
Naruto - A New Kekkei Genkai

Kuuro_6988 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Sound 3

Sakura's heart pounded with a mixture of fear and determination as she heard the voice of the Sound ninja discussing their plan to attack Sasuke at dawn. Her protective instincts kicked in, and she knew that she had to do everything in her power to keep Sasuke and Naruto safe.

Gritting her teeth, Sakura made a silent vow to herself. She would not let anyone harm her friends, especially Sasuke, whom she held dear. With a surge of courage, she stood tall, ready to face the imminent threat. Her emerald eyes glinted with fierce determination as she scanned the area, searching for any signs of the approaching enemy.

As the sound of rustling leaves reached her ears, Sakura's senses sharpened, and her body tensed. Emerging from the nearby bushes, she spotted the three Sound ninja, led by the bandaged-faced Dosu. His presence commanded attention, and his imposing figure and unique attire set him apart from his companions.

Dosu's eyes locked onto Sakura, and a twisted smile played on his lips. He relished the opportunity to fulfil Lord Orochimaru's command and strike at the vulnerable Uchiha. Sakura's heart raced, but she pushed aside her fear, knowing that her actions in the coming moments would determine the fate of her friends.

With a quick assessment of the battlefield, Sakura formulated a plan. She needed to buy time and protect Naruto and Sasuke until help arrived. Utilising her knowledge of the area, she swiftly guided her friends deeper into the dense foliage, where twisted trees provided ample cover, almost entirely concealing their presence.

Sakura carefully laid Naruto and Sasuke down, making sure they were as comfortable as possible given the circumstances. Her hands moved swiftly, tending to Sasuke's fevered brow with a cold wet towel, hoping to alleviate his discomfort. Though his breathing improved slightly, his fever remained dangerously high, causing Sakura's worry to intensify.

The voice, unhearable to Sakura, echoed in her mind again, emphasising the imminent danger they faced. Determined to protect Naruto and Sasuke, she steeled herself, ready to face whatever awaited them. Her eyes darted around, scanning for any signs of movement or incoming threats.

As Dosu and his comrades prepared for their assault, Sakura's focus sharpened. She knew she couldn't face them head-on, so she relied on her intelligence and resourcefulness to devise a plan. She mentally assessed her surroundings, identifying potential advantages and weaknesses to exploit.

With a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, Sakura braced herself for the upcoming battle. Her hand instinctively reached for a kunai, her grip tight and unwavering. Despite her fear, she stood resolute, ready to protect her friends with everything she had.

"You've been up all night standing guard. We'll take over. Wake up Sasuke, the three of us want to take him on," one of the strangers declared, his voice tinged with arrogance.

Sakura's emerald eyes narrowed as suspicion crept into her mind. She refused to let her guard down, recognizing the danger that was in front of her. She instinctively sensed that these individuals were not to be trusted.

Her voice laced with caution and defiance, Sakura stood her ground. "Who are you? Stay away. I know Orochimaru sent you," she warned, her tone firm and resolute.

Zaku, one of the strangers, sneered and took a step closer to Sakura. Confidence radiated from him as he mocked her. "I'll destroy you, girl, and your little Sasuke too," he taunted, underestimating Sakura's resolve.

Before Zaku could advance any further, Dosu, the leader of the Sound Three, intervened, his discerning gaze surveying the surroundings. His keen observations immediately alerted him to the presence of traps. "Wait, Zaku. Freshly turned stones, exposed soil. Someone has been setting traps. Amateur traps," Dosu remarked, his voice laced with a mix of caution and intrigue.

Sakura seized the opportunity, her mind sharp and calculating. In a swift motion, she triggered a trap from above, utilising her kunai. Dosu's eye widened in surprise as he recognized the danger. "Above us!" he urgently warned, his instincts kicking in.

A smirk played on Sakura's lips as the sound ninja stumbled backward, desperately attempting to evade the trap. However, Dosu quickly realised that the trap lacked the chakra enhancement necessary to be truly effective. Reacting swiftly, he formed a hand sign and utilised the sound-emitting ninja tool attached to his arm. With a burst of sound, he blew the log apart, rendering Sakura's trap ineffective.

Sakura's eyes widened in disbelief, her confidence momentarily shaken. "How?" she murmured, the shock evident in her voice.

Dosu laughed, his tone dripping with derision, as he and his companions closed in on Sakura. "You're completely talentless, aren't you?" he sneered.

Sakura dipped her head, her chest heaving with exhaustion and fear. The battle had taken its toll on her, draining her energy reserves to the point where she felt utterly helpless. "I'm too weak," she thought, her confidence waning as Dosu closed in on her.

Just as Dosu was about to strike, a sudden burst of energy and a thunderous shout echoed through the air, causing Sakura to lift her head in surprise. "Leaf hurricane!" The shout resounded, and a powerful gust of wind erupted from the source of the voice, sending Dosu flying backward, his attack thwarted.

Before her stood Lee, his figure radiating determination and resolve. Sakura's eyes widened in disbelief. "Lee? But why?" she stammered out, her voice filled with both confusion and gratitude. She couldn't comprehend why he would put himself in harm's way to protect her.

