
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 2: Call a Parent to School? Who? Tsunade?


Uemura Kazuki immediately had a headache. The Third Hokage personally told him that Kushina's identity was special and asked him to take good care of her.

As a result, Kushina hit someone, and not just one.

Almost a third of the students in the class were beaten up by her.

"Nonsense, it's clear that you laughed at me and gave me a nasty nickname!"

Kushina changed from the weak and helpless look she had when she first entered the classroom, and became a real little red pepper.

Full of thorns, anyone who touches it will get pricked.

"Shut up!"

Uemura Kazuki glared at those who reported.

He knew best which students were the most mischievous in normal times.

Even if Kushina was wrong, they couldn't escape.

"Kakuzu, Minato, you come to the office too."

Why am I included?

Kakuzu was speechless and got up to follow Minato, who was also speechless, and walked towards the teacher's office.

"Kakuzu, this girl Kushina is very fierce. You are her deskmate, so be careful."

On the way, Minato whispered.


Kakuzu, who was lost in thought, didn't notice and looked back.

Is my voice too low?

Minato was stunned and raised his voice:

"I said this girl Kushina is very fierce. You are her deskmate, so be careful not to be beaten."


Kakuzu suppressed a smile, patted him on the shoulder, and looked sympathetic:

"I think you should worry about yourself first, because I think you will be beaten."


I will be beaten?

Who will hit me?

Before Minato could react, he felt someone staring at him.

He subconsciously looked up and was immediately taken aback.

It turned out that Kushina, who was walking in front, had stopped at some point, clenched her fist, and stared at him with a fierce look. Her bright red hair was floating in the air.

This is the prelude to Kushina's become enraged.

"Good luck!"

Kakuzu resolute ran away.

"Damn it! You're not loyal!!"

Minato almost burst into tears. He felt that Kakuzu had sold him out.

Why can't I control my mouth?

It's over now!

Don't leave after school!

Kushina gestured at Minato, then turned angrily.

In the teacher's office, Kakuzu simply summarized.

"These idiots laughed at Kushina and gave her a nickname, and then Kushina started fighting. That's basically the situation."

"Yes, that's it."

Minato echoed.

He had already offended Kushina, so he dared not speak nonsense.

For fear that Kushina would really wait for him at the school gate after school and beat him up.

Uemura Kazuki rubbed his temples with a headache and taught:

"Kakuzu, you can't say that about your classmates."

"Ineffective and likes to cause trouble, if not an idiot, what is it."

Kakuzu glanced Indifferently at those who were called into the office.

Anyone who was glanced at by Kakuzu lowered their heads in fear and did not dare to look at Kakuzu.

Even dare not refute Kakuzu's statement that they are idiots.

"Kakuzu, you..."

Uemura Kazuki was very helpless.

If it were someone else, he would have let it go, but Kakuzu really had the qualifications to say this.

And the reason why he and these classmates had a bad relationship was the same as Kushina's, being given a nickname, the silver-haired monster of the Uchiha.

And then Kakuzu started blocking people at the school gate after school, and caught one and beat one.

After a while, these people saw him like a mouse seeing a cat.

"You and Minato go back to the classroom first."

Waving his hand to let them leave, Uemura Kazuki said to Kushina:

"Kushina, today's incident has caused quite a stir. I hope you can go back and ask your parents to come to the school to deal with it. What do you think?"


At the door of the teacher's office, when he heard this, Kakuzu couldn't help laughing.

Minato blinked blankly. Was there anything wrong with calling the parents after a fight?

Call the parents?

Who to call?



It would be interesting if Tsunade was called to the school.

"Kakuzu, can I have dinner at your house tonight? I'll go buy vegetables after school."

Minato discussed with Kakuzu about solving the dinner problem.

"Okay, you can figure it out, and I'll take care of the rest."

"No problem!"

The two are neighbors and classmates.

So the relationship is closer than others.

And after Kakuzu's casual invitation, Minato always wanted to go to Kakuzu's house for dinner.

"So, you were teased by your classmates at school, and then you hit them, and now you have to call your parents?"

Tsunade was annoyed as she rubbed her messy blonde hair. She was still sleeping!

