
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 17: The Wheel of Fate, Who can escape?

"I suddenly understand why Kushina sticks to you. Even I have to look at you with new eyes. It's a pity that it's a little small."

After a moment of silence, Tsunade said a senseless sentence.


What the hell are you talking about?

A little small?

Are you flirting with me?

Can this be endured?

Chikage raised his eyebrows and sized up Tsunade from top to bottom.

"It's okay, it will grow up, and I like the big ones."

"Go to hell!!"

Tsunade's smile froze, and the next second she lashed out with a kick.


The embankment collapsed, and rocks and soil kept rolling into the river.

Chikage jumped onto a nearby tree and wiped the cold sweat on his head.

This is so cruel!

If this kick hits, if you don't die, you will lose a layer of skin.

"Senior, come on, I'm optimistic about you, it will be even bigger."


Leaving the furious Tsunade, Chikage got into the forest and disappeared.

Tsunade was laughed angrily: "The brat with a loose mouth."

But is it really getting bigger?

Will it become a burden?

Tsunade subconsciously looked down.

Uchiha Mikoto, who was about to go home after school, was pulled away by Chikage halfway.

"What happened to Chikage?"

"Did something happen? Why is the expression so serious."

Chikage tried to put on a serious face, but unfortunately age was the hard injury.

Even if it was serious, it seemed to have become expressionless. Mikoto inexplicably wanted to laugh.

Well, it failed. Sure enough, it wasn't suitable to play these at this age.

Chikage helplessly raised his hand: "Today, Tsunade-senior came to see me. She told me that there is a great possibility that she will be my guiding jōnin."

"How could it be....."

Isn't there still some time until graduation?

Why did the village executives start to allocate personnel from this time.

"But you and I won't be allocated to the same team, right?"

Now Mikoto understood why Chikage tried hard to put on a serious face just now, but failed.


Opening the refrigerator and taking out two bottles of milk, handing one bottle to Mikoto, drinking two sips by himself, and frowning, he said: "I don't know what the Hokage is thinking. Only at this time, they start to arrange these. Minato may be allocated to Jiraiya-senior's side."

"Minato is also involved?"

Mikoto was arranged in advance, and Mikoto was already very surprised.

Who could have thought that Minato was also one of the people arranged in advance.

"Don't underestimate Minato. He is just limited by his birth. In fact, he is a person who is good at creating miracles. As long as someone guides him and supports him."

Needless to say about Minato's future achievements, what he lacks is just enough time to grow up and a Flying Thunder God Technique.

As long as there is enough accumulation, learns some sealing techniques, and gets the Flying Thunder God Technique, Minato can take off on the spot.

"So the reason why you pulled me over today is because......"

"Ugh~~What are you doing?"

Before the words were finished, Mikoto's small face was pinched and pulled by Chikage's right hand. There were even several fingerprints on the fair little face.

"Because I have to regretfully tell you, Uchiha Mikoto, you may not be able to accept the team allocation of the village."


Pushing away Chikage's hand, Mikoto dissatisfiedly rubbed her small face and looked up.

"Because you are going to form a two-person team with me."

"I refused."

Elder Tsunade, if we can't be in the same team, then your repeating a grade and my skipping a grade will become meaningless.

Then I'd rather not have such an arrangement and form a two-person team with Sister Mikoto."

"And with the strength of you and me, will we still starve?"

Chikage snapped his fingers and said casually with a relaxed expression.


Mikoto originally wanted to scold him as a fool, but before she could say the words, she was already interrupted by Chikage.

Pulling her up from the chair and pushing her towards the kitchen.

"Don't say words of gratitude or scolding. I've sacrificed so much. Today you cook and let me be lazy."

A smooth path?

Others wish their backer could be more stable, but Chikage doesn't need these.

Because his backer is himself.

Chikage is confident that in at most a few years, who becomes whose backer is not certain yet.

Why get involved in that vortex of the Hokage faction?

Why get involved in the power struggle with the Third Hokage and Danzo?

It's simply tiring.

"Do you really want to form a two-person team?"

While eating, Mikoto was a little worried.

She still felt that Tsunade would be better as Chikage's supervising jōnin.

"Isn't a two-person team good? And no one will disturb us and we can do whatever we want."

Giving Mikoto a look that you understand directly made the other party's face turn red. She gave him a sullen look and lowered her head to eat without saying a word.

"Does Minato know about this?"

"I don't intend to tell Minato about this, for fear that he will make some irrational moves."

After much consideration, Chikage still decided to keep it a secret first and not tell Minato about it.

Minato, this guy, when his brain gets hot, he might give up the village's assignment and come to join him.

If that's the case, then his sin would be too great.

Chikage has no way to get the Flying Thunder God Technique for Minato.

To learn the Flying Thunder God Technique, he still has to rely on Jiraiya.

With his sensitive identity, even if he has made enough contributions, the Third Hokage and Danzo will not let him choose this kind of ninjutsu.

The most likely thing is to give him some rewards casually and send him away.

This is not malicious speculation. Throughout the establishment of the village, how many people from the Uchiha Clan who have made contributions can freely choose the ninjutsu on the Sealing Scroll?

Chikage can say that there are almost none.

Perhaps Uchiha Kagami is an exception.

Although he is not considered an Uchiha, he still has Uchiha blood.

The Third Hokage and Danzo will not mind guarding against him because of this.

Plus he has already refused the village's arrangement, will the Third Hokage still focus on cultivating him?

It's impossible no matter how you think about it.

Tsunade also has no intention of informing Minato in advance, after all, she is not familiar with Minato.

Minato hasn't realized that he has been pre-arranged and has begun to look forward to who he will be assigned to the same team with.

His ideal team members are Chikage and Mikoto, and with him, it's just a team.

But if he chooses like this, then there will be a vacancy on Kushina's side.

"Chikage, do you think after we graduate, the village will assign us to the same team? If we are assigned together, what about the extra person?"


The thing you're worried about is really far-reaching.

You're already thinking about the team before graduating.

"Don't worry, Kushina won't be selected."

The most likely possibility for Kushina is to repeat a grade or graduate smoothly and then live an idle life in Konoha.

After all, as a Jinchūriki, it is impossible to leave the village casually.

Probably not. Although her grades in some subjects are a little bit poor, she has been working very hard recently.

Graduating smoothly is not a problem.

Why was she excluded?

"Well~ There are some things that you don't necessarily need to know now. Let's talk about it later. Maybe Kushina will take the initiative to tell us."

Patting Minato on the shoulder, Chikage said earnestly, "Minato, I know what you are thinking, but you'd better not provoke Kushina in the recent period of time, or you will get beaten up."

Whether it is the destined result or not, Minato, from the initial fear, has now begun to approach Kushina intentionally or unintentionally.

Obviously, he has developed a favorable impression on Kushina.

"Cough cough, no, I'm not, don't talk nonsense."

With his inner feelings exposed, Minato's face turned red and hurriedly shook his head to deny.

I don't like Kushina at all, definitely not.

I don't believe you!

Chikage was too lazy to deal with him. You almost wrote it on your face and still want to deny.

By the way, when did the people from the Hidden Cloud Village lurk into the Leaf Village to kidnap Kushina?

These bastards like to play tricks.

Just as Chikage said, Kushina's mood has been very bad recently, extremely bad.

Because it is approaching graduation, when Chikage and others graduate smoothly at that time, they will embark on another path.

And she is the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails and cannot leave the village easily.