
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 1: Transfer Student Kushina, Beating Up the Naughty Kids

  "Boys and girls, today we have a new classmate in our class. Let's give her a warm welcome."

With a red-haired little girl, Uemura Kazuki walked into the classroom and took the lead in applauding.

"Come on, kid, introduce yourself to your classmates."

"Hello everyone, my name is Kushina, Uzumaki Kushina. Nice to meet you all. Please take care of me in the future."

Unfortunately, Kushina's self-introduction with courage did not In exchange a warm welcome from her classmates.

Instead, some strange sounds were heard in the classroom.

"She has red hair."

"It's so strange."

"That's right, there are no people with red hair in our Konoha. Could she be the red-haired devil?"

"Pooh! It's obviously chili peppers, the color of small peppers."

Listening to the discussions of her classmates, Kushina, who was already nervous and lacked a sense of security, turned pale in an instant.


These brats, I'm still standing here!

When Uemura Kazuki heard these remarks, his face muscles twitched with anger, his face was livid, he slapped the table hard and roared:

"Damn brats, that's enough. You can't talk about your classmates like this. It's not polite."

Seeing that the teacher was angry, the students below shut their mouths one by one.

"Kushina, you can find an empty seat and sit down. Don't mind what they say. They didn't mean it."

Uemura Kazuki directly performed a big drama of changing his face in an instant.

The livid face disappeared, and a gentle and approachable smile appeared on his face.


After bowing to Uemura Kazuki, Kushina looked at the somewhat crowded classroom.

After a glance, Kushina had a goal.

Because only the last row had seats.

So she walked over with her head down.

There was already someone sitting in the right window position in the last row, so Kushina had to sit in a slightly middle position.

To get along well with her classmates and make new friends, so as to integrate into Konoha faster.

Recalling what Uzumaki Mito said to her, Kushina couldn't help but feel a pang in her heart.

The best person in Konoha, Uzumaki Mito, was gone.

Now, she was the only one left.

"Hello, I'm Kushina."

Kushina secretly cheered herself up and decided to start by getting to know her deskmate in order to integrate into Konoha faster.


What Kushina didn't expect was that her deskmate, who had been looking out of the window, just looked back at her subconsciously.

The eyes were as flat as looking at an ordinary stranger.

It took several seconds to hesitate before speaking.

"Yagami Chiyuki."

What's going on?

There are so many seats you don't sit in, but you come to me?

Minato, your wife has become my deskmate!

Hurry up and take her away!

Hurry up and take her away!

"Nice to meet you."

Kushina was not discouraged and continued.


Chiyuki didn't understand what Kushina was doing, nodded slightly, and continued to look out of the window.

The other party is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and he'd better stay away, so as not to be stared at by the Anbu and the Root ninjas.

The Third Hokage and Danzo are not good people.

Moreover, with his identity, it is not suitable to approach the Jinchuriki.

The teacher started the class, and Kushina listened attentively, but after a while, she began to feel sleepy.

Since she came to Konoha, she hasn't had a good night's sleep.

"Red-haired devil!"

"Blood-red chili pepper!"

"She's a monster!"

After class, as soon as the teacher left, many brats looked towards the back of the classroom.

And a series of harsh nicknames came at Kushina.

These people are so excessive!

The sleepy Kushina woke up with a start, and her face turned the same color as her hair in anger.

Tsk tsk, you even dare to provoke the little chili pepper. You really think she is a soft persimmon that can be easily pinched.

But once you touch her bottom line and really piss her off.

Then she will let you know what blood-red chili pepper is!

Being called various nicknames by her classmates, Kushina, who had just experienced the pain of genocide, could imagine her mood.

She clenched her small fist and endured it.

"Ha ha, she's angry. Look, her face is red."

"Scary, it's really the red-haired devil. No, the red-haired witch. I heard my mother say that the red-haired witch likes to eat children.....ah!"

The brat who was talking happily screamed and was knocked to the ground by Kushina.

Kushina was extremely angry, her red hair fluttered in the wind, and even floated up.

Terrible Chakra erupted in the classroom.

What happened?

The Anbu ninja who was always paying attention to Kushina's movements was startled.

The Chakra of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki was too terrifying.

"You.....all go to hell."

Unable to bear it anymore, Kushina grabbed those brats who had been scared silly and knocked them all to the ground one by one.

Looking at the powerful Kushina, Chiyuki sighed in his heart.

They are also Nine-Tails, why is the gap so big?

In Chiyuki's consciousness space, a little fox that looked exactly like the Nine-Tails was lying on the ground yawning.

But the difference was that this Nine-Tails was white and the lines were softer.

The Chakra erupted by Kushina contained the Nine-Tails, which made Chiyuki very envious.

Fortunately, although his Nine-Tails was still very weak and growing slowly, at least his Nine-Tails would not be discovered.

Fortunately, although his Nine-Tails was still very weak and growing slowly, at least his Nine-Tails would not be discovered.

Unless he exposed it initiative, no one would know that he was also a Jinchuriki.

Moreover, his Nine-Tails was exclusive and bound, and would never leave his body.

The safety performance is simply off the charts!

Before crossing, Chiyuki was lying at home, eating watermelon, blowing the air conditioner, and playing a Naruto mobile game.

Because of his love for Sharingan, Chiyuki chose the Uchiha camp.

All the way to upgrade and collect materials, and spent a lot of money to get the Mangekyo Sharingan, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and even the Rinnegan.

Just when Chiyuki thought he was about to graduate, the game updated the Tailed Beast function.

Players can spend money to buy vouchers, draw their favorite Tailed Beasts, and make themselves Jinchurikis to increase their combat power.

Just for this white Nine-Tails, Chiyuki spent a lot of money.

But he never dreamed that after finally getting the white Nine-Tails, he fell asleep and crossed over confused.

"Woo woo woo, she's so scary."

Those who laughed at Kushina and gave her nicknames were all beaten up, with black and blue faces, and the whole classroom was in a mess, like a large-scale fight scene.

From this, it can be seen how powerful Kushina's fighting strength is.

"Ahaha.....This girl is a little scary."

Sitting in the third row, Minato showed a burdensome smile.

In the morning, he thought Kushina was very cute, especially her red long hair, which directly attracted his attention.

Who knew that this red-haired girl was really a small chili pepper. When provoked, she could really beat you to the ground.

After beating up all those who laughed at her, made fun of her, and gave her nicknames, Kushina's anger subsided a lot.

Who knew that Minato laughed at this moment.

"What are you laughing at! What's so funny! Laugh again, and I'll beat you too!"

Kushina's anger that had just subsided rose again because of Minato's smile.

She slapped the table hard, almost making Minato fall off the chair in fright.


Looking at the palm print on the table, Minato sweated a few drops on his forehead.

He couldn't imagine that if this slap hit him, maybe a few bones would be broken.

Except for the wailing people, the other students didn't dare to laugh at Kushina anymore.

After looking around, Kushina walked to her seat angrily.

It was at this time that Kushina discovered that her deskmate was a strange person.

When others laughed at her and bullied her, Chiyuki didn't respond.

When she attacked and beat people, Chiyuki also sat steadily in her seat, without any change in her eyes.

Even when she returned to her seat, the other party just looked at her calmly and then looked out of the window again.

"Who can tell me what happened?"

Hearing the commotion, Kazuki Uemura ran to the classroom and looked at the classroom which was comparable to a large-scale fight scene, his mind went blank.

It's over, the parents of these beaten children will definitely come to the school to make trouble.

"Teacher, Kushina hit us."

Several bear children who were beaten a little tragically quickly began to complain.