As a result, she was pulled up by Kushina.

After finally waking up, I found out that it was because Kushina was fighting at school and the school wanted to call her parents.

"Who asked you to call your parents?"

As soon as she heard this, Tsunade exploded.

"I've been fighting since I was a child, and no one has ever dared to let me call my parents!!"

"Wait for me a few minutes, and I'll go find the place for you!!"

Before leaving, Uzumaki Mito asked Tsunade to take care of Kushina. If Kushina was bullied, Tsunade would definitely not stand idly by.

Tsunade didn't think there was anything wrong with Kushina hitting someone.

On the contrary, she thought she was doing the right thing, and those people deserved a beating.

This reminded Tsunade of a certain annoying and lustful guy who was always so annoying.

After washing up casually, even the smell of alcohol on her body couldn't be covered, Tsunade took Kushina to the Ninja School and kicked open the door of the office.

In the office, Uemura Kazuki was dealing with the parents of the beaten students with a headache.

As a result, the door was kicked open, and he immediately got angry.

"Who the hell..."

When he saw who was coming, Uemura Kazuki was so scared that he shrank his head and directly bounced up from his chair to give up his seat to Tsunade.

"It turned out to be Princess Tsunade."

Tsunade didn't appreciate it. She coldly glanced at those parents who were also dumbfounded, walked up to Uemura Kazuki, and sneered:

"Did you ask Kushina to call her parents?"

"It's me..."

Did I go out without looking at the almanac?

"I'm here, just say what you have to say, don't delay my sleep time, and you."

Tsunade sat on the chair, crossed her legs, pointed at those parents who came to cause trouble:

"The children in your family bullied my sister when she first entered school today. I haven't settled this account with you yet. If you don't handle it well, I'll let my sister block the door every day after school!"

Although she hasn't become the future Sannin yet, Tsunade's bad temper is well-known in Konoha.

Coupled with her identity, in the entire Konoha, she can walk sideways.

She is also the only one among the future Sannin who dares to point at the nose of Danzo and the two elders and curse.

Even Jiraiya and Orochimaru, no matter how angry they are, dare not act so recklessly.

"I seemed to see Princess Tsunade just now!"

Tsunade is a famous figure in Konoha, after all, she is the granddaughter of Senju Hashirama and the princess of Konoha personally appointed by the daimyo. It is difficult not to be famous.

Minato was very excited.

Kakuzu yawned and lay listlessly on the table, saying:

"What's so exciting? Shouldn't you think about your own safety?

Princess Tsunade is Kushina's guardian, and you just offended Kushina. Do you think she will beat you up?"


Minato's excitement dissipated in an instant, and the smile on his face gradually solidified.

You can't see me, you can't see me.

When Kushina came back, Minato kept praying in his heart, hoping that Kushina would not notice him, a little transparent, and let him go as a fart.

Fortunately, although Kushina was very angry and her temper was very irascible, she did not have the habit of beating people for no reason.

Although she was very angry that Minato said she had a bad temper, she did not really mean to block the door.

After school, Minato pulled Kakuzu and ran away.

For fear of being blocked by Kushina at the school gate and being caught.

That's your future wife, can't you be more shameless, Minato?

After the fight, Kushina integrate the class, and those who were beaten by her almost avoided her.

Even Minato was among them.

"Kakuzu-kun, can I invite you to have lunch together?"

At noon, after struggling for a long time, Kushina finally took out the oversized bento box she had prepared and invited Kakuzu to have lunch together.

Just as he got up and was about to walk towards Kakuzu, Minato, who saw this scene, suddenly stopped and resolute left the classroom, for fear that Kushina would notice him.

Obviously, Kushina's violent impression of beating people has deeply imprinted in Minato's memory.

Not to mention beating people, she is also very strong, completely overwhelming her peers.

I'm afraid that except for Kakuzu, whoever meets Kushina will be unlucky.

Minato is a genius, but at this time he is just an ordinary civilian child, not the fastest man in the ninja world in the future.

At this stage, Minato meet Kushina has to take the bypass.

"I'm sorry, I don't really like rice balls and sashimi."

Looking at the bento box, Kakuzu politely refused, took out his own bento, and chased after Minato.