
Naruto - A New Kekkei Genkai

Kuuro_6988 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Crimson awakening

As Naruto's imposter dissipated into a billowing cloud of smoke, a disturbing transformation took place before their eyes. Revealed within the fog was a sinister Grass ninja, adorned with an eerie grin and possessed of a grotesquely long tongue. The sight sent a chill coursing down their spines, foreboding the imminent danger that lay ahead.

With a malicious laugh, the Grass ninja taunted them, his voice dripping with wickedness. "Well, well. It seems you desire my Earth Scroll since you possess the Heaven Scroll." A wicked smile played across his face as he tilted his head back, revealing his twisted intentions. In a macabre display, he devoured his own scroll, swallowing it whole, leaving behind an unsettling sensation in the air.

"Let us engage in a fight to the death," the Grass ninja declared, his voice laced with sadistic delight.

Sasuke and Sakura found themselves transfixed, their bodies frozen in place, as an overwhelming surge of bloodlust washed over them. The atmosphere crackled with an inexplicable intensity, as if reality itself had been torn asunder.

Within Sasuke's mind, a realisation dawned upon him amidst the swirling chaos. "A genjutsu," he thought, trembling under its malevolent grip. The experience had felt all too real, a cruel illusion that had tricked his senses into believing he had met his demise.

Sasuke's knees buckled under the weight of nausea, forcing him to collapse in a desperate attempt to steady himself. He retched, emptying his stomach of its contents, while Sakura, overcome with fear and despair, crumpled to the ground, her body trembling with the weight of shattered hope.

Amidst the despair, a flicker of defiance ignited within Sasuke's determined spirit. Though partially paralyzed by the genjutsu's influence, he clutched a kunai tightly in his trembling hand, summoning the remnants of his resolve. In a surge of adrenaline-fueled desperation, he drove the blade into his own leg, breaking free from the immobilising spell just in time to evade the incoming attack. Swift as a striking serpent, he snatched Sakura in his arms, his actions fueled by a potent mixture of determination and protective instinct. Seeking refuge within the sanctuary of a nearby tree, they disappeared from the sight of their assailant, if only momentarily, as they regrouped and prepared to face the encroaching threat with renewed determination.

Sasuke's chest heaved with each laboured breath, a symphony of fear and uncertainty echoing through his racing heart. Panic gripped him, his mind racing to find a solution amidst the chaos that surrounded them. It was a side of Sasuke that Sakura had rarely witnessed—a raw vulnerability that highlighted the gravity of their predicament.

In an instant, a snake materialised between them, effectively severing their connection. Sakura's voice pierced the tense atmosphere, a desperate warning meant to rouse Sasuke from his momentary lapse.

Sasuke's head snapped back, his reflexes honed to perfection. With lightning-fast agility, he deftly evaded the snake's advance, countering with a flurry of shuriken that sliced through the air, aiming to end the creature's life.

The snake, writhing in its final moments, succumbed to gravity, crashing heavily into the sturdy branches of a nearby tree. Sasuke landed deftly on the ground, the exertion leaving him breathless, his chest rising and falling with each ragged inhalation.

But just as a brief respite settled upon him, a voice slithered through the air, causing his blood to run cold. "You shouldn't let your guard down, Sasuke. The predator should savour its prey." Horror etched itself across Sasuke's features as he realised the source of the voice. The Grass ninja loomed ominously in the tree opposite him, his twisted tongue coiled tightly around Sasuke's leg.

Before despair could fully consume him, a sudden barrage of kunai pierced the air, each one hurtling toward the Grass ninja with lethal precision. Sasuke's widened eyes turned toward the origin of this timely intervention—it was Naruto. Despite the chaos unfolding around them, Naruto's voice rang out, with a hint of an apology. "Sorry, Sasuke. I couldn't remember that stupid password."

The kunai projectiles found their mark, bombarding the Grass ninja with a relentless onslaught. The force of the assault loosened the grip of the twisted tongue that had ensnared Sasuke, granting him a precious opportunity to free himself from the clutches of his tormentor.

The Grass Ninja shifted his gaze from Sasuke to Naruto, his piercing eyes seeming to penetrate Naruto's very soul. Naruto, feeling the intensity of the Grass Ninja's stare, cast his eyes downward, contemplating the situation. He couldn't help but speculate, "I'll bet that snake was his." With his arms crossed defiantly, Naruto fixed his gaze upon the Grass Ninja, determined to stand his ground.

