
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

chapter 3 Uchiha Chikage

  Refused, Kushina lay on the table sadly.

She had no desire to eat the bento she had prepared with great effort.

She just wanted to thank Chikage for testifying for her in the office, nothing else.

It's a pity that Chikage refused.

"You're not with Kushina..."

Minato looked at Chikage sitting beside him in surprise.

Chikage opened the bento box and shrugged: "I don't like rice balls and sashimi, as you know, so I refused."

Chikage really doesn't like to eat these foods.

The main thing is that he doesn't want the Anbu to stare at him.

If stared at by the Anbu, it will be very uncomfortable.

After all, he has many secrets that can't be seen.

"Hahaha, sure enough, he's a good brother."

Minato didn't think so. He mistakenly thought that Chikage refused Kushina's invitation in order to accompany him.


Your sister!

When you say this, can you take your chopsticks out of my bento box?

After a day of classes, Chikage was almost home.

He got into the bathroom, looked at himself in the mirror, and saw that his original blue eyes had turned red.

There are also two hook jade in the eyes.

"The single hook jade evolved into a double hook jade, without any sign at all. Is it really the influence of the game characters?"

Chikage closed his Sharingan and lay tired on the bed.

His full name is Ba Shen Qian Yue, and he has half of the Uchiha bloodline.

His mother is from the Uchiha clan. After his father died in battle, his mother wanted to take him back to the Uchiha.

However, due to his silver hair and Chikage's own resistance, it ended up in nothing.

In addition, many people in the Uchiha clan opposed his return to the Uchiha.

When he first crossed over, Chikage found that he had already opened his eyes and had a single hook jade Sharingan.

There is also a white Nine-Tails in the body in the game.

It's a pity that this exclusive Nine-Tails is still very small, and it has only grown to today's scale after more than a year of growth.

Fortunately, the Nine-Tails is exclusive, and unless he is willing, no one will be able to see that there is a growing Nine-Tails in his body.

When he opened his eyes, Chikage did not receive a great stimulus.

Even when the Sharingan evolved at this time.

"If the configuration in my game appears on my body, then..."

The perfect body, the Nine-Tails with the Sage Mode, and the ultimate Samsara Eye...

With this kind of operation, who would be afraid of Danzo!

With this kind of operation, who would be afraid of Danzo!

I will crush him sooner or later.

For the current stage, just hold on!

You can be a genius, but not a monster.

Genius is worth cultivating, while monster is easy to be targeted.

On the other side, Kushina returned to the Senju's ancestral home.

Because of her young age, Uzumaki Mito and the Third Hokage had an agreement:

Before Kushina graduated from the Ninja School, she would live in the Senju's ancestral home so that Tsunade could give her some help.

"Wow, there are bento boxes to eat."

Nawaki came home and saw the bento box on the table, and ate it happily, and asked Tsunade if she wanted it.

"This is the bento box that Kushina worked hard to make last night."

Tsunade looked at the bento box and picked up a rice ball to eat: "I heard that she wanted to thank her classmate for testifying for her, so she made it on purpose. It seems that she was rejected."


Nawaki widened his eyes. Who has the courage to reject Kushina's kindness.

"Yes, I was rejected."

At this time, Kushina, who was in a bad mood, walked out of the bedroom, sat lacking in strength beside Tsunade, and scratched her hair irritably:

"Chikage-kun said he doesn't like rice balls and sashimi. Damn it, I prepared for so long."

I didn't expect you, a little girl, to have a day of distress.

Tsunade almost laughed, kicked Nawaki with her foot, and Nawaki grimaced in pain.

"Do you know that Baken Chikage?"

Nawaki rubbed the place where he was kicked and recalled, not very sure:

"It seems to be a kid in the lower grades. I heard that he is very handsome, and many girls in our grade like him."

"That's it."

Tsunade smiled wickedly, bumped Kushina with her shoulder, and teased:

"Kushina has a lot of pressure. Handsome boys are always so popular, unlike some people."


Kushina blushed immediately.

Although she admitted that Chikage was handsome, she wanted to thank Chikage, not because of this.

"Sister, when you talk, you talk, why bring me along."

Nawaki felt deep malice.

How can I be as unbearable as you say, and I'm your younger brother, a real younger brother!

Which sister says her own younger brother is ugly?

Glancing at Nawaki, Tsunade gave Kushina an idea.

Glancing at Nawaki, Tsunade gave Kushina an idea.

"Let's do this, you invite him to dinner at home another day as a thank you, and my sister will help you take a look!"


