
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

Chapter 272: Transfer of the Eight-Tails! The New Eight-Tails Jinchuriki! A "Big Surprise" for


This moment suddenly caused a stir in the lower deck prison of Moby Dick.

One by one, the ninjas from Kumogakure Village hurriedly leaned on the prison door, trying to squeeze their heads out to take a look at Raikage-sama.

What they saw was a man whose body was wrapped in bandages, and they could see that one of his arms was already gone.

"Big... big brother?!" Although Killer Bee and the Fourth Raikage are not blood-related, the two have always referred to each other as brothers.

Upon seeing the Fourth Raikage, who was wrapped in bandages, Killer Bee immediately became unsettled: "Hey, hey, hey, are you trying to imitating my big brother? Are you trying to intimidate us with such despicable means? Give up, we won't be tricked!"

As he spoke, Killer Bee felt that his words were quite rhyming, he muttered: "yo! I have to remember this part."

"Idiot Bee!" A couldn't help but turn his head and glare at Killer Bee: "Can't you even recognize my voice? I am your real big brother! Not some pirate in disguise!"

The words of the Fourth Raikage stunned everyone, including Killer Bee.

Killer Bee adjusted the half of his sunglasses left, he asked with a dumbfounded expression: "Big brother? Is it really you? But how did you get here?"

After hearing this question, A's face turned even darker, he snorted and did not answer.

In the end, it was Shizune who kindly explained to a group of Kumogakure ninjas: "Three days ago, Raikage-sama suddenly appeared on Moby Dick for some reason, and also caused great damage to Moby Dick."

"Then... Raikage-sama was beaten up by Whitebeard, after three days of life and death rescue by me and Tsunade-sama, we finally rescued Raikage-sama."

Shizune paused, and continued: "Whitebeard-sama also said that where Moby Dick was damaged and needed to be repaired, Kumogakure Village had to compensate a hundred times."

"For example, if it takes a million to repair the damaged Moby Dick, then Kumogakure Village will have to compensate the Whitebeard Pirates a hundred million."

"A hundred million?!"

A was no longer silent, his eyes widened a bit, and his mood became excited again, he shouted loudly: "Dream on! Even if you kill me, Kumogakure Village won't give a hundred million to the pirates!"

Shizune shrugged, she said: "Raikage-sama, perhaps you need to be clear, the current Kumogakure Village is not up to you to decide. Do you think the ninjas in your village wouldn't give that money to us?"

A fell into thought instantly, he was choked and couldn't say a word.

And the other ninjas from Kumogakure Village were completely confused.

So, Raikage-sama came to the Whitebeard Pirates through a special method, wanting to rescue them.

As a result, he was inadvertently captured by the Whitebeard Pirates and became one of the captives of the Whitebeard Pirates?

The ninjas from Kumogakure Village were dumbfounded.

Wasn't Raikage-sama too impulsive?

He actually took on the Whitebeard Pirates all by himself. The key is that Raikage-sama has never beaten Whitebeard!

The Fourth Raikage became a captive of the Whitebeard Pirates. If the ninjas in Kumogakure Village found out about this, it would definitely be a shocking news!

It was also at this time that the last glimmer of hope and expectation in the hearts of all the ninjas in Kumogakure Village vanished due to the appearance of the Raikage.

At first, they were quite hopeful that the village could rescue them.

But who would have thought that even with Raikage-sama personally taking action, they could not be rescued.

Under these circumstances, they had already given up hope.

Soon, Shizune locked the Fourth Raikage in a cell.

"Raikage-sama, please rest assured, the Whitebeard Pirates are relatively kind to their captives, you won't miss any of the three meals a day."

Shizune smiled politely, then left with Tonton in her arms.

The silence in the bottom cell of the ship's cabin lasted for several minutes.

"Tell me in detail, how were you all captured?"

In the end, it was "A" who broke the silence and asked the group of Kumogakure ninjas.

Yugito had a complicated look on her face, she responded, "I was on my way back to Kumogakure Village when I ran into the Whitebeard Pirates and was captured by them."

Samui answered expressionlessly, "Raikage-sama, I was preparing to meet Yugito-sama in Muku Town when I was discovered and captured by the Whitebeard Pirates."

