
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 11. The Third Hokage has a dispute with Danzo.

The grade skipping assessment is like a piece of cake for Chikage, and there is no difficulty at all.

Even for Minato, it was easily accomplished.

The two managed to successfully skip grades as they wished.

Although Minato was a bit confused about it.

But the result was still good.

After everything was over, Minato rubbed his blond hair and wondered:

What on earth did I do?

I just got hot-headed and went to apply for the grade skipping assessment.

Chikage did it for Mikoto-san, then what about me?

Could it be to be a third wheel?

The impact of grade skipping and grade retention is not small, and even the Third Hokage was alerted.

It's reasonable for Chikage and Minato to skip grades.

As long as they can pass, the teacher can't stop them.

Uchiha Mikoto wants to retain her grade and is really not willing to graduate. The teacher has no choice but to approve it.

But Kushina is different.

After all, her identity is sensitive.

Forced by the situation, Kamimura Ichiki had to go to the Third Hokage and report this matter.

As for how to deal with it, that's the Third Hokage's business.

It doesn't need a small teacher like him to worry about.

"Kushina, why do you want to skip grades?

You just transferred to the second grade less than two months ago. Now skipping grades is a bit too early for you."

Kushina was called to the Hokage's office. The Third Hokage felt that he needed to ask in person.

"Hokage-sama, my friends have already applied for the grade skipping and have successfully passed the assessment. From tomorrow on, they will go to the upper-grade classroom. I don't want to be left alone."

Kushina looked at the Third Hokage pitifully.

Her family was destroyed, and her clansmen were either dead or scattered. She was the only one left who came to Konoha and became the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails.

She was monitored everywhere she went.

Finally, she had Chikage and Minato as friends, but the two of them applied for the assessment and skipped grades to the upper grades together.

She seemed to be back to the time when she first came to Konoha, with no one to rely on and feeling alone.

Every Jinchuriki is lonely, except for Uzumaki Mito.

After all, no one dares to point fingers at her, including the previous Hokages.

Unfortunately, there is only one Uzumaki Mito.

Kushina is not Uzumaki Mito either.


The Third Hokage got up from the chair and walked over, squatting down and grabbing Kushina's shoulders: "You came to Konoha, integrated into Konoha, and have your own friends and people you value. This makes Hokage-sama very happy."

How to make the Jinchuriki integrate into Konoha and have a sense of belonging to Konoha is very important.

So the Third Hokage has always been against Danzo's proposal.

He thinks that confining the Jinchuriki is not the best way.

The contradiction is that he hopes the Jinchuriki can have a sense of belonging to Konoha, but at the same time restricts the Jinchuriki in various places.

This is the typical double standard of the Third Hokage.

"So Hokage-sama agreed to my application for grade skipping?"


The smile on his face froze for a moment, and the Third Hokage wryly smiled: "But after skipping grades, your academic performance will not keep up, and the subsequent make-up classes will make you very busy and not have much time to get along with your classmates."

"I'm not afraid!"

Kushina firmly shook her head.

As long as she can skip grades and be in the same class with Chikage and Minato, even if she is tired, she is not afraid.

"The Third Hokage agreed."

"Go ahead, study hard, and get along well with your classmates."

"That's great. Thank you, Hokage-sama."

Kushina happily left.

The Third Hokage rubbed his forehead, waiting for his old partner to come and find trouble for him.


Sure enough, in less than a moment, Danzo's voice rang out, still the same as before.

Whenever there is any slightest stir in the village, Danzo can get the news at the first time and rush to the Hokage's office.

"I've said long ago that the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails cannot be too unrestrained."


The Third Hokage looked up at him: "The Jinchuriki is also a person. If you want her to integrate into Konoha and regard Konoha as her home, there needs to be her bond. Don't you understand this principle?"


Danzo completely scoffed at the so-called bond: "For the Jinchuriki, it should be controlled. Sarutobi, have you grown old?

Let the Jinchuriki run wild with those kids."

The Third Hokage's face also looked a little ugly, and he said stiffly:

"Danzo, I am the Hokage. How to arrange the Jinchuriki, I will deal with it myself, and you don't need to worry about it."


The usually tough Danzo was completely blocked by the Third Hokage's words, "I am the Hokage", and couldn't say a word.

"I hope you don't regret today's decision."

With a cold face, Danzo turned around and walked out of the Hokage's office.

The Third Hokage raised his eyebrows and didn't take it to heart.

As long as he doesn't get any advantage here, Danzo doesn't dare to act privately.

At this time, the Third Hokage is still the Ninja God and hasn't aged yet, and Danzo's hand doesn't dare to stretch too long.

This situation will continue until after the Third Ninja World War.

After the Third Ninja World War, Danzo can almost be described as doing whatever he wants.

He's a complete lunatic.

"Are you crazy?"

Tsunade really wanted to open Kushina's head and take a look to see if her brain was a little short-circuited.

Others, Chikage and Minato went to apply for the grade skipping assessment. Why did you join in the fun?

Did you meet the academic standards?

"I think so."

Jōshō hugged his arms and nodded seriously: "Uchiha Mikoto wants to retain her grade, which is beyond everyone's expectations.

This Yagami Chikage is too crazy.

Kushina, you'd better stay away from him."

Uchiha Mikoto, that's a girl that everyone is queuing up to pursue.

But as a result, because of a Yagami Chikage, she retained her grade!

This is just ridiculous!

Just because she promised the other party when she was a child in a pretend marriage, she has to follow the nonsense?

Why doesn't there be a girl as pretty, cute, and gentle as Mikoto who says she wants to marry me?

Jealousy makes me plasmolyze!!

Aahh!! So angry.

"Get lost!"

Tsunade glared at her younger brother: "What does Kushina's matter have to do with you?

Are you embarrassed to talk about others?

If it weren't for your sister, I went to find Orochimaru with a thick face, would he accept you?"

"Sister!! Can't we not mention this?"

As the grandson of the First Hokage, Jōshō's goal is to become a strong ninja like his grandfather and become the Hokage.

Asking him to go through the back door is already very embarrassing. As a result, Tsunade brought it up to educate him.

I also want face.

But Jōshō really hopes to become Orochimaru's disciple, so he begged Tsunade, hoping Tsunade would help make the connection.

With Tsunade's help, Orochimaru decisive lowered the assessment difficulty by a tiny bit, allowing Jōshō to pass the assessment smoothly and become his disciple.

"Go away, adults are talking, what are kids butting in for."

Tsunade doesn't buy this at all, waved her hand in disgust, and told Jōshō to scram.

After sending Jōshō away, Tsunade seriously pulled Kushina and asked: "Kushina, do you like Yagami Chikage?"
