Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, she is still a child and is still in school.

She needs to have normal social interactions and friends, and also classmate friendships. You are keeping too close an eye on her."

"Tsunade, what I do is also for the good of the village."

The Third Hokage knew what Tsunade meant.

Everyone who got a little close to Kushina was investigated. This was something he arranged by himself.

Tsunade's expression was solemn and said seriously,

"Old man, I know you are for the good of the village, and I also know that the Jinchuriki is very important to the village, but you can't affect the lives of other children because of this."

"By the way, that kid named Yagami Chikage and Namikaze Minato are not bad and worth cultivating."

Tsunade put the Shadow Clone Jutsu scroll on the table. She wanted to send the scroll to Chikage through the hands of the Third Hokage and include Minato in it.

In this way, you, Yagami Chikage, have no objection, right?

This is that the village values you and thinks you are worthy talents and gives a special reward.

"Yagami Chikage? Namikaze Minato?"

These two children who are relatively close to Kushina he knows, and they are also one of the outstanding students in the school, and are regarded as the objects of key observation.

Namikaze Minato is okay. He is from a commoner background and has good talent, and belongs to the objects that the village focuses on cultivating.

But Chikage has a problem. He has the bloodline of the Uchiha.

"I will consider it."

After thinking for a moment, the Third Hokage said that he would consider it.

Tsunade didn't say anything more and waved her hand and walked towards the outside: "Then I'll leave first. Get off work early and go back to rest early."

After Tsunade left, the Third Hokage said, "Go and investigate the matter between Yagami Chikage and the Uchiha."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

An ANBU ninja appeared in the Hokage Office and then disappeared.

Back home, Tsunade hugged Kushina tightly and rubbed her head full of red hair, complaining:

"That annoying kid is as shrewd as a fox and even guessed the purpose of my going to him."


Kushina was stunned.

Not caring about the messy hair, she asked nervously, "Then what should we do? Has Chikage accepted the ninjutsu scroll?"

Tsunade didn't seem to have brought the scroll back.

"What to accept?"

Tsunade collapsed fatigue on the sofa and kicked her feet hard a few times.

"He refused. He knows that you deliberately want to give him a ninjutsu scroll. From what he said, if you do this again, he will cut off contact with you because he found that there are ANBU people observing him."

"This kid is not big, but his ability is quite great."

Sitting up, Tsunade muttered to herself, "What a trouble. Why does he have the bloodline of the Uchiha just."

Kushina nervously twisted the corner of her clothes with her small hand. She was worried that Chikage would ignore her. What would she do then?

"Silly child."

Holding Kushina tightly, Tsunade comforted softly,

"I have already sent the scroll to the old man. The old man should find an opportunity to deliver it to him and Minato. Then he has no reason to refuse."

"Your purpose is considered achieved, isn't it?"

"I hope so."

Kushina forced out a weak smile.

Finished, you little girl is finished.

Tsunade was speechless.

She could only hope that the relationship between Kushina and Chikage really wouldn't go any further.

Otherwise, with Kushina's temperament, she might be controlled tightly by Chikage.

"Here he comes."

After sending Tsunade away, Chikage, who was practicing making hand seals at home, heard the knock on the door, put on his shoes and ran out to open the door.


Seeing the person outside the door, Chikage's eyes lit up.

"Did you miss me?"

Uchiha Mikoto, holding a lunch box in one hand and pinching Chikage's face with the other.

"Because I'm about to graduate, I've been busy recently and haven't had time to come over."

"Chikage, won't you blame me?"

Although he didn't return to the Uchiha Clan, Chikage's mother had a good relationship with Uchiha Mikoto.

So Uchiha Mikoto has always taken care of Chikage.

Often bring him some food.