
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 10. So the person he likes, is it Uchiha Mikoto?

"You don't agree to repeat a grade, then just live in my house from now on.

Anyway, when you were little, you said that when I grow up, you'll marry me. You can't go back on your word."


Do you still remember the things from when we were kids playing house?

And you still take it seriously?!

"If you walk out of the living room, I'll go to your class tomorrow and look for you and tell others that I'm looking for my wife."

Uchiha Mikoto, who had quietly tiptoed to the living room door, froze completely.

She still wanted to leave, but as a result, she was discovered and even threatened.

If Chikage really runs to the class door to look for a wife, how can she get along in the school?

I give up...

Looking at Chikage, who was holding the pajamas and leaning against the bedroom doorframe and grinning mischievously at herself, Uchiha Mikoto's face flushed with anger.

Reluctantly, she turned and took the pajamas and walked towards the bathroom.

If she doesn't leave, it's not the first time she's lived in your house.


My younger brother has grown up, become disobedient, and even started to threaten his elder sister. What can I do?

Uchiha Mikoto was very distressed and couldn't think of a good result after thinking about it all night.

"To skip a grade!"

The next day when going to the Ninja School, Chikage reminded Uchiha Mikoto.

"Sister Mikoto."

As soon as she went out, she met Minato, who showed his signature smile and greeted Uchiha Mikoto.

"Why does Sister Mikoto seem so preoccupied today?"

"Because of the matter of repeating a grade, I'm really having a headache."

Chikage smiled and looked at Uchiha Mikoto's back hurriedly walking in front, secretly laughing in her heart.

"Repeating a grade?"

Minato's voice rose a lot, and his face was full of astonishment.

He almost thought he had misheard.

You know, Uchiha Mikoto is a famous talented girl, beautiful, and has good grades in all subjects. There are a lot of people pursuing her in the school.

If she repeats a grade with her grades, then how many students in this session can graduate smoothly?

Even Tsunade's younger brother Nawaki would have to go back and redo it.

Nawaki is a bit like the future Uchiha Obito, with excellent practical results but a mess in theoretical subjects.


Scratching his head, Minato really didn't understand why Uchiha Mikoto wanted to repeat a grade.

It's not easy to convince the teacher either.

I'm afraid the teacher will be furious.

"Because of me."

Chikage said, "Minato, I'm going to skip a grade so that I can graduate together with Sister Mikoto and be assigned to the same team. When I get to the school, I'll go find the teacher to apply."

Minato: "....."

Are you going to abandon me?

Sister Mikoto wants to repeat a grade and Chikage wants to skip a grade so that they can become students of the same session and graduate together.

What about me?

Did you just leave me like this?

No, I want to skip a grade too!

Anyway, what should be learned has already been learned. Skipping a grade is no big deal.

Even though not as good as Chikage, with Minato's grades, applying for early graduation can also pass.

Chikage didn't expect that Minato's train of thought was led astray by herself.

After arriving at the Ninja School, he went directly to the teacher's office and stated to Kamimura Ichiki that he wanted to apply for the skipping grade examination.

"Teacher, I also want to apply for the skipping grade examination!"

Minato hurriedly raised his hand.

Kamimura Ichiki looked at the two of them in confusion, looking at this one and then that one, thinking:

Are you two brats here to amuse me on purpose, aren't you?

Skipping a grade in groups?

"Teacher, I want to apply for repeating a grade and not participate in today's graduation assessment."

After arriving at the school, Uchiha Mikoto hesitated for a long time, and finally was afraid that Chikage would come to the class door to shout wife.

So she came to the senior teacher's office and applied for repeating a grade.

For a while, the entire teacher's office area of the Ninja School was in chaos.

Chikage and Minato in the lower grades want to skip a grade, and Uchiha Mikoto in the senior grades wants to repeat a grade.

What's going on?

Finally, the three of them were brought to an empty classroom, and those teachers who hadn't started classes yet heard the news and came to watch the excitement.

"Tell me, what's going on with you three?"

Kamimura Ichiki and the senior class teacher Ono Ryo rubbed their Dull pain temples.

The two teachers looked at each other and both saw the surprise and depression in each other's eyes.

"I want to skip a grade to be in the same class as Sister Mikoto."

Chikage raised his hand and said loudly.

Oh no, there's a kind of uneasy premonition!

Uchiha Mikoto raised her hand to cover her face.

Chikage replied, "Because there are too many people pursuing Sister Mikoto."


Others are pursuing Uchiha Mikoto. What does it have to do with you?

Just because of this, you want to skip a grade?


You won't, will you.

Minato was also stunned. Then why did I get involved?

Is it just for fun?

"Sister Mikoto promised me that when I grow up, she'll marry me, but she's so excellent that I'm afraid she'll run away, so I want to skip a grade and follow her!"


"Throat cough!!!"

A burst of violent coughing came.

Uchiha Mikoto's face flushed red, stomped on Chikage's foot, and didn't dare to raise her head.

Nowadays, children start looking for wives at such a young age?

Or have we already gotten old?

Many teachers around showed expressions of doubting life. As teachers, they were still single.

And students a few years old have already started to look for wives.

This is a loss at the starting point right from the beginning.

"Minato, why do you want to apply for skipping a grade!"

Kamimura Ichiki pulled a long face and looked at the nervous Minato beside him.

Minato wanted to cry but had no tears. Can I say that I just came to join in the fun?

"Teacher, I think the courses in the lower grades are too boring, so I also want to skip a grade and challenge higher difficulties."

"Really want to skip a grade?"

Kamimura Ichiki felt that he needed a quick-acting heart-relieving pill. He felt his blood pressure rising.

Both of the excellent students in the class want to skip a grade. It seems that his bonus is gone.

"What about you? Do you also want to repeat a grade?"

The senior teacher's mood was similar to that of Kamimura Ichiki.

Seeing that Chikage and Minato had a very firm attitude and insisted on applying for the skipping grade examination, he could only hope that Uchiha Mikoto was just having a moment of fever and not following Chikage's nonsense.

"Teacher, I still have many deficiencies, so I want to apply for repeating a grade."

Although it was very embarrassing and wanted to beat Chikage up, Uchiha Mikoto still respectfully stated her reasons.

The news that the three of them wanted to skip or repeat a grade spread throughout the school in an instant.

When Kushina learned the whole news, she was completely stunned.

Chikage is going to skip a grade?

Minato also wants to skip a grade.

So the person he likes is Uchiha Mikoto?

Somehow, Kushina felt a little uncomfortable.

Listening to the classmates around discussing, she thought of the subsequent situation.

After Thousand-Moon and Minato skip grades, only oneself will be left.

I don't want to be left alone.

Kushina got up and ran towards the teacher's office.

My bonus!!

Kamimura Kazuki covered his heart and had a look of heartache on his face.

"Teacher, I want to apply for a skip-grade assessment."

Kushina ran into the office and shouted.
