
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

Chapter 271: Capturing Raikage! Tsunade's Terrifying Hemophobia Disappears!

It's hard to describe in words the kind of pain that Raikage enduring.

At the same time as the Lightning Release chakra on his body disintegrated on the spot, the skin on his body was also torn open by the force of the vibration, creating numerous gashes.

One gash after another, some only a few millimeters shallow, others several centimeters deep.

It's as if someone used a sharp weapon on his body...

It's the same as cut out bit by bit.

The bones inside his body began to break, even shatter, along with the ravages of the vibrational force!

Even though A's physical strength far exceeds that of other ninjas in the ninja world, in front of Whitebeard's power, his flesh and rotten wood are no different.

Especially his hand that wanted to attack Whitebeard, it was even blasted by the vibrational force!

A's one arm turned into a blood rain on the spot, splashing around, even he couldn't help but let out a scream.

Because this is not something he can control.

This is the body instinctively crying out.

He racked his brains and couldn't figure out why a person's power could reach such a terrifying level?

The strength shown by Whitebeard is something A has never seen before.

Even the Third Raikage didn't have this kind of power, right?

The visible vibrational shock wave hit him directly, causing the Fourth Raikage, who was originally diving down quickly, to be hit by the mountainous vibration and fly into the clouds!

To be honest.

A has never "flown" so high in his life.

If he was in a conscious state, maybe he would have a little leisure time to calculate how high he is from the ground.

But being hit head-on by Whitebeard's vibrational force, A's consciousness had already crashed on the spot.

Not to mention calculating his distance from the ground, he can't even stay awake.

His body was bloody!

Through the gashes that opened all over his body, you can see the white bones inside, and you can also see the wriggling organs inside!

When his body was hit by the vibrational wave and flew to a certain height, the upward flying trend finally stopped.

But under the influence of gravity, A's body began to fall rapidly.

The rapid friction between the body surface and the air even ignited a layer of flame on his body surface, burning his body.

Looking around, it looks like a meteor falling vertically.

The intense pain caused by the burning sensation of the flame woke up the Fourth Raikage A, who had been knocked unconscious.

Struggling to open his eyelids and look down, his pupils shrank into pinholes.

The strong desire to survive in his heart made the chakra in A's body surge again: "Thunder...Lightning Release...Chakra...Mode..."


A's body, wrapped in a layer of thunder light, fell heavily on the ground, causing a loud rumbling noise to form a circle of sound waves, spreading around.

This fall of his smashed a large pit with a diameter of tens of meters on the ground.

The dust raised is hundreds of meters high.


A's bloodshot eyes almost popped out.

He vomited a mouthful of scarlet blood again, and there were even a few pieces of broken teeth in the blood.

This another heavy blow made him roll his eyes again.

This time, he really passed out.

His breath became very weak.

His mouth and nose are constantly gushing out blood, a look of more exhalation and less inhalation.




The edge of Murakumogiri hit the ground, making a crisp collision sound.

Whitebeard stepped closer and closer to the Fourth Raikage lying on the ground.

This battle made Whitebeard feel that it was not as good as the previous battle with Killer Bee.

At least the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki could turn into a big octopus with a cow's head.

Compared with that, the latter is a better punching bag.


"It's over... so fast!" Neji stood on the deck of Moby Dick, looking at the scene in front of him with a shocked expression.

With his Byakugan, he could see the details of the battle more clearly.

From the start to now, Pops had made no more than ten moves, and within those ten moves, he had taken down a Raikage from Kumogakure Village.

Such formidable combat power is truly awe-inspiring.

Neji couldn't help but look down at his own hand wrapped in bandages.

These were injuries left from his recent intense self-training.

"Someday, I will make Pops proud of me too!"

Neji's eyes were not discouraged, but rather filled with a bit of fervor and determination, he murmured.

"Byakugan kid, is the Fourth Raikage dead? Is that guy dead?" A strange puppet came over from somewhere: "Tell me quickly!"

Neji could hear the excitement in the other's tone.

"He's not dead, he's still half alive." Neji glanced at this puppet master called "Sasori", his eyes showing a bit of caution.

