
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 14. The feeling of slapping someone in the face with this brick is the most refreshing.

  "Hehe he..."

Suddenly, Chikage couldn't help laughing, but the smile was a little creepy, making Minato and Kushina's whole bodies covered with goosebumps.

  Even Uchiha Mikoto couldn't stand it a little.

"What are you doing?"

Minato rubbed his hands vigorously to get the goosebumps off his hands.

"Say something if you have something to say. Don't laugh so scarily, okay."

"Let's go block the door!"

Chikage slapped the table and stood up.

"I've found that people of the Uchiha clan are itchy. If they don't get beaten up for a period of time, they start to jump around. Only by beating them until they submit will they be obedient."

"Why? Am I not right? Why do you keep blinking, Minato..."

Chikage felt baffled.

Not good, there's a murderous aura!

Looking back at the dark-faced Uchiha Mikoto, Chikage coughed: "A slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue. It's that idiot Uchiha Shibi. If he doesn't get beaten up for a period of time, he'll be itchy."

"Do I want to block the door? Do you guys participate?"

Beat people of the Uchiha clan?

Minato seemed eager to try.

Kushina was also a little tempted.

She currently didn't have much opinion about people of the Uchiha clan, except that this Uchiha Shibi was too annoying.

Since she hated him, then beat him up, and that would be right.

You've just come to the senior grade for the first day!!

Are you already thinking about causing trouble?

Uchiha Mikoto had a headache and covered her forehead.

The throwing tool course is, in essence, a test to test the result of throwing tool.

Uchiha Mikoto needless to say, she is a little genius and got full marks smoothly.

Chikage also got full marks.

Minato was a little short and got nine points.

Only Kushina was a little worse.

The teacher's focus was also to observe the four of them.

After the results of Chikage, Uchiha Mikoto, and Minato came out, the teacher nodded satisfactorily.

Very good, already exceeding most of the students in the same grade.

Kushina, whom the Hokage asked to take care of, although her result was a little worse than the other three, at least it wasn't too far behind and could still be salvaged.

After school that day, the four-person group directly blocked at the school gate and scared Uchiha Shibi, who was going home with his underlings, half to death.

Don't look at him provoking Chikage in the morning in the class. Actually, he was With a guilty conscience.

No matter who was provoked by someone younger than himself and got a hole in the head with a stone when he was a child would be afraid.

Uchiha Shibi provoking Chikage was more because he couldn't stand him squeezing together with Mikoto.

Who would have thought that Chikage would directly bring people to block the door.

Yagami Chikage, you bastard, didn't you say it was a warning?

Blocking the door is your warning?

"Kushina, Mikoto-san, you hide further away first. For girls to fight on campus like this, it doesn't sound good when it spreads out. It's better for me and Minato to come up."

Girls fighting at school would not be good to spread.

It was better for him and Minato to come up.

Chikage decisively picked up two bricks from the flower bed at the school gate and stuffed one to Minato.

Minato was confused and took the brick.

Fighting, and still need a tool?

"Minato, just hit towards the face when you see someone. I tell you, the feeling of hitting the face with this brick is the coolest!

Don't believe it, you can try it later."

Minato really wanted to try it. After all, he hadn't tried this feeling.

But is it sure that nothing will happen if this thing hits the face?

"Well, let's still use our fists."

Minato was really afraid that if he hit someone to death with a brick.


Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto had black lines all over their heads.

It seemed that Minato, this sunny little boy, had already been led astray by Chikage.

"Uchiha Shibi, don't run if you have the guts!"

Seeing Uchiha Shibi and his underlings walking out, Chikage picked up the brick and charged up.

Really blocking the door?

The smile on Uchiha Shibi's face gradually solidified. He was stunned for a few seconds, then scared, hugged the place where he had been punched with a hole before and turned around and ran.

The little followers of Uchiha Shibi also looked blankly at Chikage and Minato who were holding bricks and rushing up furiously. They shuddered and hurriedly followed their boss to run.

On the playground of the Ninja School, a group of slightly older boys were running in the front, and behind there was a slightly younger one holding a brick and chasing.

The two Anbu ninjas who were secretly following Kushina looked at each other.

Ninja A: "Do children nowadays like to use bricks when fighting?"

Ninja B: "Who knows. The one who seems to be from the Uchiha clan who is leading the run. Has the people of the Uchiha clan fallen to this point?"

Ninja A: "Even if it's us, we have to run. The kid running in the front with the brick is not weak, and he's ruthless. He has beaten all the thorns in the senior grade after only two years of enrollment."

Ninja B...

In the end, Chikage's group failed to block the door because the teacher came.

Chikage decisively dropped the brick and pulled Minato to run.

Blocking the door and fighting was one thing, but hitting someone in front of the teacher was not right, and the punishment would be much more severe.

Chikage didn't really want to punch a hole in Uchiha Shibi's head. He just wanted to scare him half to death.

To save this idiot from provoking himself, which was annoying.

If he really wanted to beat him up, he could do it in the class. Why wait until after school?

"Stinky boy, you led people to block the door on the first day in the class."

The teacher looked at the backs of Chikage and Minato running fast and scolded with a smile, and glared at Uchiha Shibi and several people angrily: "Why didn't you think of today when you bullied other classmates before?"

"Eight people were chased by two children who were two years younger than them with bricks. What a disgrace!"

Uchiha Shibi and others wanted to cry but had no tears.

They certainly didn't want to run, but the problem was that they couldn't beat!

Chikage had blocked them a lot when he first started school.

One person could easily knock them all over.

Two years had passed, and it would only be easier.

In such a situation, only a fool wouldn't run.

Don't run and wait to be beaten?

" Chikage, the teacher won't scold us."

On the way home, Minato was a little worried that the teacher would scold.

After all, things like blocking the door and hitting classmates with bricks, if not discovered, it was okay, but if discovered, the teacher would definitely scold.

Chikage was carrying the vegetables he bought from the market and said casually, "What are you afraid of? Did we hit anyone?"

"Didn't we?"

Minato scratched his head, but what were we doing when we blocked the door and chased people with bricks.

"Who did you hit?"

Chikage began to guide Minato: "We just blocked at the school gate, just chased people with bricks, and didn't hit anyone, right?"


Seems like that.

"Since we didn't hit anyone, how could it be considered hitting someone? As a teacher, he can't wrong us. Don't worry. At most, he will complain a few words and tell us not to bully classmates or something, and he won't scold us."

Chikage had experience with this kind of thing.

It was similar to what Chikage thought.

The next day, the teacher just told them to get along well with their classmates, not to have conflicts, and not to chase and hit people with bricks, and then that was it.