Several Kumogakure Anbu said one after another, "We received Raikage-sama's order to investigate the disappearance of the two-tailed Jinchuriki and Samui, and then we were captured by the pirates..."

Killer Bee scratched his head, "Big brother, they came to me on their own initiative. I and Gyuki together couldn't beat Whitebeard, this guy is really powerful, even more powerful than a tailed beast."

One by one, the Kumogakure ninjas were all talking at once.

From their words, it could be heard that most of them were a bunch of unlucky people.

They could have avoided being captured.

But because they were too unlucky to run into the Whitebeard Pirates.

And they were too unlucky to provoke the Whitebeard Pirates.

Then, they squatted here and became a group of captives.

"A" couldn't help but grit his teeth and said, "Haven't you ever thought about escaping from prison? There's no one watching you nearby!"

Yugito explained, "Raikage-sama, the pirates seal our acupoints and chakra every two days. They have people from the Hyuga clan with white eyes, and survivors from the Uzumaki clan."

"The Hyuga clan's acupoint technique and the Uzumaki clan's sealing technique combined make it impossible for us to mobilize chakra. Escaping from prison is as difficult as a pipe dream for us."

This is the Fourth Raikage talking without considering the difficulties.

Don't they want to escape?

They want to escape all the time.

But they haven't found a single chance to escape, and the Whitebeard Pirates don't give them this opportunity.

Just as "A" was about to say something, suddenly, someone else came.

Uzumaki Fuushi and Kisame walked in, the two of them very purposefully made their way to Killer Bee's cell.

Killer Bee was taken aback, then seemed to think of something, and smiled optimistically, "Yo, is it my turn so soon?"

Having been a captive for a while, knowing about Yugito's experience, Killer Bee had also made some mental preparations in advance.

Kisame grinned, "Ha, the tailed beast inside you, it's really a waste to follow you. Come with us, the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki of Kumogakure Village!"

"Hey!" The Fourth Raikage couldn't sit still, he shouted angrily, "You pirates, where are you taking Bee!?"

Kisame glanced at the disheveled Fourth Raikage.

He sneered and replied, "Raikage-sama, rest assured... We are very experienced in this area, we won't kill anyone."

Under the angry gaze of the ninjas from Kumogakure Village, Kisame and Fuushi took Killer Bee away.

The purpose of taking Killer Bee away was naturally to transfer the tailed beast of Killer Bee.

They had waited so long, until today they wanted to transfer the tailed beast, they had already given Killer Bee enough opportunities.

As long as Killer Bee suddenly "realizes" during that time that he doesn't want to be a ninja, wants to follow the Whitebeard Pirates and become a pirate sailing freely on the sea... 

Then he could keep the tailed beast in his body and become another pillar of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Unfortunately, Killer Bee did not seize the opportunity given by the Whitebeard Pirates.

So today, the tailed beast in his body is going to be transferred away.

After several rounds of internal discussions, the Whitebeard Pirates also determined the candidate.


"...Are we really going to transfer the tailed beast to my body?" Kakashi felt a bit overwhelmed, Pops' attention to him made him feel flattered.

Yes, the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki candidate selected by the Whitebeard Pirates is Kakashi!

"Kakashi-senpai, your Three Tomoe Sharingan consumes too much of your chakra. And you are not from the Uchiha clan, you can't freely open or close the Sharingan."

Shisui said, "Under these circumstances, if you want to become stronger, there is only one way, and that is to become a tailed beast Jinchuriki. Otherwise, the Sharingan will drag down your talent."

Tsunade patted Kakashi's shoulder nonchalantly, "Whitebeard has made a decision, just accept it!"

"Uncle Kakashi, don't forget about Uchiha Obito!" Naruto encouraged, "What if you can't beat him the next time you meet him?"

Kakashi was left speechless by a group of people.

The Sharingan does give him some strength boost in some aspects, but it also drags down his talent.

To be honest, Kakashi's strength has been stagnant for several years, and it has never grown.

The chakra in his body constantly flows to the always-open Sharingan, making his body weaker day by day, and making it difficult for him to practice and become stronger.

Kakashi is not sure... Can he not open the Mangekyou Sharingan because his body is too weak?