Although this guy was a member of the Akatsuki organization before., he has become a captive of the Whitebeard Pirates, 

He is a very dangerous person.

"Not dead? Damn, how can he not die?" Sasori suddenly felt very unlucky: "If he wasn't killed, what should I do with my new art piece?"

He had been longing to rebuild a body for himself.

"Hehe...he is still so powerful! This man, feels out of place with the ninjas in the ninja world." Orochimaru stretched out his long tongue, couldn't help but lick his lips.

To be honest, he wanted to study Whitebeard's body cells even more.

But he also knew that this was obviously a suicidal act.

Orochimaru felt that even if he secretly picked up a strand of Whitebeard's hair, it would probably be discovered by Whitebeard's sons and daughters.

Kakashi below, was amazed: "This ended too quickly, right? Has it been ten minutes since the Fourth Raikage appeared?"

Shisui next to him added: "It's only been six minutes. During this time, the process of us fighting with him took up four minutes of the six minutes."

After hearing this, Kakashi couldn't help but sigh: "So, Pops defeated a Raikage from Kumogakure Village within two minutes!"

Kisame grinned, showing a mouthful of sharp teeth: "I think it took two minutes, but Pops didn't go all out. If Pops went all out from the beginning, maybe... it would have ended in two seconds."

Kisame's words, if put in the ears of other ninjas in the ninja world, would seem like an overstatement of Whitebeard's power.

But when put in the ears of Kakashi and others, they thought Kisame made a lot of sense.

Because they all knew how powerful Pops was.

"Speaking of which, if Raikage is not dead, have we captured a kage of a ninja village?" Uchiha Izumi seemed to have discovered something incredible.

After her words fell, the scene instantly fell into silence.


In the end, it was still Kisame who broke the silence: "How much money you can get for capturing a kage of a ninja village?"

Kakashi thought for a while, he gave his guess: "100 Million? 1 billion?"

A kage of a ninja village represents that the other party holds all the secret information of the entire ninja village, even if they get some information scraps from it, it can pose a fatal threat to Kumogakure Village.

Moreover... The Whitebeard Pirates captured a Raikage of a ninja village, once this news spreads throughout the entire ninja world, if Kumogakure Village can't pay their Raikage back.

Then the whole ninja world will know that their Kumogakure Village is nothing but a paper tiger! 

Especially the other few ninja villages among the five major ninja villages.

Don't think that everyone is quite harmonious in non-war periods.

If they really catch Kumogakure Village in a weak period, one or two of them would love to tear Kumogakure Village to pieces.

And then gnaw a few pieces of fat meat from the body of Kumogakure Village.

Under such circumstances, how could Kumogakure Village give up their Fourth Raikage?

They are sure to spare no expense to get their Raikage back.


Before long, they saw Pops carrying a bloody man and walking towards them.

"Pops, he... could it be that Raikage?" Naruto couldn't help but ask Whitebeard curiously.

"Gurararararara! That's right!" Whitebeard laughed openly: "His body is quite sturdy, I hit him several punches before I knocked him down."

This sentence made Kakashi and others feel ashamed.

Although they are not afraid of the Fourth Raikage when they add up, and even have a lot of confidence, they can defeat the Fourth Raikage.

But they also have to admit that it is not a simple matter to take down the Fourth Raikage in a short time.

If Raikage wants to run, they can't stop him.

However, if the Fourth Raikage falls into Pops' hands, it becomes a matter of a few punches to solve.

If one punch is not enough, then two punches, if two punches are not enough, then a few more punches.

Until, the Fourth Raikage of Kumogakure Village is defeated.

I'm afraid only Pops in the entire ninja world has the qualification to say this.

"Tsunade, this guy is for you." Whitebeard casually threw Raikage "A" towards Tsunade.

Tsunade hurriedly caught the severely injured A.

She first checked the injuries of this Raikage in the first time.

After finding out that the other party still had a breath, Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she rolled her eyes and complained to Whitebeard: "I'm not some kind of injured trash can, don't just throw anyone who gets hurt at me!"

