
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 31: Handing In Papers Early, Confused Examiners

The examiner was stunned for a moment, looked at the test paper in his hand, and Chikage had already walked out of the examination room. Subconsciously, he raised his hand and wanted to call him back.

But before the words could come out, he was stopped by his companion shaking his head.

No one stipulated that the assessment cannot hand in the paper in advance.

As long as you have confidence and your speed is fast enough to finish the test paper, you can hand in the paper in advance.

Glancing at Chikage's test paper, the examiner in charge of invigilation couldn't help muttering to himself:

"The kids nowadays are really amazing."

After looking at it roughly, there was not even a wrong place.

And it only took thirty minutes, it's simply strange!

For those who dawdle, in thirty minutes, they have just finished reading the questions and haven't had time to start writing.

Chikage's early submission of the paper surprised many people taking the assessment, and they all stared blankly at Chikage walking out of the examination room, and ten thousand mythical beasts were galloping through their hearts.

I just finished reading the questions, and haven't started writing yet, and you handed in the paper?

After easily handling the assessment, Chikage came outside the examination room and waited for Minato and Uchiha Mikoto.

In the entire examination room, only Chikage handed in the paper in advance. Outside in the aisle, he idly played with a kunai to train the flexibility of his fingers.

Although there is a cheat, and this cheat is a bit big.

But for the necessary training, Chikage didn't miss a bit, and even trained more strictly than ordinary people.

"What's going on with this child?"

On the way of dealing with documents by the Third Hokage, he remembered that today is the Chunin assessment.

So he picked up the crystal ball and observed.

It was okay not to look, but at a glance, he saw Chikage standing alone in the aisle, and immediately became not calm.

Quickly summoned the Anbu ninja to inquire about the situation.

The Anbu people came to the Hokage office, knelt on one knee on the ground, and respectfully replied:

"Lord Hokage, the assessment of Yagami Chikage has ended. He finished answering all the questions in only half an hour and then handed in the paper in advance and waited for his teammates outside the examination room."


Half an hour, are you kidding me?

Dare to hand in the paper in advance, either be confident or give up on oneself.

But does Chikage look like giving up on oneself?

It is clearly full of confidence, as if not coming to take the exam, but to play, just to go through the motions.

Somehow, the blood pressure of the Third Hokage rose a little bit, and he couldn't wait to catch Chikage and hang him up and beat him.

Have talent, have strength, what are you doing all day squatting in the village?

"Got it, you go down. After the exam is over, send the test papers of their team to me."

"Yes, Lord Hokage."

The Anbu ninja obediently backed down.

"Master, someone is peeping."

Xiaobai's reminder sounded in his heart. Chikage's expression didn't move and continued to play with the kunai in his hand, and said in his heart:

"No matter who it is, as long as I find out, tell me the first time."

Playing voyeurism?

At this time, there is only one person who has the leisure to do such a thing, and that is the Third Hokage.

Chikage couldn't figure out why the Third Hokage was staring at him?

He's not a beauty himself.

Don't you like to watch the bathhouse?

Go watch the bathhouse.

All day long, he has nothing to do and takes a crystal ball to look around everywhere.

No moral heart.

Time passed slowly, and soon, the exam time ended, and Minato and Uchiha Mikoto walked out of the examination room with relaxed expressions.

It can be seen that the exam content is not difficult for them.

"Let's go, let's go eat barbecue, and there is a practical assessment in the afternoon."

The three of them went straight to the barbecue restaurant and ordered quite a number of dishes.

Chikage reminded the two of them, "After the assessment is over, we may be assigned some rather troublesome tasks or commissions, and there may even be a chance to go to the battlefield." Since the Third Hokage was staring at them, it meant that it was impossible for them to stay in the village and grow leisurely as they wished.

Either some troublesome tasks and commissions would be thrown to them, or they would be sent to the battlefield. Chikage hoped that Uchiha Mikoto and Minato could be mentally prepared.

"Go to the battlefield?"

Uchiha Mikoto's calm little face was filled with solemnity, and Minato couldn't smile anymore. The two looked at Chikage together, "Sure?"

"Pretty much."

Pursing her lips, others didn't know the tricky operations that the Third Hokage liked to play, but Chikage was very clear. He could almost be sure that the days of the team in the future would not be too easy.

Fortunately, whether it was troublesome tasks and commissions or going to the battlefield, Chikage was confident that the team would not have an accident. At worst, let Xiaobai come out and throw the Tailed Beast Jade at the enemy. Chikage had a feeling that his Sharingan had advanced.

As long as the Sharingan advanced and obtained the first exclusive skill, Chikage's strength could take a big leap forward. It really had the strength to protect himself.

"Relax and have confidence in yourself. Eat, and only when you're full can you have the strength to participate in the actual combat assessment in the afternoon."

"Then I'll start."

Minato and Uchiha Mikoto put their hands together, shouted, picked up their chopsticks and started eating heartily. As for worrying.....

Originally, they were still very worried, but after hearing what Chikage said, they immediately relaxed. As long as Chikage said it was okay, then it was okay.

After eating and drinking enough and taking a rest for a while, the three of them came to the examination room to check the results.

"Almost, just a little bit!!"

"Damn it!!"

"Didn't pass again, damn it, it's too difficult."

In the examination room, many people shouted dejectedly and complained. Those who passed the assessment were all smiling and feeling relieved.

There were also people gathering together to discuss today's examination questions. When Chikage and the three of them took a closer look, all three of them passed, so they left the examination room and headed towards the training ground for the actual combat assessment.

"There are really quite a lot of people who passed this assessment."

Minato was a little surprised. In the past, it would be good if only half of the people in the Chunin assessment passed the assessment, but today there are fully two-thirds. If another part is eliminated in the actual combat assessment, about half of the people can pass and be promoted to Chunin.

Because Chunin is the main cannon fodder on the battlefield. Chikage muttered a sentence in her heart.

"During the war, the difficulty of the ninja assessment will be reduced a lot. The difficulty of the Chunin assessment and the special Jonin assessment will be lowered, and only the Jonin assessment is still strict."

"This is really..."

Minato couldn't smile anymore. Because he guessed the reason why the assessment difficulty would be reduced during the war. Seeing that Minato's mood suddenly became depressed, Uchiha Mikoto was afraid that he would hold something in his heart and affect his performance, so she said, "Minato, this is an inevitable situation, because the war has broken out and the village's troops are also a little tight."

"Relaxing the assessment to replenish troops is the best way. Moreover, those who pass the assessment basically have the strength of Chunin." Chikage slapped Minato on the head.

"What are you doing?"

Minato staggered from the beating and walked forward several steps.