
Naruto - A New Kekkei Genkai

Kuuro_6988 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


Naruto stood bravely before Sasuke, his eyes blazing with the power of the Sharingan. He held back the giant snake effortlessly, a testament to his growing strength. His grin displayed a mix of determination and sheer willpower, fueled by the rage coursing through his veins.

Suddenly, a long and slimy tongue snaked out from the grass ninja, grabbing Naruto and pulling him towards the sinister figure. Naruto's voice echoed with defiance as he shouted, demanding to be released from the clutches of his enemy.

Perched atop the giant snake, the grass ninja chuckled with sinister delight. He taunted Naruto, referring to him as the "brat of the ninetails," underestimating the hidden power within the young ninja.

But Naruto's anger surged, his chakra burning with an intense red glow. The grass ninja, taken aback by the sudden surge of power, quickly released his grip, realising he had underestimated Naruto's potential.

As Naruto's rage intensified, his whisker-like markings grew more prominent, showcasing the immense power he possessed. He knew that he had to become stronger, surpass his limits, and fulfil his dream of becoming the Hokage.

Swiftly escaping the clutches of the grass ninja, Naruto began circling his opponent, his speed reaching unprecedented levels. With each movement, he unleashed a relentless assault, hurling kunai and shuriken with precision, and launching a flurry of punches and kicks.

Sasuke and Sakura watched in awe, unable to comprehend the extent of Naruto's newfound power. They had never witnessed such ferocity and determination from their comrade before. Naruto's relentless pursuit of strength left them both speechless and filled with admiration.

In that moment, Naruto embodied the spirit of a true shinobi, fighting against all odds and refusing to back down. With his unwavering resolve and incredible power, Naruto blazed a path towards his dream, inspiring those around him and leaving a lasting impact on the battlefield.

"How fascinating," the grass ninja exclaimed, a wicked smile adorning his face as the intricate five-pronged seal appeared on his hand. With a swift motion, he slammed his hand into Naruto's stomach, causing the young ninja's eyes to widen in shock before rolling back into his head. Naruto, now unconscious, toppled from the tree and landed motionless on the ground.

Sasuke's gaze remained fixed on the grass ninja, fear and desperation coursing through his veins. Determination burned within him, and he closed his eyes, allowing the transformation to unfold. When he reopened his eyes, two tomoe blazed in his Sharingan—his eyes had evolved, granting him heightened abilities.

A sadistic smile graced the grass ninja's face as he relished the opportunity to witness Sasuke's every move. Bloodlust oozed from his very being, seeping into the air around them.

Without hesitation, Sasuke armed himself with kunai and shuriken, launching an attack against his foe. But with a flash of movement, the grass ninja struck first, his lithe body darting forward like a serpent. Sasuke, unyielding in his determination, met the assault head-on. His natural agility allowed him to swiftly evade the grass ninja's initial strike.

Drawing upon his training and newfound courage, Sasuke countered with a relentless barrage of precise strikes. His small frame moved with such speed that it blurred in the eyes of his opponent. However, unbeknownst to Sasuke, the grass ninja skillfully parried each attack, narrowly avoiding the lethal blows. Despite this, the grass ninja couldn't help but be impressed by the young prodigy's skill. Sasuke's relentless onslaught only fueled his determination, and he managed to parry the blows with calculated and graceful movements, pushing himself to the limit.

The battle between Sasuke and the grass ninja reached a fever pitch, the clash of their skills echoing through the forest. Both combatants were locked in a deadly dance, each striving to outwit and overpower the other. The forest bore witness to their fierce struggle, the tension palpable in the air.

As the battle raged on, the true extent of Sasuke's growth and resolve began to reveal itself. Every strike, every dodge, and every parry showcased his unwavering determination to protect his friends and surpass his limits. The outcome of this epic confrontation hung in the balance, as Sasuke fought with all his might against the insidious grass ninja.

Sasuke's eyes narrowed into slits as he unleashed the full power of his Sharingan, the crimson hue burning with an intense and almost otherworldly glow. His perception sharpened to a razor's edge, allowing him to anticipate Orochimaru's every move. With lightning-quick reflexes, he deftly sidestepped a lethal strike aimed directly at his chest, causing the ground beneath them to tremble from the sheer force of their clash.

Orochimaru, his eyes gleaming with a sinister glint, extended his arm, revealing a hidden blade poised for a surprise attack. In a swift and calculated motion, he lunged towards Sasuke, attempting to catch him off guard. However, the young Uchiha, fueled by his unwavering resolve, expertly deflected the strike with his own kunai, the clash resounding through the air.

The intensity of the fight escalated further as Sasuke tapped into the depths of his inner strength. Chakra surged through his veins, igniting a fiery determination within him. With a burst of energy, he unleashed a torrent of scorching flames from his mouth, the fire dancing with an almost primal fury. Orochimaru, momentarily caught off guard by the searing inferno, swiftly evaded the flames using his agility and cunning.

Undeterred by Orochimaru's evasion, Sasuke pressed on with unyielding determination. He seamlessly merged his speed and precision, propelling himself into the air with unparalleled grace. His body twisted and contorted in a whirlwind of movement, showcasing his mastery over acrobatics and combat. Sensing the imminent threat, the grass ninja summoned a protective wall of serpents, intertwining and writhing together to form a formidable barrier.

The clash between Sasuke and Orochimaru reached an unprecedented level, their skills and powers colliding with explosive force. Each moment became a testament to their unwavering resolve and unwavering pursuit of victory. The forest trembled under the weight of their clash, as their battle continued to unfold in a flurry of skill, strategy, and sheer determination.