"Sakura, I promised I would protect you," Lee replied, his voice unwavering and full of conviction. He took a step forward, adopting a resolute fighting pose, ready to face whatever challenges may come their way. "Let me handle this. I won't let you down."

The sight of Lee standing there, unwavering in his commitment to safeguard her, stirred something deep within Sakura's heart. It reignited a spark of courage that had flickered in the face of her weakness. She realised that she wasn't alone in this battle, that she had a friend who would fight alongside her without hesitation.

Gathering her strength, Sakura straightened her posture and looked at Lee with newfound determination. "Thank you, Lee," she said, her voice filled with gratitude and a renewed sense of purpose. "I won't let my weakness hold me back any longer. Together, we will overcome any obstacle. I am ready."

As Lee heard Sakura's resolute words, a proud smile spread across his face. "I am Rock Lee!" he shouted, his declaration echoing through the battlefield. In that moment, they stood side by side, united in their resolve to face whatever challenges may lie ahead, their spirits intertwined and their determination unyielding.

Dosu charged at him without warning, his speed and aggression catching Lee off guard. However, confusion settled in as Lee swiftly reacted, burying his arm into the ground. Dosu's eyes widened in surprise as Lee ripped a nearby tree out of the earth, swinging it with incredible force in an attempt to strike Dosu. Displaying impressive agility, Dosu managed to dodge the tree just in time, narrowly avoiding the powerful blow.

As Dosu scanned the area, searching for Lee's whereabouts, he couldn't find him. It wasn't until it was too late that he realised Lee was below him. Lee, using his swift and precise movements, executed a swift kick from below, striking Zaku and momentarily distracting him. Capitalising on this distraction, Lee swiftly moved behind Zaku and skillfully began to wrap him in bandages, preparing for his next move.

With Zaku temporarily immobilised, Lee prepared himself for an overpowering manoeuvre. His eyes gleamed with determination as he planned to pile drive Dosu into the ground, intending to finish the battle decisively. However, Zaku, reacting quickly, managed to soften Dosu's impact, using his own techniques to intervene and mitigate the damage.

Lee's powerful move had strained him significantly, leaving him vulnerable and requiring him to shift to a defensive stance. Sensing this opportunity, the remaining members of the Sound Three, Kin and Zaku, sprang into action. Understanding the importance of coordinated efforts, they worked together to distract Lee.

Zaku, utilising his air-based techniques once again, created powerful gusts of wind that assailed Lee, attempting to disrupt his focus and timing. The fierce winds whipped around the battlefield, making it challenging for Lee to maintain his balance and concentration. Meanwhile, Kin, utilising her sound-based attacks, unleashed a barrage of piercing sonic waves. These waves reverberated through the air, disorienting Lee's senses and further impeding his ability to counterattack effectively.

Caught off guard by the combined assault of Zaku and Kin, Lee found himself on the defensive, his movements hampered by the relentless gusts of wind and disorienting sound waves. Despite the challenges he faced, Lee's unwavering determination and resilience shone through as he braced himself for the upcoming onslaught, determined to find a way to turn the tides in his favour.

While Lee remains focused on evading their combined assault, Dosu, the leader of the Sound Three, seizes the opportunity to close in on Lee. Dosu is a user of sound manipulation, possessing a unique ability to channel sound waves with precision and control. As he inches closer to Lee, he unleashes a devastating sonic attack aimed directly at Lee's ears.

The concentrated sound waves reverberate through the air, shattering the eardrums of those unfortunate enough to be caught within its range. The impact of Dosu's attack hits Lee with incredible force, leaving him stunned and disoriented. The world around him becomes a cacophony of muffled sounds, and his sense of balance is thrown into chaos.

Struggling to regain his footing, Lee's movements become sluggish and uncertain. His extraordinary taijutsu skills, which rely heavily on his ability to perceive his opponent's movements accurately, are severely hindered. Dosu, recognizing Lee's vulnerability, seizes the opportunity to strike. Moving swiftly, he closes the distance between them, aiming to incapacitate Lee completely.

Dosu's attack, driven by his knowledge of Lee's weaknesses, is calculated and precise. He targets pressure points and vital areas, aiming to immobilise Lee and neutralise his formidable physical prowess. With Lee's sense of balance disrupted, his speed and agility are greatly compromised, leaving him open to Dosu's assault.

The battle that once seemed to heavily favour Lee takes an unexpected turn, as Dosu's cunning strategy begins to turn the tide in the Sound Three's favour. Lee, despite his exceptional skills, now finds himself at a significant disadvantage, desperately searching for a way to overcome this unforeseen obstacle and regain control of the fight.

Dosu, his arm serving as a powerful amplifier, unleashed an onslaught of punches and kicks at Lee, each strike magnified by the sound it produced. The impact was overwhelming, and Lee's knees buckled under the relentless assault. As Dosu pressed forward, intending to finish off Lee, Sakura, fueled by her determination to protect her friend, rushed towards Dosu, intercepting his path.

