
Naruto - Light Ninja

In an AU, Naruto doesn't have his fate sealed as a Jinchuuriki of the nine-tails fox; instead, his sisters receive the halves of the Bijuu, and something else emerges in him. He receives powers and memories from another world, a world where there were pirates, sailors, organizations trying to dominate or maintain their power at sea. Naruto ends up being born without any chakra, as the only being in the world without this energy, however, he received something else in return. Naruto has the Pika Pika no Mi. Minato and Kushina are alive.

RaccoonLeague · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 38 - Guild.

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV

Country of fire.



There were some ninjas patrolling within the border between the two countries, as all villages placed ninjas to protect their lands at the country limits.

Naruto stopped at a safe distance, sensing ninjas from the leaf village and an outpost that the ninjas patrolled.

"Can we get through this?" Kimimaro asked from behind.

"It would be easy to take them by air, but I don't want you to always depend on me," Naruto commented as they nodded.

"You must follow me, Akame, stay alert with your Sharingan..." Naruto spoke, starting to jump as he felt some openings created by the ninjas moving around the area.

Akame activated her sharingan and studied the area as far as her eyes could see.

"We should speed up," Naruto said, seeing an opening at one point being closed by a group of ninjas jumping into the area.

They followed, moving faster. Meanwhile, far from them, a group of ninjas was jumping between the trees. "What is this!?" one of the ninjas asked himself.

"Did you feel something?" his colleague asked, since his partner was a sensor and they had caught many smugglers at the border.

"Two chakras leaving the country to the north," he said, sensing Kimimaro and Akame.

"Leaving the country!? Let's go!" the squad leader said, making everyone head in that direction with increased speed.

"This is bad..." Naruto sensed the ninjas heading towards them, as there must have been a sensor there.

"Have we been discovered?" Akame asked, searching with her sharingan.

"Yes, but there's no need to worry..." Naruto said, and a moment later, a wave of force emanated from him, sweeping through the forest with a slight breeze, not making his haki too violent.

The ninjas ran through the forest in that direction and felt the light wind hit them, but found nothing but some weather-related wind, however, soon they felt their knees weaken and found themselves falling at that moment.

"What is this?!" One of them exclaimed, unable to jump to the next tree while falling to the ground, landing and kneeling there unable to stand up.

"This?! A genjutsu, but like this!?" Another ninja stayed on the branch, leaning against the tree.

"They're moving away!" the sensor said.

"Damn, who were they?!" the leader exclaimed, only able to send a report about it without being able to identify who these two ninjas were.

Naruto led them through the border of the three countries and continued into the country of Water Hot while his companions followed him without speaking much after the previous event. They finally entered the country and did not stop, traveling 100 kilometers to the middle of the country, where Naruto wanted to go to a specific city.

They finally emerged in a medium-sized city, with roughly 20,000 inhabitants. Naruto stopped a little before reaching the city. He knew some information about this city that he had acquired some years ago—here concentrated a large amount of work that did not go to the major villages, either because people paid much less than the villages wanted, or because it was underworld work, such as theft, assassinations among other things.

There was a hidden guild in the city where they did mercenary jobs for undercover ninjas or even fugitive criminals who needed money, performing some services without showing their real identity.

He looked at the city for a while as his companions just stayed behind waiting for him to continue, Naruto looked at Akame. She nodded with her gaze as she took something out of the storage scroll. She took out masks, which would be used to hide their identities.

'Let's keep hidden for a few years...' That was his plan, putting on the mask on his face and his companions did the same. After all, it was easy to identify Akame using her sharingan, which could cause the leaf village to treat her as a deserter from the village and clan, he didn't want that until they made a name.

Naruto nodded, seeing everyone ready. Then he entered the city and moved towards its center, looking for the building he had the design for before leaving the fire country. Finally spotting the place, which was a big bar, but not any that just anyone could enter, they landed in front of the entrance, where a security guard looked at them calmly, already knowing they were ninjas.

The security guard spoke. "Do you have something?" and waited for Naruto to say the password.

"I'm just a mercenary, making a living," Naruto said, after all, to enter this place, only acquaintances of acquaintances could pass this password, as if invited by someone from inside.

He nodded and allowed the three to pass, not minding that they were just three kids. "What a weird password..." Kimimaro commented. "Where did you get it?"

"A rich man I owe money to in the land of fire told me I needed to make money to pay him back with interest, and he suggested this place," Naruto explained.

"You owe money?" Akame asked, puzzled.

"It's a long story," Naruto said since he had to pay Tsunade.

"I'll help you with that," Kimimaro said, a bit embarrassed.

"It's alright, let's go in," Naruto said, and they began to enter the place.

It wasn't a very well-lit place, but there were a few tables with some ninjas wearing cloaks and also concealing their faces, while others still seemed to have no reason to hide them, as they drank something offered by the bar in front. There were even some with headbands from the Sound Village, among other smaller countries, since they came here when looking for some specific type of work that their village did not have available.

