
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 32. Actual combat. This little brat is so fast.

" Chikage, what are you doing?"

Minato covered his head and jumped up very high.

Chikage laughed:

"I'm not afraid that you will feel bad in your heart and enlighten you?"

"Come to think of it, you have to thank me. Look, isn't this recovered?"


Is there such a way to enlighten people like you?

Minato was full of black lines.

He swore that if it weren't for the fact that he couldn't beat Chikage, he would definitely beat Chikage up.

The way of the practical assessment is also very simple. Just fight one-on-one with the assessor in the village.

As long as you persist in the opponent's hands for a certain period of time, even if the assessment is passed.

If you are strong enough to directly defeat the assessor, it is also fine.

The three went to draw the order.

Minato's number is the most forward, ranked third.

Uchiha Mikoto is fifteen, and Chikage is twenty-eight.

"Examiner No. 3, go to the sixth examination room!"

The big speaker shouted the order of the battle and the examination venue.

"Come on."

Chikage pushed Minato and Uchiha Mikoto to cheer him up.

"I'll be back soon."

Minato showed a confident smile.

After watching the first two assessments, Minato was confident in himself.

In the sixth examination room, the chunin in the assessment said to Minato:

"Come on, kid, let me try how powerful you are. You come to take the assessment at such a young age, and your strength must be very strong."

"The uncle is also very strong."

Minato is like a well-behaved baby, showing the signature sunny smile.

He raised his hand and scratched his head, just like an innocent sunny little boy.

This guy is going to be unlucky. He actually wants to use words to affect Minato.

Don't look at who Minato is. This is the little sun.


The chunin in the assessment was directly stunned.

Although he looks rather anxious, he is only eighteen years old!

What the hell is the title of uncle?

Looking at the chunin in the assessment stunned, the referee shook his head speechlessly and announced the start of the assessment.

As soon as the referee announced the start of the assessment, Minato rushed up.

"Not good!"

What a cunning kid, he was actually affected by him.

Damn it.

The chunin in the assessment originally saw that Minato was young and wanted to use words to affect him.

As a result, nothing happened to Minato, but he himself was affected.

The word "uncle" had extremely great damage to him.

Throwing several kunai at the opponent, Minato followed closely and rushed up.

This kid's speed is so fast.

There were exclamations from the onlookers, and many people felt their old faces getting a little hot.

They were all of a certain age, but in the end, they couldn't even keep up with the speed of a kid. This old age was almost lived in vain.

What they don't know is that compared to speed, the most terrifying thing about Minato is his nerve reflex speed.

There are too many ninjas whose speed is faster than Minato's, but when comparing nerve reflex speed, Chikage has to admit defeat.

In this regard, it is difficult to find someone who can be compared with Minato.

So, Minato can also be said to be talented and naturally suitable for practicing the Flying Thunder God Technique.

"Kid, don't look down on people."

The chunin in the assessment shouted loudly, used the Body Flicker Technique to dodge the kunai thrown by Minato, clenched the kunai in his hand, and slashed at Minato's arm. He wanted to force Minato to change his move.

It's just that what the chunin in the assessment never expected was that Minato had a confident smile on his face, and his unparalleled nerve reflex speed allowed him to easily avoid the counterattack of the other party.

He hit the back of the chunin in the assessment.


It's over, the pupil of the chunin in the assessment shrank, and there was a sharp pain in the back of his head, and the whole person fell to the ground.

With a muffled sound, the chunin in the assessment who was just yelling loudly was lying on the ground, and Minato easily won.

It didn't take much effort at all.

The ninjas who participated in the assessment looked at Minato's eyes one by one as if they were looking at a monster.

How did this kid avoid it?

This is not scientific.

How could there be someone with such a fast reaction speed.

"The third candidate wins!"

The referee also didn't expect that the battle would end in such a way, and the end time would be so fast.

From the time he announced the start to the end, it hasn't passed twenty seconds, right?

Having successfully passed the assessment, Minato happily ran out and wanted to give Chikage a high five.

It's just that when he ran up with his hand raised, he found that Chikage didn't have the idea of high-fiving with him at all.


Looking at the embarrassed Minato raising his hand and not knowing where to put it, Uchiha Mikoto was amused.

Chikage held her arms with disdain, glanced at him, and shook her head.

"How old are you, and you still play high five."


I really want to beat you up!!

"Hahaha, forget it, I won't tease you anymore."

Chikage also laughed and raised her hand to give Minato a high five.

"No. 15 candidate."

Encountering candidates like them, the chunin in the assessment can be considered extremely unlucky.

"I passed."

The battle ended easily, and Uchiha Mikoto happily ran out, raised her hand, and Minato subconsciously wanted to give her a high five.

But just as he raised his hand, he found that Uchiha Mikoto was picked up by Chikage, spun around twice, pushed him away with a blushing little face dissatisfied, and pushed him twice.


Am I ignored again?

Chikage, are you deliberately against me, right?

The assessment is still continuing.

The wonderful performances of Minato and Uchiha Mikoto made many people whisper and look over at the place where the three were from time to time.

"No. 28 candidate, go to the No. 1 examination field for the assessment."

Soon, it was Chikage's turn to play.

Surprisingly, the chunin in charge of Chikage's assessment was still an older sister with a good figure, but her appearance was just average.

"A very handsome little brother."

"The sister is also very beautiful."

Chikage politely complimented back.

"The little brother is really good at talking."

The chunin in the assessment showed a surprised expression and squinted and smiled. It could be seen that Chikage's words made her feel very pleased.


What are you two doing during the assessment?