
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 12. Kurama Sensed the Scent of Its Kind

Kushina was stunned for a moment, and then blushed, complaining dissatisfiedly:

"No way, he and Minato are both my classmates and my friends.

I just don't want to be separated just because of skipping grades as soon as I have two friends."

Kushina, who has lost everything and started all over again, is extremely sensitive inside.

She also urgently wants to get the recognition of others and have her own good friends.

As for feelings......

It's a matter that can't be reached by eight poles.

Although talked all kinds of nonsense about Uchiha Mikoto, which made her a little uncomfortable, but what does that have to do with feelings?

"Well, since you think so, then just go ahead and do it, and sister will support you."

Even if the Third Hokage agreed, what could Tsunade do?

Forcibly not allowing Kushina to skip grades?

Then this little girl will be very sad.

"Yeah, great, Sister Tsunade, you're so nice, I'll make something delicious for you, you should haven't eaten yet!"

Kushina happily jumped up.

Tsunade sneered coldly: "Forget it, it's almost the same if you let that kid make a meal for me to soothe my injured heart. With your cooking skills, forget it."

Tsunade couldn't forget how terrifying the food made by Kushina last time.

After trying it once, she was unwilling to touch it a second time no matter what.

Unless Kushina makes rice balls.


Kushina's full of excitement turned into tears, and she was rejected again.

Although her cooking skills are indeed a bit poor.

"It is said that you applied for repeating a grade today?"

Mother Mikoto looked at her daughter.

Uchiha Mikoto embarrassedly explained:

"Because yesterday I joked and hoped that would graduate early and team up with me, but took it seriously.

But I hope he can stay in the Ninja School for another year, but he wants to be in the same grade as me, or else he will apply for early graduation."

"So I agreed to repeat a grade."

Mother Mikoto said with a half-smile:

"But what I heard is not these. Little said in the school that you promised to marry him when you grow up. Is it true?"


Uchiha Mikoto stomped her feet.

Mother Mikoto laughed and said: " is also a good boy, but unfortunately he didn't return to the family. This is the wish of his mother all the time. The elders in the clan, alas~~~"

Uchiha Mikoto pouted dissatisfiedly and thought:

Even if the elders invite him back now, he might not be willing to come back.

Even if the elders invite him back now, he might not be willing to come back.

A genius who activates the two-tomoe Sharingan before the age of seven is enough for these old guys to regret later.

Uchiha Mikoto doesn't intend to tell this news to her family.

She was afraid that her family would not be able to keep their mouths shut and say it out, and then bring some unnecessary troubles to at that time.

When to announce the matter of the Sharingan, it's better to let decide by himself.

"Stinky boy!"

When she thought of saying in front of a group of teachers that she would marry him in the future, Uchiha Mikoto was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

The thing you played house when you were little, you still keep remembering.

And said it in front of the teachers.

So embarrassing.

Now it's all over the school.

"Xiaobai, there's quite a commotion today."

At night, couldn't sleep anyway, and the Nine-Tailed Xiaobai in his body was constantly restless.

The little guy continued to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if the previous accumulation made its chakra reach a peak.

After breaking through this boundary, the body began to expand.

In a short while, it has already rushed from the size of a buffalo to about the same as the room.

And the chakra is also soaring.

None of the tailed beasts are small, even the Nine-Tails is just relatively slender.

Originally, compared with the nine tailed beasts in the Naruto world, his own white Nine-Tails was just a small one.

Now, it has finally grown up rapidly.

It seems that after breaking through the critical point, Xiaobai's growth rate is doubling.

's inquiry didn't get a response, and Xiaobai seemed to be in a state of rapid growth

As for the name Xiaobai, it was given to the Nine-Tails by .

Kushina has a Nine-Tails in her body, and he also has an exclusive one, and it's white.

More importantly, his exclusive Nine-Tails is a female.

In that case, it's definitely not possible to keep calling it Nine-Tails or Kurama all the time.

Calling it Xiaobai is the most appropriate, just because it's white.

The growth of Xiaobai made the chakra in 's body also become unstable.

Fortunately, it didn't spread out, otherwise it would be strange if not targeted by the Anbu.

At that time, how to explain the Nine-Tails chakra on him would be a big problem.

The continuous growth of Xiaobai stopped until near dawn, and was also tossed and turned all night, almost not closing his eyes all night.

Coupled with the instability of chakra, the whole person was exhausted and had two black eye circles, just like a national treasure.

"Good morning, ."

Early the next morning, Minato, who had been waiting at the door of the house early, saw coming and ran up with a smile.

Early the next morning, Minato, who had been waiting at the door of the house early, saw coming and ran up with a smile.

When he saw the black eye circles on 's face, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing:

"Hahaha, what did you do last night?

Are you so excited to be a classmate with Mikoto?"

"Couldn't you sleep all night?"

Minato touched with his hand and teased with a funny expression.

"Go away, I was uncomfortable last night and didn't sleep well all night. What are you thinking?"

Pushed Minato away impatiently.


What kind of international joke is this? Do you think I lived in vain in my previous life?

So sleepy.

Stumbled to the school and walked towards the senior classroom, but didn't expect to run into Kushina at the door.

Minato looked curious: "Kushina, this is the senior classroom. What are you doing here?"

"Because I also skipped a grade. You two don't even think about leaving me behind."

Kushina dissatisfiedly raised her small fist to show that if you dare to leave me behind, you will look good.

: "................."

Minato: "................."

It's different with a backer. They need various explanations and various tests to skip a grade. Kushina came up without a word.

"Good morning, you guys."

At this time, Uchiha Mikoto also came to the door of the classroom, said hello to the three with a smile, and walked into the classroom with .

In the classroom, seeing and Uchiha Mikoto sitting in the last row and eating breakfast next to each other, the smile on Kushina's face disappeared.

"Kushina, what's wrong with you? Didn't you eat?"

Minato took out his bento.

"Thank you, I've eaten." Kushina rejected Minato and walked into the classroom.

Minato scratched his head, looking suspicious.

What's going on, it was fine just now.

Inside Kushina's body, the Nine-Tails suddenly opened its eyes and struggled uncomfortably for a while, causing the adamantine chains wrapped around it to make a rattling sound.

"Little brat of the Uzumaki Clan, if you help me loosen some chains, I'll tell you a secret."

Just now, when everyone was relatively close, the Nine-Tails smelled the smell of the same kind from 's body, and that smell was just like another Nine-Tails.

There is a faint fragrance in the chakra.

This made the Nine-Tails a little confused. When did my chakra leak out?

And with a fragrance?.