
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 18: Refusing the village's arrangement, three generations of Hokage headache

  When thinking of these, Kushina becomes very irritable.

Therefore, even Minato who has been intentionally or unintentionally approaching her recently has suffered a lot.

As graduation approaches, some students who usually like to skip classes and sleep have all become hardworking.

They are afraid that they won't pass the assessment and will be sent back for repeating.

Especially those students who were originally sent back to repeat the grade.

If they still can't pass the assessment, they may lose the qualification to become a ninja.

The village doesn't have time to wait for them to repeat the grade endlessly.

Under the tense atmosphere, the graduation assessment still came.

Chikage is still the same, every day letting the Shadow Clone help him go to school, while he himself slips to the small river to train or sleeps in at home.

"What day is today, I believe everyone is very clear.

Don't be nervous. Those whose names I call will come up for the assessment."

The graduation assessment for fresh graduates is not difficult. Relatively speaking, the difficult one is the assessment for early graduation application.

There needs to be actual combat, and only after passing the actual combat can one graduate smoothly.

"I don't know who I will be assigned with."

"I want to be with Chikage-kun."

"Forget it. Uchiha Mikoto hasn't spoken yet. Do you have a chance?"



Listening to the discussions among the classmates, Uchiha Mikoto was both anxious and angry, and pushed Chikage with her hand.

Chikage could only laugh or cry.

Ever since the words about the application for assessment spread throughout the school last time, everyone regarded the two of them as a couple.

Not to mention other things, Chikage really admires the children in the ninja world.

Especially in terms of feelings, they can start to like someone from the age of four or five.

If this were in the previous life, children of four or five years old would still be urinating and playing with mud.

After the assessment is over, the fifth-grade students begin to have a vacation.

Next is to wait for the village to assign teams, receive forehead protectors, and get ninja identification.

Then it is considered to be a new ninja.

Other classmates have all left.

On this originally supposed to be a day worthy of celebration, the teacher is not happy at all.

Because his students have caused him trouble again.

"Uchiha Mikoto, Yagami Chikage, are you sure you want to form a team by yourself instead of the village helping you arrange it?"

If it was Chikage who did this, he wouldn't be too surprised. After all, Yagami Chikage is originally a person who doesn't follow the routine.

But Uchiha Mikoto also did this, which made his head buzz and he didn't recover for a long time.

What are you two aiming for?

Without the guidance of a teacher, do you know what kind of crisis you will face?

"I know what you are thinking. I will report this matter truthfully to the Hokage.

But I also hope that the two of you can consider it carefully, instead of making some wrong decisions because of some puppy love."

Others are forced to form teams by themselves, but Chikage and Mikoto are good, they take the initiative to request.

This really shocked the teacher.

Not caring about anything else, he sent Chikage and Mikoto away first, and then hurriedly ran towards the Hokage Office Building.

"Will the Hokage agree?"

After leaving the Ninja School, Mikoto has been worrying about this problem.

She doesn't want this matter to spread widely.

"Maybe, maybe not."

"But it will definitely be a shock for sure."

Thinking of the Third Hokage being shocked, Chikage couldn't help laughing.

"Teacher, this kind of thing can be left to Orochimaru and Tsunade. I'm used to being lazy, and besides, I have to collect materials and don't have time to teach disciples."

The fresh graduates have graduated.

Jiraiya ran to the Hokage's office to complain and cry. He didn't want to be a supervising jōnin, as it would seriously affect his time for gathering materials and writing books.

Jiraiya also felt that he was not cut out to be a teacher.

"For Tsunade, I've already made arrangements. Take a look at the information of these children first. If there's no problem..."

The Third Hokage handed the information to Jiraiya, and he didn't intend to give Jiraiya a chance to refuse.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Some hasty knocking interrupted the Third Hokage's words.

Jiraiya had no choice but to take the information.

Only then did the Third Hokage show a satisfied smile and shouted, "Come in."

"Lord Hokage, I have an important thing to report."

"It's Teacher Otawara. Didn't the student graduation assessment go smoothly?"

As the Hokage and also the principal of the Ninja Academy, the Third Hokage paid quite a lot of attention to the school's teachers.

These teachers with important matters didn't need to be announced and could directly knock on the door and report to him.

From this point alone, it was enough to see the Third Hokage's emphasis on the Ninja Academy.

Teacher Otawara had a mournful face.

Jiraiya looked at him curiously and thought secretly:

Could this guy be bullied by students?

"Lord Hokage, among the graduates of this session, Yagami Chikage, who ranked first in the assessment, and Uchiha Mikoto, who ranked second, applied to me and wanted to form a team by themselves. The two of them don't want to be separated."


" Cough cough!!"

The Third Hokage was choked by the smoke, and Jiraiya was stunned.

These two students have tempers!

This was something that even he, Tsunade, and Orochimaru didn't dare to do.

Wait, Yagami Chikage, this name is very familiar. Where did I hear it from.

" Cough cough cough!!"

The Third Hokage, who seemed to be stuck by a mouthful of old sauerkraut, coughed until the wrinkled old face began to turn red. He slapped the table and shouted angrily, "Nonsense!"

The students who ranked first and second in the current assessment were unwilling to accept the village's arrangement and wanted to form a team by themselves.

If this news spread out, it was afraid that countless people would be laughing to death.

It was simply slapping his face, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"You go back first. I will arrange and deal with this matter."

"Yes, Lord Hokage."

The Third Hokage made a promise. Teacher Otawara heaved a sigh of relief, showed a relieved smile, saluted respectfully, and then exited the Hokage's office.

Well, now the hot potato has been successfully thrown out, and from now on this matter doesn't need him to worry about it.

"Jiraiya, how do you think I should arrange these two children?"

"Don't ask me."

Jiraiya shook his head like a rattle. He was most afraid of this kind of trouble. It was best not to look for him for something.

"I'll take Minato. This kid is good. As for the people related to the Uchiha clan, you old man should arrange it yourself."

"Oh, the name Yagami Chikage is so familiar. I seem to have heard it somewhere."

"Tsunade is very optimistic about this child, but he has Uchiha's blood."

Because of the death of Uchiha Kagami, the bridge of communication between the village and the Uchiha was broken.

Tsunade was optimistic about Chikage, and the Third Hokage thought that if this child was cultivated, perhaps it could become the second Uchiha Kagami.

Coupled with the good talent shown by Chikage, it was worthy of the village's key cultivation.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have the idea of handing Chikage over to Tsunade.