
Naruto - Light Ninja

In an AU, Naruto doesn't have his fate sealed as a Jinchuuriki of the nine-tails fox; instead, his sisters receive the halves of the Bijuu, and something else emerges in him. He receives powers and memories from another world, a world where there were pirates, sailors, organizations trying to dominate or maintain their power at sea. Naruto ends up being born without any chakra, as the only being in the world without this energy, however, he received something else in return. Naruto has the Pika Pika no Mi. Minato and Kushina are alive.

RaccoonLeague · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 37 - Leaving Fire Country 03!

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV




As Guy left the room, Minato remained pensive, unsure what to think of what he had heard, leaving only Minato, Jiraiya, and Kakashi in an awkward silence.

"Do you really believe that?" he suddenly asked, looking at his sensei. "What happened, do you really think what he said is true? Would Naruto do that?" He asked with a thousand thoughts running through his mind.

Jiraiya was thoughtful as he scratched his chin. "I don't know. The boy has no chakra, it should be impossible. There's no explanation for this," he said, though he thought about how strange the boy was and took the fact that he was different with no problem. After all, Naruto never complained or cried about not being able to be like the rest of his family, making him think about the theories that circulated in his mind before.

He continued, "And it seems he left the village and was not the only one. He used to hang out with that girl somehow and also took her..." Jiraiya said, having seen Naruto with the young girl around the village.

"But strange, 400 meters tall, how is that possible?" Minato commented, surprised.

"I don't know, there's a lot of mystery regarding this," Jiraiya added, while Minato tapped on the table with a finger, looking at a picture of Naruto he had along with his family on the table. "Naruto, what happened to you?" He couldn't help but sigh as Kakashi was in the corner of the room, silently observing.

Minato looked at him. "I want a search throughout the country right now, put all Anbu outside the village." He instructed, watching Kakashi disappear at that moment, leading all the Anbu to leave the village.

This lasted for the rest of the morning, as Minato went back home to try and see how his family was doing, knowing they were not well. His daughters had not shown up at the academy. He found his wife along with them in front of the door waiting for him.

She looked at Minato with some tone of hope. "Please, Minato, tell me you found him, that he's okay," she said, as Minato felt a pain in his chest.

"I'm sorry, Kushina," he began, "but he's not in the village. I ordered a search outside of it, with many Anbu, and it seems he was not alone. There's a girl from the Uchiha clan who also disappeared that no one can find, and it seems she crossed the barrier at midnight," he commented, leaving Kushina surprised and sad about it.

Minato looked at his wife and daughters with a very hurt look and continued cautiously. "I also found out some things about Naruto, things that I can't explain or why he hid this... but I would like you to tell me about any strange behaviors from Naruto in recent years..." He said.

"What do you mean by that?" Kushina seemed horrified by Minato's words.

"It came to my knowledge today that Naruto put a Hyuga genin in the hospital with a bunch of broken bones." He said, still not knowing what to think of what he had heard from Guy.

"You can't be serious?!" Kushina couldn't believe those words. "No matter, I'm going to the search party." She said with a serious tone at that moment, wiping her teary eyes.

"You want to go? You know it will still be very difficult, even you being a powerful sensor. After all, even the village's barrier couldn't detect Naruto." He said a bit surprised.

"I will help in the search and you can't stop me, Minato." She said with determination. "I'm going after our son, and if he is with that Uchiha girl, I can detect," she said and went to change into combat clothes.

It didn't take long for her to leave, while her daughters looked at her still scared. Minato just nodded with frustration, since he had to stay in the village, but that didn't stop him from teleporting if Kushina needed help, after all, she had a Raijin seal, and she just needed to put chakra into it to call him.

She then left, and Minato took care of their daughters. Meanwhile, near the southern gate, a few kilometers away, it was noon when Tsunade was approaching the village, until she was approached by a group of Anbu, who quickly recognized her, after all, she was famous despite not being in the village for many years.

"Tsunade-sama!" he said, surprised because one of the legendary Sannin was there.

"I'm going to the village," Tsunade spoke calmly while the man, unable to do anything else, nodded as she continued on her way.

"They're after Naruto, aren't they?" Shizune commented, seeing several Anbu still here and there in the area, not approaching them anymore as they arrived in the village.

"It seems Naruto is more important than he thought..." She commented seeing so many reinforcements searching for him at the moment.

She stepped in front of the gate while the ninjas there were surprised by her, but no one stopped her from entering.

