
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 19 The Uchiha is also the Uchiha of Konoha.

To know that Sengetsu became Tsunade's disciple means that he has become someone from the Hokage line.

It represents that even if he has the bloodline of the Uchiha, it is impossible for him to enter the power center, but at least he will not be targeted like other Uchiha.

As a result, a good plan was disrupted like this.

One Sengetsu is enough. If another Uchiha Mikoto is given to Tsunade, it may make the Uchiha have some unwanted thoughts.

This is unacceptable to the Third Hokage.

Even if he shows leniency, Danzo, Mitarashi Anko, and Mito Homura will never agree.

"I remembered."

Jiraiya clapped his hands:

"Tsunade said that this kid is very good at cooking, and she still keeps thinking about it."


The Third Hokage was speechless. So you, Tsunade, favored him just because he is good at cooking?

Seeing the Third Hokage frowning, Jiraiya planned to leave.

"Old man, you think it over slowly. I'll leave first. I will go to the ninja school tomorrow."

Rather than staying here with the old man and chatting aimlessly, it's better to go out and explore to see where there are places to get materials.

Recently Tsunade has been in Konoha all the time, and he dare not go to the bathhouse anymore, for fear of running into Tsunade and getting beaten half to death with one punch.


The Third Hokage nodded and waved his hand indicating that Jiraiya could leave.

Shaking the file in his hand, Jiraiya jumped out of the window.

Not long after Jiraiya left, a person who was not unexpected by the Third Hokage came.

The Root of Konoha, Danzo.

Has the hand of the Root reached too far?

Nothing in the Hokage office building can be hidden from him. In less than ten minutes, Danzo is sure to arrive.

This makes the Third Hokage, who is the Hokage, feel a little uncomfortable.

The Root is the power I gave you, but you can't let the people of the Root infiltrate the people around me.

" Sarutobi, I have said before that the people of the Uchiha clan are unreliable."

"The news cannot be concealed. After the news spreads, where will our old faces be placed?"

Shaking his head, the Third Hokage didn't want to talk about these with Danzo.

"How is the investigation of the Land of Rain going?"

In the recent one or two years, since the leader of the Amegakure in the Land of Rain, the so-called Demigod Hanzo rose up, the behavior style of the Amegakure has been very radical.

According to the intelligence collected by the Anbu, it seems that the Amegakure has signs of launching a war outward.

Under Hanzo's leadership, the small Amegakure has continuously expanded its military power, and the number of ninjas and the overall strength have also been improved.

Coupled with the destruction of the Land of Whirlpools, the calm ninja world for many years has been undercurrents surging.

Except for the closed country of the Land of Water, the number of small frictions between other countries has been continuously increasing.

"Hanzo has not made any rash moves, but we need to be on guard. Once the Land of Rain under Hanzo's leadership annexes the Land of Grass, it will become another powerful enemy of Konoha."

As the strength of the Amegakure continues to increase, the so-called Demigod Hanzo will definitely not be willing to curl up in the Land of Rain with a harsh environment and insufficient population.

Launching a war outward, occupying other countries' lands, and plundering the population are the only choices for the Land of Rain to grow stronger.

And the first target that the Amegakure will choose is the ally of the Fire Country, the fence-sitter, the Land of Grass.

There cannot be a country with too strong strength in the balance zone between the great countries, which is the tacit understanding of the five great countries.

If the Land of Rain launches a war outward, it is playing with fire.

"The people of the Anbu and the Root are always paying attention to the trend of the Land of Rain. As long as there is any sign of trouble, the spies can send the intelligence back at the first time."

Danzo is very confident. He believes that his arrangement will not be wrong, and Hanzo will sooner or later have a day when he can't hold back.

"Hopefully Hanzo won't be driven crazy by the war."

The Third Hokage sighed.

Tuanzang is a hawkish figure, while the Third Hokage is a dovish one who advocates peace.

Even if he is a dovish one, once the Rain Country launches a war outward, intending to annex the Grass Country or invade the territory of the Fire Country, then he will also have to launch a war against the Rain Country. Why is the topic getting farther and farther away?

Tuanzang frowned dissatisfiedly and said coldly,

"Sarutobi, let's not mention the matter of the Rain Country for now, but for the Uchiha, you can't just let it go like this."

"Two brats also want to reject the village's arrangement! I knew that the people of the Uchiha are inherently evil, not as good as..."

"That's enough, Tuanzang!"

Seeing that Tuanzang was getting more and more excessive, the Third Hokage couldn't bear it and scolded,

"I will arrange the matter of these two children. If they are really willing to form a two-person team, then I will approve it."

"We are all people of Konoha, and the Uchiha is also the Uchiha of Konoha."

"You go back and always pay attention to the movements of the Rain Ninja Village, and don't give them a chance to launch a war outward."

"But there aren't enough people in the Root..."

What Uchiha, what Rain Ninja Village are all nonsense. Tuanzang's ultimate goal is still for the Root and for his own power.

Although he has infiltrated the Anbu, only the Root is the power he controls. Only by expanding the establishment of the Root can his power continue to increase.

Expand the establishment of the Root.

Tuanzang has mentioned it many times, but he has not agreed.

The Third Hokage believes that in the peaceful period, with the coordination of the Anbu and the Root, the Root is far from reaching the point of expansion.

Especially now that the Rain Country has begun to show its sharp fangs. After a large number of Anbu ninjas are sent out, the manpower seems to be somewhat insufficient.

When Tuanzang mentioned this at this time, the Third Hokage couldn't easily refuse outright.

After thinking carefully, the Third Hokage said,

"I will consult with Koharu and Momen about this matter. You go back first."

"I'll wait for your news."

After getting the answer he wanted, Tuanzang left satisfied.

As for Sengetsu and Mikoto, they have long been forgotten by him. They are just two brats of the Uchiha clan and not worthy of his attention.

"Old man, you called me?"

Tsunade came from the hospital and was still wearing a white coat.

"This is the application regarding Yagami Sengetsu and Uchiha Mikoto."

The Third Hokage handed her the prepared document.

Just because of this you called me over?


Author: Asking for comments asking for gifts, no motivation to update, crying