Breaking the tense silence, the Grass Ninja spoke, his words laced with an eerie calmness, "My compliments on your defeat of that giant snake, Naruto." His predatory eyes continued to lock onto Naruto, unrelenting and reminiscent of a hungry beast stalking its prey. The mere sight of their foe's snake-like eyes sent shivers down the spines of Team 7, each member feeling a chill run down their backs.

Meanwhile, Sasuke, his Sharingan still active, allowed his thoughts to race, desperately searching for a way to escape the perilous situation. Every time he attempted to devise a plan to rescue his comrades, the Grass Ninja seemed to anticipate his every move, thwarting their efforts and making their predicament even more dire. Yet, despite the discouraging odds, Sasuke's resolve remained unyielding. He knew there had to be a way to turn the tables and emerge from this battle alive.

Lost in his contemplation, Sasuke was suddenly jolted back to reality by Naruto's defiant outcry. Ignoring the fear that threatened to consume him, Naruto bellowed at the top of his lungs, his voice echoing through the tense atmosphere, "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

As Naruto shouted at the top of his lungs, challenging the Grass Ninja, panic gripped Sasuke. He was overcome with the fear that Naruto's impulsive actions would lead to their untimely demise. In a desperate attempt to salvage the situation, Sasuke swiftly deactivated his Sharingan, his eyes returning to their normal state. Focusing his attention on the scroll he possessed, he knew that their only chance of survival might lie in surrendering it.

Gathering his courage, Sasuke locked eyes with the Grass Ninja, his voice filled with a mix of apprehension and determination. "If it is our scroll you want, come and get it," he declared, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "Just take it and go!"

Naruto's eyes widened in disbelief, his mouth agape with shock. Sakura, too, shared a similar reaction, her own mouth hanging open in astonishment. The sudden shift in Sasuke's strategy caught them off guard, leaving them bewildered and questioning his motives.

"What do you think you're doing, Sasuke?" Naruto shouted, his finger pointed accusingly at his teammate. Confusion and frustration mingled in his voice as he sought an explanation. "Is this some kind of clever way of beating the enemy?"

Disregarding Naruto's bewildered outburst, Sasuke remained fixated on the Grass Ninja, waiting for a response. His eyes bore into the enemy, unyielding and resolute, his thoughts racing as he hoped to gauge their reaction.

A malicious grin crept across the lips of the Grass Ninja, his voice dripping with sadistic delight. "Clever, you're natural-born prey," he sneered, revelling in the chaos he had sown. The sinister undertone of his words sent a shiver down the spines of Team 7, emphasising the grave danger they now found themselves in.

Sasuke grabs the scroll and tosses it to the grass ninja in the other tree. Before it could even reach the grass ninja though, The scroll was caught. Naruto landed on the branch that sasuke and the grass ninja were on. His landing left an indent.

"Stop! You'll ruin everything!" Sasuke's voice reverberated through the air, filled with urgency and desperation. He desperately tried to intervene, to prevent Naruto from delivering a blow that would derail their precarious plan.

In a split second, Naruto pivoted on his heels, utilising the rotation in his hips to generate momentum. With a swift and forceful motion, his clenched fist connected with Sasuke's face, causing blood to spill from his mouth as he crashed forcefully into the trunk of a nearby tree. The impact resonated, leaving Sasuke momentarily stunned but resilient, pushing himself up to his feet.

Confusion etched across his features, Sasuke's voice brimmed with a mixture of frustration and anger. "What are you doing?" he shouted, his words laced with a hint of betrayal.

Unyielding in his conviction, Naruto stood tall, his gaze unwavering. "You're a fake. The real Sasuke isn't a coward," he asserted, his voice carrying an unwavering conviction. "Even if we hand over the scroll, there's no guarantee he will spare us. We can't trust him."

Interrupting the charged exchange, the Grass Ninja interjected, amusement lacing his voice. "This is rich, Naruto," he sneered, savouring the chaos that unfolded before him. A twisted smile spread across his face, accentuating his sinister nature. His slitted eyes pierced Naruto's very soul, sending shivers coursing down his spine. The aura of bloodlust emanating from the Grass Ninja was palpable, a chilling reminder of the danger they faced.