As she entered the village again after years of not being there, she no longer cared about the number of ninjas after Naruto as she started to jump through the village until she found some gravestones that were in the old residence of the Senjus, which was an abandoned place at this moment.

There were the gravestones of her brother and her former lover, she looked at them while Shizune stood silently by her side. It was some time later that she heard a voice, but she wasn't very surprised, after all, she had felt his presence approaching.

"I hope you do the same on my gravestone," Jiraiya commented as a form of joke while landing near her.

"Tsk." She just clicked her tongue at him.

"You know, I was quite surprised when the ninjas brought the information that my old companion was in the village, what happened, after all, I still remember you refusing us despite our attempts." He spoke and joked at the end. "I hope you're not here to borrow money..." He smiled.

"How long has it been, Jiraiya?" she commented, while he seemed to deny.

"A year ago, I tried to convince you to come back to the Village, but you simply kicked me out just like even the sensei." He corrected her.

"I heard he's in a lot of trouble..." She commented.

"It's true, he can't even leave the Sarutobi residence after what happened with the Uchihas." He admitted and asked her again why she was there. "What changed?" he asked.

"Many things," she said, not wanting to talk much about it.

"Anyway, it's good to see you. We are in search of a missing person, so I can't deal with so much attention right now," he said.

"You mean, Naruto?" she simply commented, looking at the gravestone, while Jiraiya was surprised by that. After all, he didn't remember her knowing Naruto, let alone knowing he had disappeared. But he quickly felt more relieved, imagining that Tsunade asked what all those search teams were about.

"Yes, the Hokage's son disappeared," he began.

She smiled without taking her eyes off her brother's tomb, "That boy... he's quite peculiar. The first time we met, he wanted to charge me a debt. We fought, and the boy was quite persistent and powerful. I never imagined someone would have a natural body like that," She commented, and Jiraiya looked at her as if she were an alien, wondering if he heard right.

"What do you mean by that?" He murmured.

"I'm saying I know the boy, I met him many years ago, he found me in a town near the capital. Did you know he left the Village without anyone knowing and traveled so fast that no one could catch him?" She asked in a playful tone, leaving Jiraiya speechless.

"The boy left the country of fire and nobody can stop him," she continued to speak as she saw her companion in shock.

"I even gave him my necklace, after all, if someone can bring great changes to the world, I believe it will be him," she spoke confidently, Shizune silently shrank with Tsunade's words.

"What do you mean by that? What you're saying doesn't... doesn't make sense. I mean, he has no chakra," he said, coming out of his stupor.

"Thinking like that, of course, it's impossible, after all, he has no chakra and I proved it. But, however, it gave him a different power. You don't know what this boy is capable of doing," she said, leaving him thoughtful with what he had heard.

"He was the ninja of light?!" Jiraiya murmured alarmed.

"He turns into light and moves so fast that even I can't follow him, he will be even faster than his father in the future," Tsunade couldn't help but comment. "Well, it seems his family is quite worried. So, I'm going to do a favor for that arrogant kid and at least notify his family about him," she said.

"..." Jiraiya still didn't know how to respond to all the information he received. "Stop thinking, take me to the Hokage." She demanded, seeing her companion standing there.

Jiraiya snapped out of his thoughts and nodded, leading her to the Namikaze residence. Minato was talking with his Anbu in front of the house at that moment, as he saw Jiraiya and Tsunade arriving.

"I was surprised when they informed me of your arrival, Miss Tsunade..." He said, like Jiraiya, though he didn't want to take time for this.

"Hello, Fourth Hokage," she greeted, while Minato nodded and she continued. "If you're looking for your son, I found him a few hours ago, in the south of the country," she spoke, surprising Minato.

"What do you mean you found him?" He asked.

"Your son hid many secrets. I can even understand, after all, he could be considered an aberration by many. Anyway, let's talk. After all, it seems your son hid many things. However, I know he loved all of you. So, I will at least talk about some things he hid after meeting him many years ago.

Minato heard this and raised his hand, making the Anbu disperse from the location. "What do you mean by that?" He spoke in a tone a bit cautious and somber, after all, apparently he knew nothing about his son. He didn't want to waste time but ended up wanting to hear what Tsunade had to say without any news of Naruto's whereabouts at the moment.

Meanwhile, at the border of the Land of Fire, between the Land of Fire, Land of Sound, and the Land of Hot Water, a beam of light appeared with Naruto landing near the border with Kimimaro and Akame landing right behind, as he swung his admiral's cloak, heading to the specific location after gathering some information all these years. After all, he would start acting in the underworld behind bounties, as a mercenary. That was his initial plan.


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