Kushina jumped up, covered her face and shouted: "It's really not like this. I just want to thank him. Sister Tsunade, you're too much."

After saying that, Kushina covered her face and ran towards the room.

"Wow, little girls are so easy to害羞."

Tsunade laughed unscrupulously.

It's as if you're very old, Nawaki thought make complaints.

"Sister, don't even think about eating at home. It's almost impossible to eat outside."


Tsunade looked at him in confusion, suddenly clenched her fist, gritted her teeth and said: "Could it be that this damn kid doesn't give me face? Who am I? I'm Tsunade!"

"No way!!"

Looking at Tsunade directly entering the state, Nawaki couldn't stand it, and said loudly: "Because Baken Chikage has another name."

"What name?"

How can a person have so many names.

"Uchiha Chikage."

Nawaki spread his hands, helpless:

"This is what some female classmates said. Baken Chikage is his original name. Before his mother died, she hoped that he could return to the Uchiha, because he has the blood of the Uchiha clan."

"It's a pity that it didn't work out in the end."

"The kid from the Uchiha clan?"

No wonder Nawaki reacted so much.

In this case, it is indeed a bit troublesome, and Kushina is still the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki.

Forget it, let's pretend this never happened. It's a good thing that Chikage refused.

With the blood of the Uchiha clan, even if he doesn't belong to the Uchiha, it's not suitable to get too close to the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki.

Tsunade will not discriminate against the people of the Uchiha clan, even if the people of the Uchiha have a little problem with their brains.

But the Third Hokage and Danzo, including the presbyter group, will not allow this to happen.

Chikage and Kushina are just classmates, ordinary friends. Once they get closer, the high-level will definitely use all kinds of methods to keep him away from Kushina.

"Today we are going to talk about the content of Ninja Tool Throwing. Please open your textbooks..."

Chikage is still the same as usual, looking out of the window, as if there is something attractive outside the window.

Kushina secretly took a look, and then took a look, and finally couldn't help but write a small note and pass it over.


Chikage almost forgot how long he hadn't seen this thing. It seemed that after he went to junior high school in his previous life, no one would pass notes anymore.

Who would have thought that after crossing over, someone would pass him this thing.

"Why don't you listen to the class? Keep looking out the window."

After reading the words on the note, Chikage pushed it back:

After reading the words on the note, Chikage pushed it back:

"Because I have nothing to do to look out the window. If you already understand what the teacher said in the class, you can also do this."

"Oh oh!"

Kushina didn't expect that she would pass a note, but Chikage would answer her question in person.

Instead of passing her a note.

"Baken Chikage! Uzumaki Kushina!"

On the podium, Uemura Kazuki couldn't bear it anymore, and patted the table and shouted:

"Even if the teacher's lesson is over, don't disturb other students' classes. If you want to pass notes, don't do it in front of me!!!"


Oops, I was discovered.

Kushina blushed and immediately lay down on the table.

But Chikage was like a normal person.

He didn't pay attention to Uemura Kazuki's words at all, and ignored the strange eyes of the surrounding classmates.

Everything that happened in the classroom was seen by the Anbu ninja, even what Kushina wrote on the note, they saw clearly.

"You mean Kushina wrote a note to the child Baken Chikage?"

Listening to the report of the Anbu ninja, the Third Hokage flipped through Chikage's information: "I didn't expect that this child also has such a connection with the Uchiha."

"Doesn't this child want to join the Uchiha?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama, after Baken Chikage's mother died, he never went to the Uchiha's clan land again."

"It seems that the Uchiha clan doesn't welcome him back either."

The Nine-Tails Jinchūriki has a crush on a classmate with Uchiha blood, this is not a good thing.

Fortunately, Chikage did not return to the Uchiha.

After thinking about it, the Third Hokage said to the Anbu ninja: "Continue to observe. Once Baken Chikage responds to the Jinchūriki, immediately stop him. The Jinchūriki cannot be too close to the people of the Uchiha."

Even a child with Uchiha blood but not a member of the Uchiha clan is no exception.

This kind of thing must be stopped.

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

The Anbu ninja left the Hokage's office and continued to follow Kushina to observe her and Chikage's every move.

"Master, there is some malice towards you outside."

The soft voice sounded in Chikage's heart.

This is the voice of the Nine-Tails. Chikage's white Nine-Tails is a girl, the opposite of the big Nine-Tails in Kushina's body.

Although the tailed beast doesn't really need to be divided into male and female.

But the gender thing, Chikage thinks it can be distinguished from their voices.