"And you're so right," he replied with a twisted, mocking laugh.

As the grass ninja's sinister laughter echoed through the air, he nonchalantly rolled up his sleeve, revealing an intricate array of peculiar markings etched all over his forearm. Sasuke's eyes widened in astonishment and confusion, unable to comprehend the significance of those strange symbols.

The grass ninja's chilling words hung in the air, causing a collective gasp from Team 7. Horrified, they realised that their adversary had no intentions of negotiating or finding a peaceful resolution. The atmosphere grew tense as the grass ninja, with a twisted smile on his face, bit his finger and smeared his forearm with his own blood.

An enraged Naruto couldn't contain his anger any longer. Defying the fear that gripped his teammates, he bellowed, "Shut up!" and lunged towards the grass ninja, propelled by a surge of determination. However, just as Naruto sprinted forward with unwavering resolve, an unseen force struck him, abruptly halting his progress.

A sudden cry of "Summoning jutsu!" shattered the silence, and before their eyes, a colossal snake materialised, its immense form towering over the surroundings. Perched atop the snake's head stood the grass ninja, maintaining a confident and malevolent demeanour. The snake's size dwarfed even the massive twisted trees of the area, its presence exuding an overwhelming sense of power and danger.

Witnessing this unexpected turn of events, Sasuke and Sakura instinctively shouted in unison, their voices filled with concern and worry for their impulsive comrade, "Naruto!"

With an incredible display of force, Naruto smashed through numerous thick branches, his body propelled forward until he collided forcefully with a sturdy tree trunk. A pained cough escaped his lips, accompanied by a flow of blood streaming from his mouth, a testament to the severity of the impact.

As Naruto struggled to regain his composure, the grass ninja seized the opportunity to issue a chilling command, "Let's not take any chances, eat the boy." The enormous snake responded swiftly, slithering toward Naruto with astonishing speed, poised to carry out its master's sinister directive.

However, before the snake could execute its predatory intentions, Naruto unleashed a primal scream of defiance, his voice filled with an untamed ferocity. In that moment, his eyes underwent a startling transformation, blazing crimson with pupils elongating into slits. A surge of otherworldly power coursed through his veins.

Swiftly adapting to the imminent danger, Naruto harnessed his newfound strength. He expertly flipped through the air, generating a twisting force that propelled his leg with formidable momentum. His leg collided with the snake, disorienting the massive creature momentarily, leaving it vulnerable and staggered.

Sasuke and Sakura, witnesses to this extraordinary display of power, were left utterly astounded and perplexed. Naruto had always possessed remarkable raw strength, and Sasuke had observed a gradual increase in his abilities since the conclusion of the first test. However, the intensity and magnitude of Naruto's current power were beyond comprehension. They questioned where this immense strength was emanating from, struggling to fathom the source behind Naruto's inexplicable surge in raw power.

In a cunning move, the grass ninja capitalised on the chaos caused by the snake's assault and unleashed the Uchiha clan's infamous technique—the fireball jutsu. The scorching flames engulfed Naruto, propelling him through the air as he soared uncontrollably, crashing into multiple trees before finally colliding with the trunk of a massive tree hundreds of metres away. Despite his clothes being tattered and seared with burns, Naruto miraculously emerged physically unharmed. His eyes, still ablaze with an intense mixture of rage and hatred, exhibited an unwavering resolve.

Seizing the opportunity to taunt Sasuke, the grass ninja smirked maliciously, uttering the haunting words, "Your turn now, Sasuke." With a wicked grin on his face, he commanded the snake beneath him to attack Sasuke.

Frozen in terror, Sasuke's sharingan eyes deactivated, leaving him momentarily defenceless and paralyzed. However, before the snake could strike its intended target, a sudden blur of yellow materialised in front of Sasuke. Naruto, wielding a kunai in his hand, sported a fox-like grin on his face. The intensity of his slit pupils and crimson eyes emitted an aura of raw power, sending a jolt of shock and disbelief through Sasuke's very soul.

Locking eyes with Sasuke, Naruto spoke the words that Sasuke had once tauntingly directed at him, their roles now reversed. "You're not hurt, are you, you big chicken?" Naruto's playful yet resolute tone conveyed both camaraderie and a challenge, as if daring Sasuke to overcome his fear and join him in the face of adversity.