
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 13. Those who have the guts, don't leave after school.

Not right! Although the chakra aura is similar, this is not my chakra!

After thinking for a while, Kurama decided to test Kushina.

"Big fox?"

Kushina was pulled into the consciousness space and looked at Kurama who was Be tied up by the vajra chains in front of her.

Kushina hadn't reacted yet how she got in.

"Kushina, I smelled the chakra aura of the same kind on the brat Yagami Chikage."

"You want to deceive me again?"

As soon as Kushina heard this, she immediately put her hands on her hips and pointed at Kurama: "Grandma Mito said that tailed beasts are all evil and can't believe what you say.

You must want to deceive me and deceive me to unseal the seal."

Kurama: "...."

When did I deceive you?

You said tailed beasts are evil, but it's humans who are evil!

I was sleeping at home. Who did I provoke?

Suddenly a Uchiha Madara popped up and just used the Mangekyou Sharingan on me without saying a word.

And forced me to become a summoned beast and went to attack Konoha.

As a result, Senju Hashirama beat me up and sealed me in the body of Uzumaki Mito.

From beginning to end, how am I evil?

"You brats, you humans are the most evil creatures!!"

At this moment, Kurama didn't care about Chikage's matter anymore because it felt that Kushina was slandering itself.

"Ahahaha, I'm going to eat you."

In a rage, Kurama started to go crazy, and the vajra chains were continuously tightened. Kurama wanted to bite Kushina to death.

Kushina pouted and wasn't afraid of Kurama at all.

From the initial fear to now, Kushina has become accustomed to the blustering Kurama.

Looking fierce, in fact, it has no ability at all, at least in the sealed state.

"I said it, you want to deceive me. How could there be the chakra of a tailed beast on Chikage? You are clearly talking nonsense."

"Kurama, you can't deceive me."


Kurama almost didn't spurt out a mouthful of old blood, roaring Go crazy: "Brat, I'm going to eat you!! You are the evil creature. You pissed me off."

In the next second, Kushina was kicked out of the consciousness space.

The little girl firmly believed that Kurama wanted to deceive herself, and then tried to deceive herself to unseal the seal so that it could escape.

Am I Kushina such an easy person to deceive?

Am I Kushina such an easy person to deceive?

Want to deceive me, there is no way.

I haven't even come into contact with Chikage. How could there be the chakra aura of a tailed beast on him?

Humph, Kurama is a big liar.

Sure enough, tailed beasts are all evil.

Chikage himself didn't expect that just a tiny, faint smell didn't escape Kurama's dog nose.

It can only be said that the fox is indeed a creature of the canine family, and this nose is too smart.

"Dear classmates, there are four transfer students in our class today. I believe you already know."

The fourth-grade teacher clapped his hands and said: "Now let these four students come up and introduce themselves. Let's give them a warm round of applause."

The oldest, Uchiha Mikoto, got up and introduced herself.

"Hello everyone, I am Uchiha Mikoto. I was retained from the fifth grade. Please give me your advice in the future."

There was a burst of applause.

For Uchiha Mikoto, the senior students are not unfamiliar. For her arrival, most of the students in the class gave warm applause.

Only a small number were indifferent, and even looked at Uchiha Mikoto with some unfriendly eyes.

"I am Yagami Chikage. I skipped up from the second grade."

After a simple self-introduction, Chikage just sat down directly.

As for hobbies and such, Chikage didn't want to talk about these useless things.

"I am Namikaze Minato. I also skipped up from the second grade. Please give me your advice in the future."

Compared to Chikage, Minato was much more polite.

Chikage wasn't afraid of suffering any school violence. Those who caused trouble for him had all suffered in his hands.

Moreover, Chikage wasn't afraid.

If you want to come and cause trouble, then be prepared to get beaten first.

I welcome you to come to me at any time.

"I am Uzumaki Kushina. Like Chikage and Minato, I skipped up from the second grade. In the future days, please give me your advice."

Four transfer students, one is well-behavied and obedient, and the other one seems okay. As for the remaining two, one is a troublesome top student, and the other is the one that the Hokage asked to take care of.

I only hope they don't cause any big trouble in the class.

"Today's lesson we are going to have is the outdoor shuriken throwing course. Everyone check your ninja tool bags. Those who don't carry ninja tools can borrow from the teacher. Gather at the training ground in ten minutes."


After the teacher left, a group of people looked coldly at Chikage who was sitting beside Uchiha Mikoto.

Minato became nervous all of a sudden.

Are they going to fight?

Are they going to fight?

Should I make a move?

"Uchiha Chihuo, don't glare at me. If you have the ability, come and challenge me. I welcome you at any time. If you don't have the guts, just scram earlier, or else I'll block you after school!"

It's obvious that they are old enemies.

Or the kind that wanted to bully Chikage but was bullied back instead.

"You're not so cocky! Who's afraid of you."

With his old secrets exposed, Uchiha Chihuo couldn't hold his face and shouted with a stiff neck.

Seeing that there was excitement to watch, all the students in the class stopped and looked curiously.

"All right."

Uchiha Mikoto stood up and showed the air that a big sister should have, stopping the two of them.

"Chihuo, what happened in the past is over. Don't mention it again, okay? If you lose in a fight, it's your own face that is lost."

"I'll give Mikoto a face today and not argue with you."

After thinking about it, Uchiha Chihuo still decided to leave first to avoid Chikage really blocking him after school.

"Who is that guy?"

Minato whispered and asked.

Chikage put both hands on the back of his head and leaned comfortably against the wall, explaining: "

"That's an annoying guy from the Uchiha clan. When I was a child, he wanted to bully me, but I hit a hole in his head with a stone."


Minato was stunned, and Kushina was also confused.

"You still talk."

Uchiha Mikoto angrily tapped his head with her jade finger.

"You were only three years old then. How could you dare to hit someone's head with a stone?"

"He was two years older than me and brought a group of helpers. Of course I had to strike first, or else I would be the one getting beaten."

Chikage is not the one to get beaten. If you want to bully me, I'll deal with you!

After going to school, Chikage directly blocked the door and beat up Uchiha Chihuo several times before he became obedient.

But only a year has passed, and he's starting to itch again.

It seems that some people are just born itchy and deserve a beating.

If not beaten, they won't feel comfortable.

Decided, block him after school!

If you have the guts, don't leave after school. Let's meet at the main entrance.