Sasuke's gaze remained fixed on the grass ninja, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and desperation. But within the depths of his being, a fierce determination burned like an unquenchable fire. Sensing the need to tap into his hidden power, he closed his eyes, allowing the transformation to unfold. When he reopened his eyes, the two tomoe of his Sharingan blazed with an intense and mesmerising light—a clear sign of his evolved eyes, now granting him heightened abilities and insight.

A sadistic smile stretched across the grass ninja's face, his excitement palpable as he relished the opportunity to witness Sasuke's every move. The air crackled with an aura of bloodlust that seemed to emanate from the very core of his being, sending a chilling sensation through the forest.

Without a moment's hesitation, Sasuke armed himself with kunai and shuriken, readying himself for the impending clash. He launched himself forward, propelled by a surge of determination and adrenaline. But before his attack could fully materialise, the grass ninja struck with blinding speed, his lithe body coiling and springing forward like a serpent, his movements a testament to his agility and precision.

However, Sasuke refused to falter in the face of his adversary's ferocity. With a keen sense of anticipation honed by his Sharingan, he adeptly sidestepped the grass ninja's initial strike, his body moving with fluid grace. The near-miss only fueled his determination, strengthening his resolve to push forward and overcome any obstacle in his path.

As the battle unfolded, each movement became a delicate dance of strategy and skill. Sasuke's natural agility and lightning-quick reflexes allowed him to swiftly evade the grass ninja's subsequent attacks, dodging with calculated precision. His evolved Sharingan enhanced his perception, granting him a heightened awareness of his opponent's intentions and movements.

In the heart of the forest, Sasuke and the grass ninja engaged in a fierce and intricate battle, their clash echoing through the trees. The struggle intensified, with Sasuke's unwavering determination driving him to match the grass ninja's every move. As the battle raged on, their skills and powers collided with a tempestuous force, each moment bringing them closer to a resolution that would alter the course of their destinies.

Drawing upon his extensive training and newfound courage, Sasuke unleashed a relentless barrage of precise strikes, his small frame moving with such blinding speed that it seemed to blur before the eyes of his opponent. Little did Sasuke know, the grass ninja possessed a skillful mastery of defence, adeptly parrying each of his lethal blows with calculated precision. Despite the frustration of having his attacks thwarted, Sasuke's tenacity only grew stronger, his determination fueling him to push beyond his limits.

The battle between Sasuke and the grass ninja escalated to an unprecedented intensity, their skills and techniques reverberating through the dense forest. The clash of their blades and the dance of their movements echoed with an eerie harmony, a testament to the lethal artistry displayed by both combatants. The tension in the air was palpable, as the forest itself seemed to hold its breath, enthralled by the outcome of this epic confrontation.

As the battle wore on, the true extent of Sasuke's growth and unwavering resolve began to reveal itself. Each strike he unleashed, every evasion and parry, spoke volumes about his unyielding determination to protect his friends and surpass his own limits. With every passing moment, Sasuke's skills sharpened, his movements becoming more precise, and his resolve burning brighter than ever before.

The forest bore witness to the titanic clash, the very trees trembling in awe of the sheer power and determination emanating from the combatants. Sasuke's fierce determination to triumph over the insidious grass ninja was palpable, his every move imbued with a burning desire to overcome any obstacle that stood in his way. With venomous fangs ready to strike, the battle hung in the balance, the outcome a testament to the unwavering spirit and unrelenting strength of the young Uchiha.

Sasuke, his mind racing with quick thinking, attached wires to his shuriken and swiftly threw them past the grass ninja. The shuriken spun through the air, wrapping around a nearby tree and ensnaring their target in a flash.

Whipping his head around, the grass ninja's eyes widened in shock as he found himself trapped. His sinister demeanour momentarily faltered, a rare display of surprise on his face. "A Sharingan windmill," he muttered under his breath, acknowledging the ingenuity of Sasuke's move.

Sasuke's eyes flared with renewed intensity as a smirk curled upon his lips. With venom lacing his words, he uttered, "Fire Dragon Flame." A surge of chakra coursed through him, as his breath became a raging inferno that engulfed the grass ninja.

However, the exertion of the battle took its toll on Sasuke. Dropping to one knee, he found himself struggling to catch his breath. Cuts and bruises adorned his body, a testament to the fierce encounter that had unfolded.

As the flames subsided, the skin of the grass ninja's face began to peel away, revealing a different visage beneath. A sinister voice resonated from the charred remains. "I believe I want you after all, Sasuke Uchiha. You truly are his brother, aren't you?"

Sasuke attempted to move, but an overwhelming surge of bloodlust paralyzed him. The sheer malevolence emanating from the grass ninja left him immobile, his body frozen in fear.

"Who are you?" Sasuke shouted, his voice filled with both defiance and curiosity.

The grass ninja extended a scroll, holding it out before him. As the parchment began to burn, he revealed his true identity. "I am Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sannin," he declared, a twisted smile etched upon his face. "Come and seek me out if you can defeat the three Sound Ninja who answer to me."

Before Sasuke could formulate a response, Orochimaru's body contorted and his neck extended, revealing his true monstrous form. With a swift movement, he sank his fangs into Sasuke's neck, injecting a venomous bite. The pain seared through Sasuke's body, causing him to collapse in agony. Moments later, he succumbed to unconsciousness, while Orochimaru vanished into the shadows, leaving behind only a trail of uncertainty and a promise of future confrontation.