
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 33: Revealing the Two-Tomoe Sharingan, Shocking the Third Hokage.

The referee looked at the two speechless people with a glance and loudly announced:

"The assessment begins!"

"Little brother, even if you praise sister for being beautiful, sister I won't let go....."

The chunin in the assessment still wanted to remind that Chikage himself wouldn't hold back.

But before she could finish her words, the smile on her face froze.

As soon as the referee announced the start of the assessment, Chikage had already activated the Sharingan.

It will be exposed sooner or later. In that case, before the three tomoe hasn't advanced yet, let people know!

Let people know that he has already opened his eyes, and it is also the two tomoe Sharingan.


The Third Hokage, who was holding the crystal ball to watch the assessment, was so startled that he stood up from the chair. Uchiha Mikoto's opening of the eyes already surprised him.

At Uchiha Mikoto's age, opening the eyes is also normal and belongs to the range of genius.

But what the hell is Chikage?

He is two years younger than Uchiha Mikoto, not only has he opened his eyes, but he is even the two tomoe Sharingan.

Am I seeing things?

The Third Hokage rubbed his eyes hard, and then looked again. No.

It's true.

Chikage with Uchiha blood really activated the Sharingan, and it is also the two tomoe Sharingan.

Without looking at the following assessment, the Third Hokage could guess the result with his heels. Chikage easily won.

Somehow, he was a little irritable.

He picked up the pipe and lit it, took a few deep puffs.

Chikage has Uchiha blood and has awakened the unique kekkei genkai Sharingan of the Uchiha clan.

At a young age, he already has the two tomoe Sharingan. As long as the people of the Uchiha clan are not stupid, they will try to win over Chikage.

Even if they didn't like Chikage very much before, even if Chikage's silver hair that looks so uncomfortable, they will also try to pull Chikage back to the Uchiha.

Too easy.

This big sister who reminded Chikage to be careful didn't even react when she was kicked away by Chikage and hit the wall of the examination field magnificently and fainted.

Chikage's movements are crisp and neat, without the slightest sloppiness. He can end the battle quickly and never has the slightest intention of dragging it out, and even doesn't mean to hold back.

This little brat is really ruthless!

One second he was still praising others for being beautiful, and the next second he directly kicked and fainted with a flying kick. Whether you are a big sister or not.

" Chikage."

As soon as he walked out of the examination field, Uchiha Mikoto and Minato came up.

"It's okay. Let's go back first and talk."

The assessment has ended, and then just wait for the village notice, and they can successfully become chunin.

Chikage didn't tell Uchiha Mikoto about the exposure of the Sharingan.

Minato was even more surprised. He knew that Uchiha Mikoto opened her eyes and had the Sharingan.

But he knew nothing about Chikage.

Chikage's sudden move really startled him.

After leaving the almost exploding training ground, Chikage brought Uchiha Mikoto and Minato home.

After the three sat down, Chikage said to the two:

"In fact, according to my plan, in a short time, I wouldn't expose the Sharingan either, but the rigid assessment of the village disrupted my plan."

Minato scratched his head and was about to speak but stopped. He was no longer the inexperienced person he used to be.

Through Jiraiya, he knew some unfriendly things about the village towards the Uchiha.

Especially the existence like Danzo.

Fortunately, Danzo was fighting on the front line and couldn't return to the village in a short time.

Getting up and opening the refrigerator, Chikage took a drink from the refrigerator while explaining:

"As long as we participate in the assessment, with our grades, we will definitely pass.

Whether it's going to the battlefield later or performing some more dangerous tasks, the Sharingan will be exposed sooner or later."

"Since that's the case, I might as well expose it during the assessment."

"But then the Uchiha people will try to get me back."

No matter whether his hair color seemed glaring in the eyes of the Uchiha people, no matter what various unpleasant things there were before, as long as Chikage showed sufficient talent, the Uchiha would put aside all this to draw him in.

"Of course."

Putting the orange juice on the table, Chikage considerately unscrewed the cap for Uchiha Mikoto and handed it to her.

"Before, it was because of worrying about certain threats, but now it's not necessary. Whether to expose or not is actually not that important."

When there is no self-protection ability, be more obedient.

After having the self-protection ability, appropriately showing some cards can also remind others not to treat you as a pushover.

If someone really wants to do something to him.

Then Chikage doesn't mind asking Shiro to set off fireworks at his home.

The tailed beast jade firework, guaranteed to be spectacular and eye-catching, but you may not like this thing.

Whether it's Danzo, the Third Hokage, or even the Uchiha, whoever messes with him behind his back, Chikage will set off fireworks at his home.

At worst, after setting off the fireworks, run away and become a renegade ninja.

If he really becomes a renegade ninja, Chikage doesn't mind asking Shiro to come back and walk around every once in a while.

Anyway, no matter how far away he leaves, Shiro can return to his body at any time.

Every once in a while, throw a few tailed beast jades towards Konoha and see if you can withstand it.

At that time, abduct Kushina together.

Chikage believes he can persuade Kushina.

Not to mention that Kushina has some ambiguous thoughts about him. At worst, Chikage will tell Kushina about Konoha provoking and resulting in the extermination of the Uzumaki clan, and also about adding insult to injury during that period.

See if Kushina will still stay in Konoha.

"Cough cough!!"

Chikage blatantly said about certain threats. Uchiha Mikoto looked natural, but Minato was a little embarrassed and hurriedly coughed twice.

After all, his teacher Jiraiya is a disciple of the Third Hokage.

Logically speaking, Jiraiya is on the side of the Third Hokage, and maybe even he, Namikaze Minato, can be counted.

Moreover, it's better to say less about this kind of topic. If it's really heard and reported to the Hokage Office Building, Chikage will have quite a bit of trouble.

Minato didn't know that Chikage still had Shiro as a hidden card, so he was afraid that he would get into unnecessary trouble.

" Chikage, not all people have some bad views about the Uchiha."

Minato gestured.

Using a very euphemistic way.

"Besides, you are not a member of the Uchiha clan, and as for Sister Mikoto, I believe she will not be targeted."

Targeting just one Uchiha Mikoto is meaningless to the high level, but it will increase the conflict between the Uchiha and the village, and it will be embarrassing if it spreads out.

Moreover, the village is targeting the entire Uchiha.