Their arrival was immediately noticed by everyone, as they looked a bit surprised, seeing the size of the three, indicating that they were just kids with masks while the one leading wore a weird cloak without a shirt.

A low murmur began, with many of them making jokes and laughing questions. Naruto didn't mind and continued forward, that is until someone blocked his path, a large man stopped them and remarked.

"Look, seems like this place has turned into a kindergarten now and also dropped the level... after all, anyone can enter," he complained. "Hey, kids, you should get out of here now!" the man said, not letting Naruto advance.

There was a man at the bar, but he didn't seem to care about the commotion, continuing to clean his glasses to serve new customers.

Akame made a move to act against this man, but Naruto put his hand in front of her. Meanwhile, the man watched this with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh? You really have guts. Get out of here before I finish you off," he warned.

Naruto sighed. And then vanished, reappearing in front of the man while he was in midair at eye level, he simply punched him in the face. The man couldn't react as he felt his nose sink with the touch of Naruto's punch, sending him flying backward, breaking the wall of a place not being used by anyone, with his own body as the projectile.


The explosion resonated while everyone quickly looked at the spot where the man had disappeared and then turned their gaze to the boy who had landed on the ground at that moment. Everyone looked at him unbelievably.

"Hey, hey, that was done by that kid! What kind of strength is that? Jymi was huge, 2 meters tall, how could he fly like a kite?!" They exclaimed among themselves.

Naruto heard all this and couldn't blame them, after all, all the ninjas of this world were used to using techniques and few ninjas really stood out with brute strength. Seeing that boy with that size and weird cloak, punching someone like Jymi and making him fly into the wall was really unbelievable. Naruto, not caring about the wall, the man who flew, or the gossip, continued walking to the counter where the bartender was cleaning the glasses, since the place was a kind of bar.

The man didn't seem to care much about what had just happened. He just cleaned the bar and the glass as if none of it mattered. But as soon as the group reached the counter, the man diverted his attention from the glass, leaving it shiny, and looked at the three children for the first time.

"New blood in the area?" he asked calmly, while Naruto just nodded and his companions remained silent.

"Well, let's get started then, I'll tell you about the house rules," he said and Naruto waited for him to continue, since even though he had received information about the place, he didn't know exactly how it operated.

"Well, first," he began, "you will have to pay for all the damage you caused. It doesn't matter that I am right, you must pay for the destroyed wall," he said calmly, not seeming angry, as this seemed like a common event here. "Second, there can be fights here, but do not kill anyone or cause a third party to die, take it outside if it happens, the guild will place a bounty on your head," he said and picked up another dirty glass to clean with a cloth.

"Another thing, any contract you start here, you have two options with it, either complete it or die trying," he said, after all, there was no halfway done contract among this group. "Either you do it or you don't, there is no quitting here. You choose to do it or not at the beginning. After you accept it, there is no more choice," he commented.

"Alright," Naruto said.

"Well, anyway, we need an initial payment. After all, we can't just let anyone join our guild, can we?" He said, asking for the registration fee, since it was a means of limiting the enrollment of other mercenaries entering the place so as not to tarnish the name of the place with incompetent people, after all, it functioned like the great nations, the contracts sought those who had the best record.

Naruto nodded and turned his face to Akame, who nodded, taking a scroll and pulling out an amount he had taken from the loan shark in the capital before putting it on the scroll.

"That's good," the man said seeing the money. "Now come with me. As you know, we cannot give the best missions to just anyone. So you will start with rank D. As you gain more reputation, the possibilities to take on bigger missions will increase."

"We operate like an independent Hidden Village of ninjas, we accept anyone who is willing to pay, even people who are not ninjas, as long as they can do their job," he explained. "And we have a reputation. After all, everything depends on how our men execute the missions. I don't care about your past, whether you are a criminal or not, as long as you don't have a bounty on your head. And if you do, you'd better hide it, otherwise, a mission will be issued to hunt you down," he said, unbothered by threatening the kids who kicked Jymi a moment ago.

They followed the bartender, to a staircase next to the bar and began to descend. While they arrived in a kind of lit basement. There were some people inside this basement, looking at the boards: men with large swords, samurais, and ninjas from other villages looking for missions they would not find in their villages, but from none of the 5 nations.

"It's quite a big place here," Kimimaro commented, as he looked at the boards full of missions.

"Unfortunately, as I said, you won't be able to choose all of them. You will be limited to rank D. You must register and later put the name with a guild assistant," he instructed. Naruto nodded and saw on the boards that there were no cleaning missions or chasing cats among the D's as there would be in a village.

But missions of assassination, hunting some mercenaries and bandits who had committed crimes or even being someone's security.

"What will we do, Naruto?" Akame asked, curious.

"Well, let's start with a simple mission of hunting bandits," he said, picking up a paper while the man still watched them.

"That's good to start with. I hope you do well, kids. You may have taken down a man at the entrance, but I want to see you handle the mission perfectly, since not everything is brute strength," he commented before continuing. "Moreover, what are your names?" He asked, curious.

"Bone," Kimimaro said.

"Dragon," Akame said.

"Light," Naruto responded last.


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