"I don't think so!" Sakura shouted defiantly, her voice filled with determination. With swift precision, she launched several kunai at Dosu, causing him to jump back, momentarily halting his advance. Seizing the opportunity, Sakura followed up with a barrage of shuriken, intending to keep Dosu at bay. However, Zaku swiftly intervened, positioning himself in front of the shuriken and utilising his wind jutsu from his arms to block the projectiles.

As Sakura faced the combined threat of Dosu and Zaku, she found herself caught off guard as Kin appeared behind her, seizing her by the hair. Sakura winced in pain, feeling the grip tighten. Kin's cynical laughter pierced the air as she taunted Sakura, suggesting that Zaku should kill Sasuke, Sakura's beloved, right in front of her eyes.

Feeling powerless and unable to summon her strength, Sakura's eyes remained shut as she pondered her own limitations. How long would she continue to be protected? How long would she remain useless? Determined to free herself from Kin's grasp, Sakura swiftly pulled out a kunai and cut her hair short, effectively releasing herself from Kin's hold.

Zaku, seizing the opportunity, commanded Kin to finish Sakura. The tension in the air was palpable as Sakura braced herself for the incoming attack. However, in a split-second decision, Sakura performed a quick hand sign, utilising the replacement jutsu to dodge Kin's assault. With a burst of speed, Sakura evaded the attack, narrowly escaping harm.

Refusing to back down, Sakura pressed forward, determined to retaliate. She launched a series of kunai at Zaku, aiming to catch him off guard. However, Zaku, using his wind blast, skillfully deflected the projectiles, preventing them from reaching their intended target.

Undeterred, Sakura continued her assault, her determination unwavering. With a surge of adrenaline, she leaped onto Zaku, sinking her teeth into his arm after stabbing him in the stomach. Zaku grunted in pain as he forced her off, retaliating with a powerful wind blast. Blood trickled from Sakura's mouth and nose, evidence of the injuries she sustained.

Despite her injuries and the toll the battle had taken on her, Sakura refused to yield. She fell to her knees, exhausted but still resolute. Unfortunately, she found herself directly in the path of Zaku's incoming attack, her vulnerability laid bare before her assailant.

'I lost' Sakura thought, her head hung and she lost hope. However two figures appeared in front of him. Ino and Shikamaru blocked Zaku's attack.

Ino, still smirking confidently, stood before the three Sound ninja, her determination unyielding. "I told you, Sakura, I will never let you show me up," she declared, her voice filled with conviction. Ino's expertise in mind transfer jutsu allowed her to possess Kin momentarily, gaining valuable insight into the enemy's strategies and plans.

Shikamaru, recognizing the difficulty of a direct confrontation against the raw power and unique abilities of the Sound Three, adapted his tactics accordingly. He utilised his tactical genius to trap Dosu in a web of shadow manipulation techniques, restricting his movements and hindering his use of sound-based attacks. Shikamaru's quick thinking and strategic planning kept Dosu effectively neutralised, preventing him from posing a significant threat.

Meanwhile, Choji, fueled by Zaku's disrespectful remark, channelled his anger into a powerful display of strength and determination. With his enlarged form, Choji faced Zaku head-on, absorbing the gusts of wind with his massive physique. Zaku's attacks, once formidable, were now rendered ineffective against Choji's resilient defence. The ground beneath them shook as the two clashed, each determined to prove their strength.

As the battle raged on, Shikamaru's analytical mind continued to assess the situation, making quick calculations and adjustments to their strategy. He guided his teammates, giving precise instructions and coordinating their movements. Ino, now back in her own body, utilised her sensory abilities to detect Kin's subtle movements, anticipating her attacks and effectively countering them.

Together, Team 9 demonstrated the power of their unwavering friendship and trust in one another. Their synchronised efforts and strategic approach slowly wore down the Sound Three, exploiting their vulnerabilities and gradually gaining the upper hand. The tides of the battle had shifted, and the Sound Three, once confident, now found themselves on the defensive, struggling to find a way to overcome the unified force of Team 9.

"We don't have to beat you!" Zaku shouted angrily, his frustration evident. Determined to inflict harm, he directed a powerful blast of wind straight at Sakura, intending to eliminate her. The force of the attack swept through the battlefield, causing dust and debris to fill the air. As the dust settled, it became apparent that Sakura was no longer in the path of destruction.

To the left, Sasuke stood tall, his presence commanding and filled with an intense aura. Black markings adorned the left side of his body, signifying the awakening of his Sharingan. His eyes blazed with a fierce determination, the Sharingan revealing two tomoe in each eye.

In a chilling voice, tinged with an almost sinister undertone, Sasuke addressed Sakura. "Sakura, point out who put you in this state," he demanded, his voice laced with a desire for vengeance and retribution.

Sakura didn't need to respond. The culprits responsible for her condition stood defiantly before Sasuke - Dosu, Zaku, and Kin. Zaku couldn't help but let out a malicious laugh, revelling in their supposed victory. "It was us," he boasted, his tone filled with arrogance and a hint of sadistic pleasure.

Sasuke's Sharingan gleamed, his eyes fixated on the Sound Three. A darkness swirled within him, his thirst for revenge consuming his thoughts. With a flicker of anticipation, Sasuke prepared himself to unleash his newfound power, eager to make those responsible pay for their actions.