But the problem is, can he be a good Eight-Tails Jinchuriki?

Can he suppress this tailed beast?

Can he get the approval of this tailed beast?

"Hehe..." Orochimaru, standing against the wall in the corner, said with interest, "Kakashi, do you need me to bring out a girl named 'Nohara Rin' to encourage you, to cheer you up?"

Kakashi's eyes widened, looking at Orochimaru incredulously.

Orochimaru seemed to see the doubt in his eyes, he smiled, "Anyway, I was the frontline commander of the Third Ninja War, I naturally heard about your experience."

"...No, no need." Kakashi declined Orochimaru, he took a deep breath, "Then, let's start!"

Kakashi walked into the secret room without hesitation.

At this time, Naruto curiously approached Orochimaru, "Who is Nohara Rin? Why did Uncle Kakashi react so violently?"

Orochimaru chuckled, not minding revealing some of Kakashi's past, after all, saying it out loud wouldn't make Kakashi bite him.

So, Orochimaru simply narrated some of the situations he knew to Naruto and others.

Naruto suddenly realized, "So Uncle Kakashi and that Uchiha Obito were teammates! They also had a teammate named Nohara Rin!"

Sasuke felt that the situation was not that simple, "Why do I feel... the three of them, don't seem like simple teammates?"

Haku stroked his chin and smiled slyly, "If I remember correctly, Kakashi's birthday is in a few days, right?"

Ino guessed Haku's idea, "Haku, do you mean to give him a 'big birthday surprise'?"

Neji twitched at the corner of his mouth, "This... there might be a surprise, but will there be joy?"

Karin actually agreed with Haku's proposal, "Uncle Kakashi seems to care a lot about the girl named Nohara Rin, there will definitely be a surprise, and joy will not be lacking!"

Listening to this group of kids discussing, Tsunade twitched at the corner of her mouth.

She looked at Orochimaru speechlessly, "You, do you need to persecute Kakashi like this?"

Orochimaru smiled lightly, "Don't you want to take this opportunity to see what level my Edo Tensei has reached?"

Orochimaru looked at Tsunade, "Tsunade, don't you want to reunite with Nawaki and Dan?"

Tsunade fell silent.

"Hmph!" Tsunade turned her head away, "I'm not a pirate, I don't care for such evil forbidden techniques!"

Orochimaru chuckled, "What if the sacrifice I use is a murderer who deserves to die? That's just waste utilization."

"Or... is it a clone of that humanoid creature? The other party is not even a human, using such a thing as a sacrifice, do you still think this is an evil forbidden technique?"

"And besides..."

Orochimaru laughed, "Who is more evil, the 'kage' of the villages that start wars at every turn, causing thousands, tens of thousands of people to die, or me?"

"Why are people always so tolerant of those war profiteers and ninja killers, but so harsh on a scientist who has a slightly lower bottom line?"

Tsunade knew that Orochimaru was sophistry, saying some crooked theories.

But to be honest, she was indeed moved.


The transfer of the Eight-Tails Gyuki was very easy for the Whitebeard Pirates.

Even if the Eight-Tails Gyuki resisted, it would be useless.

If resistance was useful, the Eight-Tails Gyuki would have escaped from Kumogakure Village many years ago and become a free tailed beast.

In order to ensure that the Eight-Tails Gyuki could be a little more obedient, when Uzumaki Fuushi established a sealing space for Kakashi, he made the sealing space very strong.

So far, the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki has changed from Killer Bee of Kumogakure Village to Hatake Kakashi of the Whitebeard Pirates.

During the transfer, there were no twists and turns, and no accidents.

It has to be said that Killer Bee is indeed a tough guy.

The tailed beast was forcibly stripped out, and he didn't faint from the pain.

At this time.

Kakashi had immersed his consciousness and soul in the sealing space.

"Hmph!" As soon as Kakashi appeared here, he was greeted by the cold snort of the Eight-Tails Gyuki, "Putting me in such a weak masked kid, how much do you look down on me!"

"..." Kakashi twitched at the corner of his mouth, was his body despised by the tailed beast?

Looking up at the huge Eight-Tails Gyuki.

Kakashi felt that this tailed beast seemed not so easy to get along with.



(End of Chapter)

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