"Gurararararara! Tsunade, don't you realize... your hemophobia seems to have disappeared?" Whitebeard glanced at Tsunade with his hollow eyes.

Whitebeard's words made Tsunade stunned.

At this moment, the blood gushing out of the Fourth Raikage's body had already dyed half of Tsunade's body red.

The viscous warm blood should be enough to scare Tsunade into trembling all over.

But Tsunade found that she didn't feel much.

Although she was startled to see a blood man, and her body was still stained with the blood of this person, it made Tsunade a bit dazed.

But that's all.


There are no other feelings.

"I..." Tsunade was shocked, her beautiful eyes wide open: "My hemophobia, is it really cured?"

As a medical ninja, even Tsunade herself found it incredible.

But on second thought, Tsunade felt it seemed a bit reasonable.

Because hemophobia is a psychological disease, because she is afraid of blood.

This symptom has caused her not to dare to see blood for many years.

Not to mention touching blood.

But since she came into contact with Whitebeard, almost every day she actively or passively came into contact with blood.

She desensitized again and again, and overcame again and again.

It seems that she has forcibly turned her hemophobia around.


The Fourth Raikage of Kumogakure Village suddenly appeared, which was just a major episode for the Whitebeard Pirates.

When the Fourth Raikage was defeated by Whitebeard, the Moby Dick docked here started moving again.

However, this time, the Moby Dick did not head straight for the Takigakure Village in The Land of Waterfall, but went straight in the direction of Kumogakure Village.

They captured so many ninjas from Kumogakure Village, including two Jinchuriki and a Raikage from Kumogakure Village.

It was time to cash in on the wealth.

This is the freedom of pirates, do whatever they want, go wherever they want.

Time was passing day by day.

In the blink of an eye, it was three days later.

The severe injuries suffered by the Fourth Raikage were so serious that even Tsunade, a high-level medical ninja, had to perform surgery on the Fourth Raikage for three consecutive days with the assistance of her disciple Shizune.

Tsunade, who overcame her fear of blood, could personally save the Fourth Raikage, no matter how bloody the treatment of the patient's injuries was.

Of course, even if the surgery went smoothly, A was still unable to move because there were too many places in his body where he had suffered comminuted fractures, tendon ruptures, and organ ruptures...

For the Whitebeard Pirates, the state of the Fourth Raikage was the best.

A in this state couldn't escape from prison, but his vital signs were very stable, and he was firmly controlled by the Whitebeard Pirates.

At this moment, Shizune was pushing a simple wheelchair, and sitting on the wheelchair was a Fourth Raikage who kept shouting.

"Bastards! If you have the guts, kill me! You healed me and want to lock me up, what do you mean?"

"Ninjas can be killed but not insulted! If you don't kill me, when I recover from my injuries, I will fight Whitebeard for three hundred rounds to wash away my previous shame!"

One after another, the shouts made Shizune sigh helplessly: "Raikage-sama, don't be stubborn, please recognize the reality!"

Tonton, lying on Shizune's shoulder, nodded in agreement.

Shizune pushed A to the bottom cell of the Moby Dick.

Let this Fourth Raikage meet the ninjas of Kumogakure Village, and by the way, put this Raikage in.

The appearance of Shizune and the Raikage attracted a lot of attention from Kumogakure.

To be honest, almost no one recognized that A was the Fourth Raikage.

Because he was wrapped like a mummy, even his face was not exposed, who could recognize him?

But as the Raikage, he could recognize this group of people.

He saw the Anbu ninjas of the village, and also saw the Jonin, special Jonin, and even the Jinchuriki of the village!

One after another, the living ninjas of Kumogakure appeared in front of him.

A was stunned.

He thought... these people were mostly dead.

But now, the fact tells A that they are all alive.

"Yugito?" A found Yugito who had been stripped of the tailed beast, and he was dumbfounded: "Wasn't your tailed beast taken away by the pirates? Why are you still alive?"

His voice made all the Kumogakure on the scene shudder.

Yugito's eyes widened even more: "Ra... Raikage-sama?"



(End of Chapter)

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